Yo yo yo! Good things come to those who wait, I suppose.
Right now, life is fucking awesome. I'm talking to a fucking adorable guy, work is going amazing, and I have a couple shows to look forward too. Going to Boston this weekend, in a couple weeks I'm visiting a good friend in New Hampshire than the weekend after that I'm gonna go back...
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I wanna go so bad! I can't wait to see everyone on Sunday!! And I'll try too haha but he lives very far away tongue
Hello, lovelies!
I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I had a nice drunken Saturday. My little brother turned 10 in the winter, but he wanted a pool party so we waited until the summer to have his party. Me, hating children and all, had to get drunk to even tolerate the fact that my yard was filled with loud, obnoxious, wet, sticky, smelly...
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Good luck on becoming a suicidegirl sweetheart!
Hello, everyone!
finally I have time for this site. Work is going great! I really love it biggrin I basically clean up, walk and feed the dogs and take care of the cats that the hospital is boarding,
The job offering I got was for a live in aid for a friend of mine. That one is a full time job, plus its way more lenient....
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Whew. What a past couple weeks its been. But things have settled down a bunch, so its time to get back on track.
I'm currently waiting for my ride home from work, so for now I can't write too much. More deff later, once I can get on my laptop.
Work is going pretty well ^.^ I have a job offerin for a full time...
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Sorry I haven't been around much, I've been having a tough time with my family and shit. I'm still on every now and then, but I just don't have the energy to keep up with anything right now. Work is taking a lot out on me and the stress from home is just adding more shit. I'll post more pictures and blogs soon, I promise....
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Get to feeling better! kiss
Hey hey hey!
I just uploaded a new album, Collages and Whatnot.
Go check it out!

Yo yo yo!
Today is my day off ^.^ I think I'll write some more, considering I haven't written in a while. Its a perfect day to go outside and write in the sun on the grass. Maybe my brother and I will go swimming.
I gots work tomorrow morning. I kinda don't want to go, but it wont be too bad. Its easy work,...
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Turns out the animals have fleas D: we just bathed the dog and sprayed down the cats with a flea spray. Boy did they hate that haha hopefully the dumb blood suckers with go away soon. Its not a major problem to us, but the poor dog and cats can't seem to stop itching. We will get them Frontline tomorrow and take care of it...
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How is everyone's hump day? Mine is going alright. I feel very tired and run down, though. Maybe I should go for a run and take a nice, hot shower.
Work tomorrow! Finally! I can't wait to make some money. Plus I'm bored out of my mind and I need something to do.
My hedgehog needs a bath. He also needs a girlfriend. I...
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I got the job!!! I'm so happy! Its a perfect job for me. I can't wait to get started ^.^
I just want to take some more photo shoots. If there are any photographers in the Boston area that want to take a picture or two, feel free to hit me up!
I'm off to do some work and errands and whatnot. I'll be on...
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Congratulations! I hope the new job goes really well for you! x
Thank you!
Hello, everyone! I just came back from my mini vacation in Boston biggrin I saw Travel Amygdala play on the beach, which was a mind blowingly fucktastic show, as always, and I got to see some great friends of mine. I really needed it to get myself together and not stress. And what do you know, I got a call today and I start work tomorrow...
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