I'm lying in bed wide awake and stoned with a couple minutes to spare, so I thought I'd write a blog and update you all on my whereabouts and whatnot.

Work. So much work. So many dogs. So much poop. But I love it. I fucking love every minute of it. Even though it takes up half my life, I wouldn't trade it for anything...
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So my photographer and I took some pictures last night! Heres a sneak peek ;) today we are taking a few more and editing them and sending them in. Enjoy :D

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Greats shots loving all of them :)
Words just can't describe how utterly wild that ear peeking out of your hair in that 1st shot drives me. It's one of the cutest and sexiest things girls can do and I love it ^_^ Thank you for making my day :-)

How is everyone doing?! I've been good myself, just the usual work and a date now and then :P

I am finally shooting a brand spanking new photo shoot this Saturday, so keep your eyes peeled! This one is gonna be the tits :D

I just wanted to let you guys know more pictures are on the way. I'm off to help decorate the house...
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hello all! How is everyone doing? I've been sick again and dealing with some stressful shit.

But I wont bore any of you with that nonsense!

Work has been going great, as usual. I've been learning a lot along the way and I've also been apprenticing the groomer on the weekends. I can't wait to be a certified groomer!

I've been trying to find a
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Hello, pretties! I just added a few more pictures to my album "Rated R ;)" feel free to take a look and let me know what you guys think!

I've been working like a maniac and working on getting anither job as well as planning out my Halloween festivities!

I don't have a ton of time, got some stuff that needs to be done, but...
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how was the Halloween party? *_*
I didn't end up going to a larty, but I went to Salem and I don't really remember it, but I think I had fun! Haha thanks for asking ^.^ 

I think I finally figured out how to write a blog on the new mobile site. Being a dumbass can be a pain sometimes >.< well I hope this is a blog. I'm not a fan of change, but I'll get used to the new website the more I'm on it.

Its been way too long since I've written anything on here, as well as...
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have a wonderful day lady<3
Yo yo yo! How is everyone doing?
I'm feeling a lot better, myself. Still working like crazy, but its not too bad now that the room isn't spinning.
After work tomorrow, I'm headed back to Boston to see Travel Amygdala play Friday night then traveling to Worchester to see Korn on Saturday biggrin
Sunday my photographer and I are shooting a brand new photo shoot. This...
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Hello, lovelies! I'm currently on the bus to NH to visit a good friend of mine.
Sorry I haven't been around much, I've been working like crazy and I've been kinda sick lately D:
I'm pretty pumped about my mini vacation biggrin next weekend is Boston again for Travel Amygdala then dun dun dun...Korn the very next night! I'm so fucking pumped! And I WILL beat...
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I hope you have fun and feel better!
God damnit your pretty when you smile. It was great seeing you.
Only I would get too stoned and convince myself I put my clothes in the dryer last night and come to find out this morning I totally didn't >.< This is a good start to my day tongue
I've been working like a crazy person lately. More money in my pocket, but I'm so god damn tired all the time.
My allergies have been bothering me...
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Hello all! I hope you are all doing swell ^.^
I've been busy for a couple days with barely anytime to myself, let alone for the website.
On Saturday, I spent most of my day with my sister, just shooting the shit and eating half our weight in food and getting super stoned. Then that night, I visited some friends and crashed at their house....
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Glad you had sometime to enjoy yourself Lovely debut set kiss
On my way to Boston! I'm so pumped for my mini vacation! I can't wait to see all my old friends and my family. I also can't wait to get a nice big bag of marijuana ^.^
My friends band Travel Amygdala is playing at The Middle East Sunday 1-6. They are headlining and if you are in the area, I suggest you stop by...
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My very first set "New England" is now in the member review!
Go take a peek and let me know what you lovelies think! biggrin

Thank you, thank you biggrin