I'm not having the most restful week. I went out for a coule drinks with my boss after work on Wednesday, and didn't get home until 7:30am. I had to go back to work after that, and when I got back CptWarrenCrunch was here, and we went right back out. My friend Alex from Cleveland called me on Thursday to tell me he would be...
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Slow day at the office today. I ended up playing Donkey Kong with the girl who processes refunds for half the day. I'm really liking the new job. The job itself isn't all that interesting, but I really like the people I work with, and that makes the all the difference. I'm going out to to have a couple of beers with my roommate Juan...
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Ya we have been refering to them as domestic terrorists... My boyfriends best friend works at the clinic over in the area that you used to live.... so its really hits home and is really scary.
I know what ya mean...I work in an all-English environment and many of my friends here are Anglos...My Hebrew is suffering from a slow and steady decline.
It's been a crazy few days. I've been drinking with Ben since Tuesday, and we're going right back out again in a little while. I got a job doing customer service for online pharmacies. I don't start until Monday, but it looks like it'll be fine. It pays well, so I can afford to go to Ethiopia after all, which is cool. I've been sitting...
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son of a prostitute eh
yeah. there was no way i was gonna be up an hour and a half after i called but and yeah you do know the story before ive told it but i still needa tell it anyway! you cant wait
ill call sometime in the next couple days

These layout changes are getting kind of stupid. That's all I'm going to say on that subject.
It's a big week for visitors. A couple friends from the kibbutz visited yesterday, EnsignCrunch is comeing up on tuesday, and my buddy Yura is coming up too. It'll be a lot of fun. I still don't have a job, but I've got some interviews lined up, so...
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It's a big week for visitors. A couple friends from the kibbutz visited yesterday, EnsignCrunch is comeing up on tuesday, and my buddy Yura is coming up too. It'll be a lot of fun. I still don't have a job, but I've got some interviews lined up, so...
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youre such a drifter 

living in Tel Aviv
i have acouple weeks off in july! i havent been to Tel Aviv for more then acouple hours! so i want to check it out oh and go to the Hooters there (i heard they built one)

Well, I'm living in Tel Aviv now. I don't have a job here yet, but I'm not too worried about that yet. It's good to be in the city. Not that I didn't like living in the middle of nowhere, but there's only so much of that I can take. If anybody has any leads on jobs in Tel Aviv for somebody who's Hebrew is...
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Thank you man!! And to answer your question:
You could get by with english and some rudimentary english if you stayed in the metropolitan area (San Juan, Guaynabo, Carolina, Bayamon) and in the better parts of all those cities...the better parts of living here are the following: the weather, the food, if you like our food I guess, and there is one pretty good bookstore if you read books in spanish, wich you do not...the bad parts are: unless you live in San Juan and travel during the day time only, the public transportation sucks and the driving here sucks because of too many cars and too much road rage, the local music scene sucks unless you love reggaeton and crappy pop in spanish, but the internet is a big problem solver for dealing with lack of good music. Oh, the beaches here are nice, but you need to own a car to reach them...anyway, let me know if you are coming, and keep up your learning of spanish, because it is a very rich language, and there are so many books and so much music to listen and love...anyway, let me know if you are coming this way!
You could get by with english and some rudimentary english if you stayed in the metropolitan area (San Juan, Guaynabo, Carolina, Bayamon) and in the better parts of all those cities...the better parts of living here are the following: the weather, the food, if you like our food I guess, and there is one pretty good bookstore if you read books in spanish, wich you do not...the bad parts are: unless you live in San Juan and travel during the day time only, the public transportation sucks and the driving here sucks because of too many cars and too much road rage, the local music scene sucks unless you love reggaeton and crappy pop in spanish, but the internet is a big problem solver for dealing with lack of good music. Oh, the beaches here are nice, but you need to own a car to reach them...anyway, let me know if you are coming, and keep up your learning of spanish, because it is a very rich language, and there are so many books and so much music to listen and love...anyway, let me know if you are coming this way!

I think I've had it with this part of the country. I know I've had it with the kibbutz. I think I'm going to move to Tel Aviv.
oooh i've heard of the girl in brazil before... she must be special
good luck!

way to keep me updated bitch! good thing you came on msn
next wk let me know how the job hunt goes. i dont think im going to get a job when i arrive because i probably will need to overload on courses to graduate on courses... we'll see.
do you have any personal space living with 5 other people??

next wk let me know how the job hunt goes. i dont think im going to get a job when i arrive because i probably will need to overload on courses to graduate on courses... we'll see.
do you have any personal space living with 5 other people??
Still looking for a copy of the book for the book club. Slaughterhouse 5 is a pretty well-known book. I would've thought it would be easier than this, even if it is in English. A friend of mine is going into the city on Friday, and I'm going to have her pick up some stuff for me (I still can't walk), but her English isn't...
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If you still haven't found it, I could easily walk up to Powell's, buy a copy of slaughterhouse 5 and ship it to you.
make a new appt yet?
keep me updated!
keep me updated!
I FINALLY got the new job I wanted. It took several months, but they want me to work in the garage. I still can't really walk, but I think they're close to finding out what's wrong with my leg, which means I can hopefully start there soon. I haven't worked on a car in far too long, and it'll be good to be turning wrenches...
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mazel tov 

naw they dont "lock" us in I can go to family if i want but it is a suggestion to stay at the Yeshiva for 1 shabbat out of the month. Since this is the first week of the semester its a "in shabbat" but i dont think they force you to stay... i dont really know
So, I'm on my nineth day in a row off of work. At first it was fun, I went to Tel Aviv, had a great vacation. Now I'm off due to injury. I hurt my leg about two months ago, and it never really got better. Walking around in Tel Aviv has aggrivated it, and now it's hurting just as much as it did at...
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The ulpan i want (Etzion) starts on July 15th and there is a nefesh b'nefesh flight on July 9th that i applied for (still haven't heard yet).
I'll be visiting in May though! 4 weeks from today!
I'll be visiting in May though! 4 weeks from today!
I'm in Tel Aviv, and it is good to be in the city. I'm staying with some friends who used to live at Yotvata. They have this big appartment with what seems like about a dozen people living in it. I ended up walking here from the bus station, just so that I could have some time walking around the city. I like it on...
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did you know dr. jekyll and mr. hyde is only 68 pages? that fact makes my life a lot easier
we have a foot and a half of snow in cleveland... I got a sunburn on tuesday, on wed it started to snow and hasnt stopped. We are in a state of emergency bc. All of Cleveland has no salt........... go ahead and start rubbing it in.

I do love these lazy Saturdays. I'm currently sitting under one of the big date palms in front of the appartment building. It's a beautiful day and my hangover is mostly gone. I am enjoying Steven Bernstein's masterpeice Diaspora Soul. I'm planning a trip to Tel Aviv later this week. I haven't been to Tel Aviv in a long time, and it'll be fun...
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postcolonialists are on crack
חג פםח שמח וכשר!
It's 9:30am and I can't get back to sleep. I drank for 13ish hours last night, and then got about two hours of sleep. I'm not going to leave the appartment today if I can help it. I don't think I can even speak English, so forget about Hebrew. It was a good party though.
its a heavy night of drinking when even jake cannot retain his english verbiage
essay time, will call back in a few days -i doubt you remember my calling last night, i think you were at hour 5 of the marathon by then
essay time, will call back in a few days -i doubt you remember my calling last night, i think you were at hour 5 of the marathon by then
i got my acceptance letter to haifa today
still have a lot of paperwork to fill out but very excited 

Do you know any native English speakers here looking for a full-time job? I need a copywriter pretty fucking badly...Heheh.
I moved here with my family when I was 14, nearly 10 years ago, but it's been an on-and-off affair because I've gone back to live in the States for brief periods of time since then, mostly to work. But the U-ASS is just too much for me at this point.
How long have you been here?
We're looking for English speakers to fill out a few creative positions. Mostly, we need people experienced in Marcom and copywriting...The job is in central Tel-Aviv with a pretty big company. Let me know if you know of anyone who'd like to write about titties and booty all day