I had a Dr. Pepper today. I know that doesn't sound all that exciting, but I really like Dr. Pepper, and this was the first time I've seen it in this country. That's pretty much the only interesting thing going on here at the moment.
oh my i feel like an ass. what country are you in? I have been in and out of the hospital. Not only were you in the country but one of my very best friends in the whole world thought it would be a great idea to pop over to america from hong kong for a surprise visit! also while i was stuck in the hospital. so i didnt get to see her either. sigh. sorry again!!! i hope you're travels were safe and enjoyable!
Hope all is well in Isreal. things are pretty uneventful here.
Our company Chanuka party was last night. I haven't really enjoyed Chanuka-themed events since I was about 10. The food is always good, but it really tends to be a bit dull. Last night was quite different. It's my first Chanuka in Israel, since I was in the US at this time last year. We still lit candles, and sang the same songs, but this...
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Lisa said something about being in Cleveland around the end of January. I should be there.
Feeling slightly homesick today. My roommate is from Boston, and last night we went to the only bar in Tel Aviv that was playing the Indians-Red Sox game. I was the only Indians fan in the bar, and at one point a total stranger gave me the finger. That's fine, the Indians won. The problem was that, with the time difference, the game didn't start...
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thanks for the heads up. I was worried about that.... We are only taking our back packs. So i have to try and plan for 100-20 degrees. yuck. it will be interesting. It only started to cool down here earlier this week, but i justt its going to start to get warm again. Im hoping it will be mild still that early in november....
I havent heard from you in a while... I hope everything is ok!??!
My parents have offered to buy me a plane ticket home. Just for a visit mind you, they're not trying to get me to move back. I guess that would be cool. It's coming up on a year since I was last in Cleveland, and it would be good to be back for a little while before I head off to yet another country. I...
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ya i joined the SG italy group, Im hoping i can get some help there. Right now nannny and housekeeper are looking like options. I would love to be able to find a design position. But this is supposed to be about rejuvination, so i dont want to work to much or a too stressful job. just enough for rent and food.
eh. The italy group hasnt been as much help as i was hoping... i got like make "like sure you get your work visa" replies. uh, no shit!! oh well i ahve been talking to some other people that have given me some good leads. Im going to look into them today. Alright, well let me know if you are coming home anytime soon. And if you do i promise i wont be drunk off my ass.
Wow, human beings are pretty low on my list of things I like right now. I work in a part of southern Tel Aviv that's full of horrible dance clubs. Clubs that are full of the biggest douchebags (arsim, for those who know what that means) that taxis can be sent to fetch. We have a big parking lot in front of our office building,...
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shabbat shalom to you too, jake. never thought you'd actually note that it was shabbat tongue

and yes, nice rant you had goin on there. i guess i cant really protest though, seeing my history.

i got a retail job so im saving up so that i can get trashed in israel and not have it hurt my wallet smile

see you soon!!
haha thanks! hey im headed out to phoenix and the rest of AZ in the begining of Nov...
Live every week like it's shark week.
ya im just not online any more and my laptop is broken so its kinda silly for me to pay again. BUT.... do you have any cute single jewish friends in Cleve? my friend at work, who is super hot, is now single. hehe. we are trying to get her back out!! are you on myspace?
I tried to get a hold of you last weekend, but wasn't able to. Is your number still 01197252890****. Also, how have you been. Has your leg healed up completely? We should try to set up something somewhat regularly on Skype where we can hang out and chat for a bit.
I saw a really good movie yesterday, and I think everybody else should see it as well. It's called This is England, and I'm not sure if it's out in the US yet. Even if it isn't, you can do what I did and download it. It's the first (no, only) movie I've ever seen that accurately depicts skinheads. In fact, the accuracy of...
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When you have a headache and you are tired and you have not slept for forty-six hours and will not sleep for eight more, people will talk louder, and in Arabic.
i bought myself a 2005 six speed mazda rx8 with 11,200 miles on it. Its gunmetal silver. Me likey.
nice apartment, i looked a the pics you sent. definitely very roomy
I am hung over in a very serious way. We had a big party here last night, and I went a little overboard. That's ok though, because it was a hell of a lot of fun last night. I think that's about all I can write at the moment.
YOU went overboard? haha thatd be me like... 100 times over before that could happen!
I got a very tempting offer today. I went out for drinks with a coworker of mine after work today. He's from South Africa, and is pretty much like all the other South Africans I've met here, completely insane. I guess that's why I had to go get a beer with him. Anyway, he's got a friend back home, a Zulu drummaker, who's looking for...
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Everyone in the army thinks that everyone else is an asshole. And theyre correct.

Drummaking? Say in Israel, make drums here. Jewdrums. The best drums.
you are SO fucking random
Well, the 4th of July in Tel Aviv was quite an odd experience. I spent the day at work talking to British people on the phone, which was not without a certain amount of irony. Everybody at work was wishing me a happy 4th as though it was my birthday. When I got home the bar across the street had hung a huge American flag...
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so just coming a day earlier than when i gotta get to haifa now, so im staying at your place that night -otherwise im wandering the streets alone at night and you wouldnt want that tongue
hahaha i like how limor takes credit on your facebook wall for you joining
I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I love Top Gear so very much. You don't even have to like cars to love this show, although it does help. i just watched an episode where they were each given $1000 to buy a car that they would have to drive from Miami to New Orleans. It was a hell of a lot of...
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I don't think they have Top Gear on BBCA so I think I'm out of luck. Say hi to Alex for me.
whoa you can see the Mediterranean out your window!! lucky i see another building! also its cooled down in Jerusalem here today!