Back in the States after moving the rest of my stuff up to my apartment...with my mother. puke So yeah...umm...soooo my apartment looks spiffy now.

Now if only I could meet some nice people in Toronto, but I'm not too worried about that. I'm sure I'll meet some nice people when I start school. The few people I've met in my building seem pretty nice. Seems...
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Hey - congrats on completeing the move. It must have been a bastard.
Heh - not sure what those "early comments" were - maybe I was still finding my SG feet?

Anyway glad you stuck with it - me - and I hope things continue relatively smoothly for your move.
So I now officially have an apartment in Toronto. I went up to sign the lease on Monday and to setup things like electricity, cable, internet, a local phone, parking, etc. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I'm still a little freaked out about the whole thing. For some reason my depression really kicked up Monday afternoon. Monday night was kind of difficult....
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Jack making an ass of himself via blog...for no other reason then he is bored.

Yeah I really should start doing these AFTER I've had a few whiskeys. At least I'd have an excuse. Ok, the reason for my craziness really is boredom. Plus I just kind of little poking fun at myself at times. I mean if you can't laugh at...
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Sorry - anything I can think of I immediately realize could be done better and easier with a $9 stick... whatever
So I got an email from my future landlord saying that the paperwork for my apartment went through and I can come December 1st with first month's rent and pick up the keys.

I'm very excited...and extremely freaked out at the same time.

Other then that I don't really know what to say. I'm really looking to just jumping into moving and getting everything setup...
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Gratz...I think? eeek
What's the proper way to say "I'm sorry but I don't really want you in my life at all. You psychologically messed me up and wanted no part of helping me get better. So please leave me alone. " to someone really close to you.

Nevermind. I guess once I move it will be a little easier to just ignore them.

The apartment stuff is...
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Rambling can be very theraputic.
LOL - the cats are big on blogging I'm sure!
Man the last seven days have been strange hence the really long entry.

I've been to the emergency room where I've had almost every medicial test known to man done to me finding nothing wrong with me.
I got a new cat.
I've been to Toronto
I've found an awesome apartment.

Friday the 14th:
I got to sleep at 12:30am only to be woken up...
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I can never tell if PETA is making a joke or if they are really just that nutty.
Save The Sea Kittens.
Yep, they are that "nutty".

I have stood armed watch over tournament fishing boats. That name sounds impressive, but that it really means is for many guys the largest investment he makes - more expensive than his house in some cases. And these are often cops, firemen, etc. who devote their lives & finances to a sport as much as any elite athlete will.

I'd have been even happier to shoot one of those PETA asshats than an American Al-Queda. The latter is a traitor to his country, the former a traitor to his species.
(Before I start I just want everyone to know this really isn't meant to piss on anyone's parade.)

I'm happy for Obama's victory. I'm happy that my voting choice won out.
But I'm amazed at the reactions of people yesterday and today. It just seems that a lot of people are acting like everything bad has gone away now that he's president elect. I keep...
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We'll see... wink
I have hope. In his speech he seemed cautiously optomistic, I think he was trying to get that message out, that there's a looong way to go (but hooray for the road to better things biggrin )
See I can do regular blog updates. Plus I'm even trying to use my Twitter account more.

Today was a positive day I think. Made some real head way looking for apartments in Toronto. I also think I've convinced myself to chill out about my worrying about finding a place as there is TONS of apartments available. Also it seems there are always something that...
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Thanks for your help regarding Lexapro va. generic. smile Did you ever get my reply to your PM? Hope you did and that you are doing well. miao!!
Mmmm, PS CS4... *drool* love tongue
Hehe - WHAT whiskey? Details my friend, it is all in the graphic gooey details!

So not only did we drive 40 minutes to find a neighborhood, but then my daughter was a basket case due to being on prednisone and I had to carry her half the time. Good times, good times. wink
Yes yes I know it's been a while and I don't really have an excuse as I've really had nothing to do the last month besides look for apartments in toronto via internet. Of course I have no clue where to get the funding for it as my bank is being quite slow in processing my loan application. Luckily my school tuition is paid but...
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LOL - I think I own CS4, but the machine I use most of the time I still have 5.5 on it...!

Can't ever pass up an excuse to upgrade hardware, but have you checked that all of your internal fans are working properly? I have a box of aluminum stick on heatsink fans that I've used to cool chipsets or replace chipset fans. Looked for the manufactuer but it isn't obvious at the moment. Anyway that's helped with a couple semi-unstable systems.

Good luck with the move!
Wow I really didn't expect that I would have to put my cat to sleep today.

Rest in peace, Oscar. You were the greatest and will be missed.
Like I said to Flashmo - I can't imagine there's anyplace else where one moment I'm oogling naked pics of a girl, the next sharing recipes with her - or parenting tips! surreal

Just today I've given advice on dealing with ear aches, fear of flying, and a referral for a top notch shrink. Probably a couple more things if there was a way to easily look back on my comment history.
Hey thanks - You know I think I stumbled across that looking at someone elses profile, but never put 2 and 2 together that there'd be a way to do it for myself.
Woo 6 for 6 on geocache finds today. Yet no one wanted to come with me, how sad.