I had Samson to the Vet on Saturday. Three shots, two boxes of heart worm preventative, a nail clipping and $213 later says he's healthy. Fat, but healthy(Kinda like his owner). So he's on a diet. But other than that, he's free from any disease and such.

I bought a fishing license last week. It was the first time I was fishing in at least...
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word, lemme know whats up when you know, ima sort out some specifics with it this weekend, so ill give you the lowdown on when and where ill be as soon as i know whats up

word my duder
it will be ultimately fresh to see you
It was cool to meet you last night.

Sorry that I didn't introduce myself, for some reason I thought that we had already met.
Here's a peak into why there may be so many fuckheads and idiots in the world today
So I'm on my way to work the other day, listening to the radio, when this song comes on. What an amazing voice! Great hook. I have to find out who this is. So I risk being late for work so I can hear who it is. Of course the piece of shit DJ starts yammerin' bout somethin' completely unrelated. So I did some detective...
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I heard that song on a mac commercial a short while back and downloaded her entire album.
It's probably pretty easy to miss. I just generally get hypnotized by anything apple. It's a fetish.
I've been meaning to pass this on for awhile. Some of my friends out there are into knitting or sewing or whatever and I thought I'd show yuz what they came up with out here in the sticks. The Grateful Thread is a store that opened recently and, well, go to their website cuz they can explain it better than me.

hmmmm im wonderwing why the lady hasnt found this yet......
So this is what's new with me:
Weight Watchers is going really well. Since January 5th, I've lost 46 pounds. Yay me!!!

Now that I've pretty much settled into our new home, I've realized something. I feel as if something is missing. Its been missing for a long time, but I guess I just kept pretending I was a whole person when, in reality a...
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yeah, ihave a terrible case of indigestion, a computer inthe mail, and this weird shortness of breath thing i havent been able to shake for months
other than that im alright

as for some tatzapping, whats your scene like this month, any sundays available,?
sorry about april,the moth hatedme, seriously, so hard.

were going to a sheep farm the second weekend, other than that, i think werre freeeeeee

not like birds though
I know that feeling.
When I get too wrapped up in my own things, and I'm not doing anything for others, I feel really...off.

This Karma couldnt be more proud of you.
I've discovered that I can do video with my camera(I'm a little slow with these things sometimes), so here is my first attempt at a vid. The star is my boy, Samson.

Also, I posted some new pics of him(and both of us) on My Flikr.
dude, youre making me miss my bumper
april is looking mighty hectic, the lady and i's got a photo show one sunday,and ive got a show to shoot another sunday, but thats not definite yet.
this will get worked out, let me get the definite on this one show, and ill pass along the good word from there

ugh its been way too long
Sorry it took so long, but I finally got a pic of the new ride on My Flikr.
ill put it in the ladyfriends ear tonight and well make magic happen
word, ill be in texas through monday, so the lady and i will talk on it , and make magic happenings,

and p.s. what did the calendar ever do to you
for you to look at it wrong
Sadly, I had to leave Lola go. I couldn't risk bein' vehicle-less again. It was hard though. I had that sweet girl for 11 years, and she was worth every penny. I picked up my new ride today. A 2000 Expedition. Now before you all start yellin' 'bout the enviroment and big SUV's, let's remember that I have to use the thing. If I could...
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Are you going to name it?
In certain cultures you may be wrong about that.
Lola, my lovely truck, has taken ill. Its been a week and a half. I've been using a truck from work to get around. I ordered a part that will, I hope, cure what ails her. Its coming from Texas. I hope I'll have it before long. I miss her. When she's back on her feet, I will then be able to reschedule my visit...
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so enough about the woman,
how are you doing these days man, i havent heard much from you.
healing up well i hope?
Let me describe my past week:
Wednesday - Wake up with a screaming toothache. Call dentist. Leave work early. Go to dentist. X-Ray. Absess. Options - Root canal(approx. $750) or extraction(approx. $150). Get antibiotics and call back in A.M. with decision.
Thursday - Call dentist. Yank it! Dentist refers to oral surgeon. Opening on Friday, 2pm. Sniffles begin.
Friday - Leave work early. Wait in...
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Always in the name of science.
I posted some new pics of Samson on my Flikr. He has tihs oh-so-cute way of layin' on his back with his toy in his mouth and picks it up with his two front paws and I finally caught it on film(so to speak).
ooohhh the precious moments
they go by so fast hhahhaaa