dood... i feel like total shit. can't stop thinking about josie... she must be absolutely crushed..........
i've no plans for the weekend other than wash my car - how's that for super-sexy-swingin'-singles?
i really should get out of the house. driving me crazy. just don't feel like being around plastic friends. it's so fucked up how things change in an instant. i'm in an incredible funk. i just want to smash things. time for some RBV and a little nap, i think.
stay. that's an order.
Internet at the new place sputtered along for a few days and went to shit yesterday. You know, that last day of this semester when my two big assignments were due for school.
So I'm over at my buddies place doing them now. Grrr
Yea, so I'm a huge celebrity now. I should have a couple of movie deals pending by this weekend. I imagine Paris Hilton will be calling wanting to party in the Hamptons too.
What will I do?
Back in reality land
Yea, so I've spent the past few days moving, and I mean from starting trips last Thursday night, then starting Friday morning non-stop... Read More
Got some off-site classroom training for the next 2 weeks which will suck ass. This is going to be an ADD nighmare for me. I'd learn just as much as if I just sat there listening to my mp3 player all day.
Just can't wait to get the F outa where I'm living now.
Then I've got a pool,... Read More
I've got a pic of Vivisect on my desktop, and it's such a nice surprise everytime my computer starts up. * sigh
I can't be certain, but I think I get heart palpitations each time.
Work is so damn busy. Fuckin earnin the money boy.
All else is well I suppose. Gonna be moving in with the girl, which is a bit scary but not as bad as I thought. Guess cuz she's at my place most nights anyway, no sense payin for two places. Guess we'll see how it goes. Excited to get the hell out of this place.... Read More
I am doing good, probably because you know what "ma'am" does to me... You and I sure are growing up, aren't we? There's always a part of me that will wonder when my phone will ring at 11:30 some night with a Skin-a-max tip...tipppp... *giggle* Are you almost done with school? Do you have big plans for the weekend with your lady? Have you seen SAW? If not, movie boy, you need to...but I'm sure you have already. Can't scoop you with the movies...and and...i miss you.
Back from the trip. Results are... I'm pretty fuckin good. lol
No, I did pretty good though, especially considering my competition was some of the best in the world. I'm happy. Won some cash and some cool gear too.
Going to be moving out of this old townhouse I've been renting into a nice new pad. Can't wait! End of April.... tic toc
A new place...kick ass! I'm not proctologist, but that sounds like a good idea. How was the trip? Where are the pictures? I saw the one... boys with guns...*swoon*
Read, every day, something no one else is reading.
Think, every day, something no one else is thinking.
Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do.
It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity."
-- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Thing here seem to be moving rather is it that it's March already? Work is great as usual...trying to get things moving with the school thing. How much longer until you're done? What's going on in Phx? Going for a a competition or just to hang and relax and enjoy the flaming titty bars? There are some images that I'll never get out of my mind... Have a great time...enjoy your escape from DC. At least I won't have to worry about you swimming with sharks there...maybe just a stray donkey in Mexico?