Well I'm off to VA Beach to put a few more years on my liver. Yep, not gonna be the same without you bro, but I need to get outa here a couple of days so...

I added a couple more pics as well.

Spread the message of supernovice to all that shall pass

"Fear, chaos, mahem"

Supernovice has all the ladies waiting around for him...Keep your chin up and I'm sure the two of you will be passing rufie's and sharing male-bonding drinking time again soon. Make sure you remember us waiting ladies when you're taking the pictures... wink

Tom has left and he's on his way. I asked him if he was happy and he said he was and I told him that I was happy for him. That's all I can do. My heart hurts, but you're right, he's a big boy. He can take care of himself. I wouldn't want him telling me what I can or can't do...like he could even try... wink

And by the way, Yes, Love the man that can fix things around the house....but also, love the lady that can as well, wink Catiedid...

....And.....HI! smile
aw thanks smile
So supposed to be signing a lease for a new place again soon. I have such committment issues it's not even funny. They just get worse the older I get.

Place is nice, location is great, price isn't bad, owners of the place are cool, BUT this one property manager is a fuckin liberal ass clown. He started to lecture me about how I should...
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Great pictures...Especially like number 3...looks like that has a great story behind it, go ahead and tell us...did you really give him a rufie? shocked I love showing someone pictures and saying..."Okay...see, we were really drunk and then..."

By the way, I sure wouldn't be arguing with someone who has a gun...your property manager is a tool. biggrin
Josephene and I love to play.... wink Great comfort knowing there is someone out there to depend on no matter what. True solid friendships are hard to find and when you find it you gotta hold on tight. But I think you already know that. You and supernovice seem to have that kind of friendship.

Have fun moving smile I don't envy you. Moving is a pain in the ass!!!
Uhhhh, Hi everyone

Yea, I have to go work out now and I have nothing to say so...

Rock, paper, sissors?

nope, I still say..God is in vegas playing craps and black jack with our lives...trust me..

and his son is playing some slight of hand game on the corner of 42nd in nyc. (he's still pissed off he had to die for our sins) roping in the tourists, and the desperate, win and you'll live forever, but its all slight of hand. They lose every damn time....skull
Dood... Wherer the hell are you? Don't make me call you in the middle of night your time... You better be an emailing motherfucker this evening.
I'm out... Time to go pack up for the big trip to the little place that has those little people that we want to help, because we have more in common with them and they wanna be more like us, but they have those other little people who want to kill them and make their country like theirs again, because they hate us and everything we stand for, even though the other guys won their independance... You know where I am talking about... LOL

Damn. I didn't realize how fuckin' funny and vague that was actually going to come out until I typed it- reminds me of Foamy when he's ranting.
I'm not drunk but I've had a few so here goes some shit that just wrote down.

What is this desire I have
The thirst for the unknown
The more I drink the more I desire
This unsationable lust for the impossible
This is what I crave
The untouchable carrot
Higher and higher I climb
Always out of reach
Look how incredibly green those hills...
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"Here we are now,
entertain us..."

Let's just say, " I feel stupid and contagious..."

God, please rescue me from myself. I am my own worst enemy. What do I really have to complain about?
Making killer cash... Working like 4 hours a day - tops... Nice weather, comparatively...
I'm ready to suck-start my Sig Sauer, have the shitty, rude, noisy-ass houskeeping staff scrape me from my walls and go insane, just like me.
For some reason, it's hard for me to take up new interests, or even work on old ones, with so much uncertainty looming ahead.
Why practice guitar or go to the skate park, when I'm only gonna die in a roadside bomb incident in a couple of months?
There's no break from the rain. Rains everyfuckingday. I feel like I've been here for months.
Wanna come visit?
Hi smile

What's new?
I have been advised to update my journal so here goes nothin, (literally)

Ummm, not much new. I went to the gym today like I do most days. Then I went to Subway and got a 6" tuna sub on wheat. Then, then then, I went to work. Now I just got home from work.

I put in for some new jobs. One is a...
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Its actually a goat fuck what ever that is, it describes it perfectly. I actually enjoy the people in the army and it has been an experience I don't regret but don't do it man! I will have to take you up on that offer I love beer!
You fuckin' crack me up, Freak! Made me laugh before I head off to work... Laaaaaaate.
Yea, so I woke up yesterday morning (figuratively) and had evidently had written some more shit. I don't have the slightest recolection of writing this and I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote it but it sounds angry. lol
Holy shit I was fucked up.
But since I have nothing else to post figured I'd throw this out.

You think you beat...
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Damn you JP! now I want Ben & Jerry's...
Not going to do it...
update boy, update!!!
yea, I know you have nothing interesting to write about
but do any of us..really????

D. refuses to speak to me because I am still a member here..

Grrrr mad

Wish I could figure out why I've been so quick tempered the past couple of days. I even woke up in a cranky mood today.

Oh well.

I don't even have anything interesting to say today. Sorry.

Whoa... shocked

What's with the Ambiguosly Gay Duo profile pic?


Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this
three ring
circus sideshow of Freaks
here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.

Fret for your figure and Fret for your latte and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your prozac a
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.
It's a bullshit
Three ring
Circus sideshow of
Freaks here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time.
Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.

Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.
Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will...
I sure could use a vacation from this
Stupid shit,
Silly shit...
One great big festering neon distraction,
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.
Learn to swim.
Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be. Learn to swim.
Fuck L. Ron Hubbard and
Fuck all his clones.
Fuck all these gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes.
Learn to swim.
Fuck retro anything.
Fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memory.
Learn to swim.
Fuck smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas.
Fuck these dysfunctional, insecure actresses.
Learn to swim.
Cuz I'm praying for rain...
I'm praying for tidal waves...
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom, please flush it all away.
I wanna see it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.

Time to bring it down again.
Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.
I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.
I wanna see it all come down.
Suck it down.
Flush it down.
Had another Great weekend full of some fun memories con mi amigo mejor supernovice.
Who would have thought going to Nascar events dressed all pimped out would be so fun.

Not as much fun as an Alkaline Trio concert in DC but... wink

ya know...I was wondering when the word redneck was gonna come up..smile

I refrained...

I'm not a redneck..I've never eaten squirrel or 'possem..I swear.
oh & how's the weather??? enjoying it? biggrin
Have you heard Alkaline's remix of Halloween.

This day.... anything goes"

*chills up spine.
Good stuff.

Whoa...you're right, that is good stuff!

Ps. you can download it on Kazaa..

head down check........ but how will I see when I am driving?
Darkness surrounds me like a warm blanket
I seek it
It is here where I dance with my demons
It hides me
Round and round we go
I should be dizzy from it all
I can't tell wether I'm spinning or falling
Others try to save me
Save me from what, the darkness?
I'm happy in the darkness
Leave me with my happiness
Go to...
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Broke a couple of hearts - but I had no fucking choice at all..... All the back-pedaling in the world coulnd't save me in the time I've left here, and shit wouldn't be fair to anyone. I feel like a real shit head...
Maybe it's selfish, but I can't spend nights on end behind a scope wondering what someone is doing back stateside. Would drive me insane. I'd prefer you say, "we've had some great times, see you in nine months if you don't catch a round and I don't start dating one of your friends..."
I'm a cynic till the end. I see nothing good coming from this trip unless we go to the big dance - then it's time for some retribution. Talk to you soon.

I've learned to tolerate the cold, but this is ridiculas!

As for the time thing...doubtful. School during the day, work nights..go to bed, get up, repeat. but you know..I probably won't let it lapse..I'll probably just go month to month and see what happens..

"Men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

-Eric Arthur Blair
BTW, you'd prolly have more coin if you quit taking days off..... Pinchi idiote'!
Pity party at Jeff's! Eveeyones invited!!!!!!!!!!

Should have come down here, Flake! I went out with Dave and four girls last night, could have used some back-up.

Think I'll go to the gym and try to work off this hangover. Ugh, where's the Pepto Bismol? After about the 4th Jaeger-bomb and 6th Coors Light, things got a little fuzzy... Oh yeah, and, true to form, I spent a small fortune on bar tabs (like ya do) when you go out with a bunch of poor chicks... So, you didn't miss out there....