Dog looking for a new home!!! if anyone can help me I would be so thankful!!! She is a beautiful well behaved Boxer Dog. Approx 7 1/2 years old. She is papered. She is potty trained and some obediance training though I must admist she is a little rusty on some stuff she will sit an stay and lay down when told to as well...
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Beautiful dog. Too bad we don't have a place for her, either.

I'll ask around, though. Hope you find a good home for her!
She is cute, my dad has had 2 boxers, if you lived here he would probable take the dog, I hope you find him a good home.

I GOT IT!!! I GOT IT!!!! I SIGN THE LEASE IN THE MORNING AND GET MY KEYS. Now the fun part starts... moving all my crap and getting electrical and phones and stuff put into my name. OH fun!! but I am SO EXCITED!!! Hopefully my sanity will be at least a little restored!!! YAY!!!!!!!
biggrin i'm so happy for you, if i was up there i would help you move.
Congrats!!! when is the housewarming party??? smile
It has been a rough few weeks with my grandmother becoming more and more unstable all the time with her emotions and trying to buid a relationship SLOWLY with someone that wants to be moving full speed ahead and trying to find a place to live. I am really hoping that the difficult times are coming to an end because I think I may have...
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Why is she becoming more unstable?

I hope you get the place, I want to see you happy.

Fingers are crossed!
It has been a little bit since I have updated. Things are still a bit crazy on the home front. Things with the boyfriend are good. Though there are some issues that concern me that I need to nip in the butt before things get too serrious. I am looking for a house to rent to get out of my grandmothers house so I am...
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Im glad you and the boy are doing good, I hope what ever it is get fixed and you guys can live happily ever after.

I know what you are saying, I dont think I could ever live at home again.

Where in Ohio is she from? That is really great and you know she is going to love you just because you are the one who gets to tell her.
Oh, come on. You, as a sexy, single woman, could have sex on demand pretty much any time you went out! kiss

It's cool that things are going well, though. Good luck finding a place! We're moving in another couple of weeks. We're only going a couple blocks away (to the apartments behind The Block), but we won't have a roommate there, so we'll actually have the place just for us! Woohoo!
Wendy's Frostys with Oreo cookies in them are GOOD!
sounds really good. smile
The house is owned by some creepy guy that is landlord to one of my employees. And since a few employees were there, no... I did not dance around the poll. I left that to them wink The funniest part of the evening was the 22 year old that followed me around all night. Poor kid.
I have absolutly NO patience for stressed out boyfriends at the moment!!!!!! I feel like ripping him a new asshole for no real reason. Well there is reason but it is simple shit that normally I just brush off but today for some reason I just want to SCREAM. Still love him but don't really like him right this minute whatever I'm sure I will get...
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"Other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?" wink
I'm around all weekend if you want to call and vent biggrin
Spent hours sitting at TGI Fridays drinking Electric Lemonade and having girl talk last night!!! I really gotta do that kinda stuff more often!

Definitely funnier that he forgot to sleep with the bible and cross. Your son cracks me up.

BTW, thanks for chatting earlier. Q-end stress truly fucks me up. I try hard not to lose my mind, but it gets harder each time wink

Anyway...when are you coming to visit??? tongue
Update this thing, will ya?

another great weekend!! What can I say. I guess I didn't realize how lonely I was until i had someone to fill the void. It is so weird to me. He wants to take care of me and make everything good! I have never experienced this before it is so strange to me. A man that doesn't think the world revolves around him and he...
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Is it Tuesday yet?????????????? We'll have to chat more about Vegas when I am there. I booked the trip today.
The Ducks lost the western conference finals to the Oilers wink I'm devastated. You may have to get me drunk on Tuesday tongue

Less than 48 hours and I'll be on my plane. I sincerely hope it's not as hot there as it is here.
WOW!! What a weekend! Saturday was the Renn Faire. A beautiful day with great people and then Sunday was Mother's Day and I GOT SPOILED!!!! My day started with Breakfast in bed by my sweet wonderful son and then I had to be ready at noon for my adventure to start. one of the things I have ALWAYS wanted to do. ( you konw.. the...
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Damn that sounds like a great weekend, Im glad you are happy and have got a boyfriend that is good to you.

I dont think I could ever sky dive.

That is a funny sign.
Awwww Happy Belated Mothers Day!!!!!!!!! kiss
love love love I was told not to make any plans for mothers day cause my BF wants to plan something with my son. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!!?!?!?! blush blush blush I am actually excited about a mothers day this year
Hang over? Nope. At least that would've been more fun at some point.
Happy Mother's Day! biggrin

I hope it's as good as anticipated.
Have you ever felt... or known someone that felt like they are just completely cold on the inside like you are truly unable to fall in love again? I am afraid that I am like that now. shocked shocked My walls are SO high that I can't even bring them down. and I am super happy when I am with him but a couple days with out...
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I'm all about theraphy. And Wellbutrin. That combination is helping tremendously in taking those walls down.
You dont know what you have got tell its gone, dont let him go, your just not use to having a good guy around.

I just now got internet back, sorry if I missed anything important this week.
Well this weekend was a pretty good one!! I spent Friday night with the 2 guys in my life. we had a night in and watched King Kong. well I guess you could say... I watched King Kong. They both fell asleep.
I got to wake up to morning sex!! YAY!!! I LOVE Morning Sex love Then he went off to work and Mike and I...
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Boyfriend, eh? Wow biggrin Do I get to meet Mr. Awesome when I'm in town?

Speaking of which, I get in midday 5/30, but come back the morning of the 2nd. Staying the weekend didn't work out.
I'll be free on Wed night... I think. I need to call Misha tomorrow and see if I can get in on Tues or Wed. Depending on which night I can get in, I'll be free the other. Unless you want to come watch me wince in pain while I get my back worked on wink