welp I'm back home from San Diego. Today was good. We reviewed all we learned this week and my favorite thing I am taking away from the entire 3 days is...

F.I.D.O. (Forget It and Drive On) (It could also be FORGIVE IT or FIX IT or my favortie FUCK IT!) In my opinion those are words to live by. Don't get caught up on...
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good morning dork
The pool was great, but I came home to work hell. I just keep reminding myself I need to make it through just a few more days...

I don't know if it's better to have heard people having sex or not wink Especially these people, hehe.

Hope you're having a great weekend!
Day 2 of San Diego Training Seminar.

I had a dream last night. I usually don't have dreams of men that actually have a face but last night... hmmmm I must have been feeling a little frisky or something. I was somewhere with my mom... and this hunk of a man came up and my mom 'instructed' him to sit by me. and when he...
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Stop fucking around and get back to work tongue
My weekend will be filled with chauffering my mother. She rolls into town Friday afternoon and leaves Monday morning. She wants to spend teh weekend in San Diego and I'm resisting. Of course if we don't go to San Diego then I need to come up with something else to do *sigh* and i need to find her a hotel (I can't believe she doesn't want to sleep on my couch! wink )

So, how many pieces did you break the alarm clock into? I think we need to go out on a girl's night and do a little manhunting...
Day 1 one of my seminar in San Diego...

Staying at a hotel right on the beach. Ok before you get too jealous of me... I was awaken at about 2AM with the sound of water. couldnt' figure out what it was thought maybe the people upstairs were taking a really long shower or something and fell back to sleep until about 2:15AM when I...
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Despite my perceived current needs, I saw the program 10+ years ago. If it had been recently, I am sure I would have called everyone I knew . . . or at least ordered a 5" mini for everyone I had an address for at the amazing low price of $3.99 + shipping & handling. tongue
OK, maybe I spoke too soon about the trade, I have to keep my vacation! wink

Glad to hear the seminar has been good. I know when we have our annual sales kick-off we all tend to fall asleep until they bring out the motivational speaker. Some are definitely better than others. I still can't get over the fact that it was raining in your room. I've spent a lot of time traveling and staying in hotels, but never had it rain in my room!

Ahh yes, I am crazy. I just kept myself in check on Friday night tongue I'm at our quarter end right now and doing two jobs for my company. Until July 1, I'm working long hours to keep up. Here's to hoping it pays off!
Hey all! What a weekend!!! Friday night I went out to play with some SG's at a cozy little place Corriander told us about. then saturday while all of my SG friends were partying it up at a beach party that I was supposed to go to I ended up spending the day and evening with my mom in Palm Springs. She lives in Arizona...
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Ah yes good times, it also kills more time which is ether a good thing or bad thing depending on the purpose of the trip. wink
Hey! Friday night was fun. We gotta do that again...soon wink

I'm off to Puerto Vallarta in less than two weeks. I'm dying for it right now. Work may be the death of me!

Good luck with the seminar in SD. My week consists of 12 - 15 hour days in the office. Wanna trade?
A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon.

Four worms were placed into four separate jars.
The first worm was put into a container of alcohol.
The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke.
The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup.
The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean...
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I was sitting outside of Pat and Oscars in San Bernardino, and the awning was shaking and the windows were rattling. Just sat there eating my lunch waiting for the windows to burst, but it didnt happen. It was a disappointing earthquake....


You misspelled my name, forgot the 27... biggrin (need all the pub/traffic i can get to my profile )
yay, you found me! biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

thrasher & i are planning to return to lovely so. cal for the 4th of july, i'm hoping the earthquakes stop by then shocked
MJ's Innocent!!!! What do ya think?

I'll post on my weekend later smile

OK adding to my journal - my weekend. I went on a camping trip with my sons cubscout group. I was all excited! I bought everything you may ever need for camping thinking we were going to be somewhere in the wilderness and where were we??? Well you coudl call it the jungle...
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BATMAN WAS FLIPPIN AWESOME!!!! I am so glad it wasnt sucky. I just got back from seeing it, such goodness, probably will go again this weekend sometime and another trip to hollywood for some digital projected goodness biggrin

No I dont belong to any regional groups, there is SGIE, and I tried to hit up the head, but heard nothing back. I dont even know if it is still active. Plus, I may live out here, but I do not embrace the meth/dirtbike/trailerpark culter biggrin
The week has been aight... well until today...although batman helped!

How is your's so far?

PS.. I posted this in my journal as a comment... its late, im tired confused
Get back to work! tongue
Ok I have changed my name to something a little easier to remember I know it is totally geeky and boring but it is monday morning and I am really not feeling too creative I may come up with something better later. We will see.

I had a crazy fun weekend but I don't have time to tell you about it now. i will tell...
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I wasnt saying that I was dumb in every thing I was just saying that what is the deferents between some one who is dumb in spelling and some one with a spelling disability. ooo aaa
Hey Jenn! hope you have a great weekend? Whatcha gonna do? I think you should take me to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith biggrin
I am such a dumbass sometimes I put this entry in the wrong place on friday. :-/ A southern Baptist minister was completing a
temperance sermon. With great emphasis he said, "If I
had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river."
With even greater emphasis he said, "And if I had
all the wine in the world,...
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aren't you still on the clock? get off the fucking porn site tongue
Wow, you have done a lot more than I have! I'm 31, never married, no kids. (how rare is that?) That would suck if you moved to Texas, I mean we just met! biggrin I don't think I could live in Texas, unless it was in Houston or Dallas, but I hear its strange there too. Have fun at the beach!
A southern Baptist minister was completing a
temperance sermon. With great emphasis he said, "If I
had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river."
With even greater emphasis he said, "And if I had
all the wine in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river."
And then finally, shaking his fist in the air, he
said, "And if I had all the whiskey in the world,
I'd take it and pour it into the river."
Sermon complete, he sat down.

The song leader stood very cautiously and announced
with a smile, nearly laughing, "For our closing song,
let us sing Hymn #365, "Shall We Gather at the River."

VEGAS HERE I COME!!!! I'm going for the weekend and I will have a great journal update next week w. pictures and all :-)
Nice dancing heroes. As if they all didnt look gay enough in their super suits, they do dance numbers. biggrin

So this thing says you and I are a match, So I thought i would drop by and say hi... so Hi! Have fun in vegas, or... I hope you had fun in vegas, which ever one is more appropriate
Ok... Shawndaddy is harassing me again to update my journal so I have decided to write a cynical entry.

10 things I hate

1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time... I know where my damn watch is pal, where the hell is yours??

2. People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire damn room for...
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Dame there is a lot of thing you dont like people to do LOL.

I thank life is way to short for all the shit I want to do even if I live to be 150 years old I still want be abele to get it all done, Im going to have to ask science to come up with a pill that can make me live for 500 years I cant deal with this short life of 150 years.
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Well I don't have much to report! This work week has lasted FOREVER and ended with my car getting broke into. Fun Fun. Damn drug habits man... they make you desperate for pocket change. They trashed the inside of my car and stole my son's DVD player and DVD's as well as CD's that they probably won't even want to listen to and if they...
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Im sorry your car got broke in to that sucks, I'm glad you had fun playing the game. kiss