What an incredible summer!!! Been working my ass off but.. Spent 7 days in Turks & Caicos. When I got back I met a guy from Wales (the UK) that I have been seeing. The most amazing man I think I have ever spent time with. never had anyone make me feel so special and important and sexy and wanted. Unfortunately he is leaving Saturday....
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Well they say that people go in 3's I now have my #2. My grandpa died this morning. He was in his 80's so he had a full life and he has been really sick for a long time so it is good that he is no longer suffering. But it still sucks! I am leaving tomorrow to go to AZ to help my mom...
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I'm so sorry, Hon. I obviously hadn't read this when I left you a message this afternoon. 

Hey hon, just checkin' in to see how you are doing. Miss you!
Michael and I have decided to spend our Mother's Day weekend participating in the Revlon 5k Walk/Run on May 12th in Los Angeles raising money for Women's Cancers. We need to find a cure for this horrible disease and events like this help raise the money to get us closer to doing it.
My money raising goal is only $1,000 and so I am on...
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My money raising goal is only $1,000 and so I am on...
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Inviting yourself is totally fine as you'll be invited anyway! I'm hopefully booking the chapel this week and then will be able to send out details giving the few people interested in attending enough time to figure out how to get there.
Thanks for your lovely comment in my last journal. I think I was just having a shitty weekend. I truly do miss you, Kelly and Kerry a ton. Nothing like having some great girlfriends to gossip and drink with!
IT is so awesome to live in a state that you can take a day vacation just 45 minutes from home
Jump on the train in Orange, Exit the train at Union Station. Get on the red line to Hollywood and Vine. Walk from there to Hollywood to highland. Walk back to hollywood and Vine after stoping at the local sex store
getting back on...
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Jump on the train in Orange, Exit the train at Union Station. Get on the red line to Hollywood and Vine. Walk from there to Hollywood to highland. Walk back to hollywood and Vine after stoping at the local sex store

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Field trip to a sex store and I missed it?!?!?? Damn it!
Hope all is well with you, darlin'
Hope all is well with you, darlin'

Not sure yet as to when. We were trying to get to Alaska so he could meet my parents, but that just isn't going to happen. He is moving in around June, I'm guessing sometime between July and November we'll expect to be in Vegas. I'll definitely give you a head's up
Oh, and you know I was totally testing who really reads my journal vs. skims it. I knew I couldn't sneak it by you.

Oh, and you know I was totally testing who really reads my journal vs. skims it. I knew I couldn't sneak it by you.
Happy Egg Laying Bunny for Jesus dying for our sins and coming back to life day!!! Anyone have any chocolate?

no i don't have any
no candy for me.

What the fuck was with Sanjaya's hair?????? Holly shit!!!!!! That boy has just GOT TO GO!!!
who is Sanjaya? what are you talking about?
We eat better at camping than *we* do on a regular basis as well. 

Had an amazing weekend. Just posted a blog on My Myspace page. I hope you are all doing well!
That's awesome, hon!
Not great about my job, but it will give me a chance to do something new, wither it's still with Boeing, or with another company.
Not great about my job, but it will give me a chance to do something new, wither it's still with Boeing, or with another company.
well you should copy and past it on SG to, some of us don't have myspace.

SO tonight is the 1st time I have felt like I kinda fit in on this site. I was trying to make an appointment to get my hair done before an even this weekend because I am too damn gray for my own good. I couldn't get an appointment so I decide to color my hair myself. After all.. I used to do it all...
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I think it looks pretty damn cute.
You probable fit more on SG then I do.
$1500? Damn that better be some good food. I better be getting sex if I pay that much for food hahahahahahahahaha.
You probable fit more on SG then I do.
$1500? Damn that better be some good food. I better be getting sex if I pay that much for food hahahahahahahahaha.
And obviously you should buy a new pair of shoes.

And obviously you should buy a new pair of shoes.

I just have to say that I am not the one that said
"If you ever really want to have some fun, just go poke at people's heads." that Shawndaddy overheard. though I wish I would have thought of it
because I am sure it *could be* fun. Or funny to watch other people do.
Also I have to say that bob saget is fucking...
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"If you ever really want to have some fun, just go poke at people's heads." that Shawndaddy overheard. though I wish I would have thought of it

Also I have to say that bob saget is fucking...
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And again, it was our pleasure. Thanks for the company, and driving, and for D's book, and for the next time we get together, and all of that! 

Hope you had a great St Patty's day! Mine was interesting, especially as I did not have a single drop of alcohol
Yet a leprechaun did kiss me on the cheek and I spent all day with an Irish man in a kilt.

Being sick sucks! Went to a fun Oscar party sunday night and right before they awarded best picture my stomach started cramping up. I rush home thinking I am going to spend an hour or so in the bathroom and almost 48 hours later I am still not better
Well I am better than I was but now I am on antibiotics for infection and...
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Good luck hon!
I hope you get to feeling better soon, and that your ex realizes he's being unrealistic and obnoxious.

I hope you get to feeling better soon, and that your ex realizes he's being unrealistic and obnoxious.
I'm so sorry you have been sick and I'm sorry you didn't get to stay at your oscar party.
What EX boyfriend is this? he sounds kind of crazy.
we got more snow this year then any other year for a long time, but still not as much as a lot of places.
good luck on the date.
What EX boyfriend is this? he sounds kind of crazy.
we got more snow this year then any other year for a long time, but still not as much as a lot of places.
good luck on the date.
What is the world going to do with out
Anna Nicole Smithto entertain them by tabloid?
I have mixed feelings about this one. I guess there is more urgency now to figure out who the daddy is of the new baby!!
Anna Nicole Smithto entertain them by tabloid?
I have mixed feelings about this one. I guess there is more urgency now to figure out who the daddy is of the new baby!!
By the way, I have discovered some excellent ways to keep warm in Ohio
Cold weather isn't all bad.

Jack is insisting we visit Anna Nicole's grave while in the Bahamas in April.
The pressure at work has just sucked so far this year but I think it will all work itself out. I currently don't have any time in my life for anything BUT work and the kid and the kid is turning more and more into a teenager ever day (YUK!
) Today I had to get on his case for the fact he was talking...
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We had a great time in San Diego, Jack totally gets why I like it there, but in looking at the prices in the area he still thinks ever living there is crazy. Kerry and Bishop were actually in Ohio two weeks later and I practically had them convinced to move here once they saw how huge my apartment is, gas is cheaper, they saw my town home and the price and nearly cried, etc. Kerry is actually ready to move. I just need to convince her husband. Ha!
That is such excellent news about your man. I totally knew it would turn out that way
I miss you too! Think you'll be making it to Vegas in November?