What a dismal day its been. Heavy winds and torrential rain are bad enough, but when your out on the hills of ayrshire in it? not pleasant at all. Nor is getting shot at.......see, i work part time for my uncle, who owns a gun shop and a large clay pidgeon shooting ground, so i go there and sort stuff out, do menial jobs and...
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Thanks again for the info! I might try to get to a computer store tomorrow to ask about getting a cable, or else I'll see about borrowing one from someone. Every so often I think 'fuck it' I want my computer NOW and consider wiping the lot... but if there's a way of retrieving my stuff I'd soon be cursing myself.
someone need a back rub
Well hello the folks that read this.........

feeling like crap today after yesterdays events. Had a nice large fire in one of the sheds surrounding my farm, burned for hours and i got a healthy dose of smoke inhalation taking things out of the shed before they burned and blew up. So fire engines running up and down my drive for 4 solid hours and...
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Yeah that is a good thing

I hate the smell of lingering smoke as it penetrates everything including your skin you will be smelling it for days

You should join SG Scotland, we're all meeting up soon. smile
Ooops....i am learning!! all these supposed skills i have and can't operate a journal like this *cough*....

thanks for pointing that out Gem hahahaha
You have left a comment in your own journal silly!

Just find the SGScotland group and click join. If you are let in you will get a message saying so smile easy peasy