I like the bunnypus. That looks like a bunny septapus instead of a bunny octopus. (Or maybe I'm going blind.)
I am doing OK, and everything will grow back (unlike the hole in Mr. Octopus).
You have 3GB free on your Mac? Luxury! I really do need to get a new one. But, which one? Decisions, decisions...
You have 3GB free on your Mac? Luxury! I really do need to get a new one. But, which one? Decisions, decisions...
How did you hear about the wedding of Boobies Shit and PeePee le Douche? I thought it was a big secret.
Ixnay on the uperherosay. Secret identity, doncha know....
i'm sorry i missed your "drawing a week" one year aniversary

i still have to buy the December 12 2005
Cabaret Monster: "Do NOT upstage me." drawing off you ... i'm way to disorganized lately
Cabaret Monster: "Do NOT upstage me." drawing off you ... i'm way to disorganized lately
She's a little bit country, he's a little bit rock and roll...