Holy rare cancer batman!
Some of you know about my current health problems, some of you are going to hear about it for the first time here.
I'm still recovering from the surgery I had last Thursday, however today I also got a call from one of my doctors.
I have been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer that affects about 1/25000 people...
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Some of you know about my current health problems, some of you are going to hear about it for the first time here.
I'm still recovering from the surgery I had last Thursday, however today I also got a call from one of my doctors.
I have been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer that affects about 1/25000 people...
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I'm back. Admit it, who missed me?
And back for at least a year. I'm addicted to you all, I can't help it.
SO, I'm still recovering from surgery, I need love.
And back for at least a year. I'm addicted to you all, I can't help it.

SO, I'm still recovering from surgery, I need love.
it will be finished.
Off to vegas. YEAH! Vegas baby!
Catch ya on the flip side SG land.
Catch ya on the flip side SG land.
I'm totally jealous you went to Vegas! I want to go!!!
are you kidding me?! you haven't updated anything since lv?! wow kiddo! haha i just called you kiddo. you know you liked it. so when we doing this whole school girl thing? cause i'm kinda excited about it!!

Holy shit, I just read Green Lantern: Rebirth for the first time. Geoff Johns is my hero times a million. I love Hal Jordan, I love Green Lantern, I love this book!
And oh man, when they all recited the Oath together (all the Green lantern's present I mean) I nearly had a neat-gasm. So fucking cool!
And heh, Hal punched Batman in the face....
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And oh man, when they all recited the Oath together (all the Green lantern's present I mean) I nearly had a neat-gasm. So fucking cool!
And heh, Hal punched Batman in the face....
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Been awhile hasn't it? I'd ask if you had missed me, but then I'm almost certain no one noticed the absence.
Busy last couple of weeks, but while my body has been endurign the hardships of day to day life, my mind has been active and off in its own creative orgy. I've always wanted to be a writer, its a passion I strive for,...
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Busy last couple of weeks, but while my body has been endurign the hardships of day to day life, my mind has been active and off in its own creative orgy. I've always wanted to be a writer, its a passion I strive for,...
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Have I perhaps found what it is that I am destined to do? The distinct possiblity exists that I have.
The story begins with my search for a copy of Countdown #51 (for those not in the know, thats actually the first issue, the series is going to countdown to #0 with an issue coming out each week). I had missed out on DC's last...
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The story begins with my search for a copy of Countdown #51 (for those not in the know, thats actually the first issue, the series is going to countdown to #0 with an issue coming out each week). I had missed out on DC's last...
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Well alright, alright , alright! Let the movie blitz begin! Starting with Sipderman 3 last weekend, the list of upcoming flicks that I want, no NEED, to see doesn't really begin to dwindle untl after Transformers hits in July. And the one flick I'm REALLY excited to see, Fantastic Four: Rise of the SIlver Surfer, is nicely right smack dab in the middle of it...
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Ah nostalgia. Because of a conversation at work I had this sudden desire, no not desire, NEED to see the original Batman film. I probably hadn't seen this film in at least a couple of years, if not more. Jack Nicholson is brilliant as the Joker, and of course, everyone knows that. The last time I saw this movie I think it was still with...
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I got some thanks I need to give out.
First off, major thanks to both my sister and to Pookie. Seriously talking to you two the other day helped my mental state quite a bit. You managed to cheer me up major time and put me in a much better frame of mind. And I won't lie, I had slipped down my slope pretty far....
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First off, major thanks to both my sister and to Pookie. Seriously talking to you two the other day helped my mental state quite a bit. You managed to cheer me up major time and put me in a much better frame of mind. And I won't lie, I had slipped down my slope pretty far....
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I'm super stoked about spiderman 3.
Not so much fantastic 4 2.. i was super disappointed with the first one. Like.. the movie was good until the end.. but WTF? They call that the end movie battle? It took them about 2 seconds to take that guy down.
So far my favorite movie of the year is 300, hands down.
Spiderman 3 might change that.. if it doesnt then I thinnk 300 will remain my fav movie of the year.
I dont have high expectations for pirates of the carribean 3... i wasnt really into the first 2.
Not so much fantastic 4 2.. i was super disappointed with the first one. Like.. the movie was good until the end.. but WTF? They call that the end movie battle? It took them about 2 seconds to take that guy down.
So far my favorite movie of the year is 300, hands down.
Spiderman 3 might change that.. if it doesnt then I thinnk 300 will remain my fav movie of the year.
I dont have high expectations for pirates of the carribean 3... i wasnt really into the first 2.
i am glad that i could be of assistance hun. that's what i am here for. random nakedness and cheering you up!

The great LAN adventure!
So I'm not at home, haven't been since Tuesday. I packed up the nerd essentials (Guitar Hero 1 & 2, PS2, Sonic Mega Collection, the DS, and the computer) and headed off to Harley's. As of end of day 1 he and I had managed to stay up until 6:30 AM, get in some games of Puzzle Quest (we were tied...
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So I'm not at home, haven't been since Tuesday. I packed up the nerd essentials (Guitar Hero 1 & 2, PS2, Sonic Mega Collection, the DS, and the computer) and headed off to Harley's. As of end of day 1 he and I had managed to stay up until 6:30 AM, get in some games of Puzzle Quest (we were tied...
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I havent been to a lan in YEARS
I miss it
I miss it

Muahahaha, now THAT was a complete weekend. And what a good start, on Friday I was delighted to find I'd got my tax return. Thus begin the spending spree!
You have aquired [Nintendo DS Lite]x1!
Yep I bought me a DS Lite friday night after work, picked up Mario Kart DS and Final Fantasy 3, previously unreleased here on these...
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Muahahaha, now THAT was a complete weekend. And what a good start, on Friday I was delighted to find I'd got my tax return. Thus begin the spending spree!
You have aquired [Nintendo DS Lite]x1!
Yep I bought me a DS Lite friday night after work, picked up Mario Kart DS and Final Fantasy 3, previously unreleased here on these...
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what? no talk of the hot wal-mart chick you encountered?! how rude and you even wanted me to stalk her. lol. but yeah i work at the new one not the old one. it is great i love it! so when are we going shopping punk?
You are right, I completely forgot to even mention her! She was just all cute and stuff, curse me for not getting up the courage to say anything!
Alright so Grindhouse kinda rocked a whole lot. I took this Monday off for shits and giggles of course, and ended up grabbing a couple of buddies and hitting the theater. We sat down for some Grindhose, not really knowing what to expect, I mean we knew the names, we knew the plots, but we didn't really know what to expect of this double feature....
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and you owe me a visit to see that movie dangit! haha you told me you would at least. maybe jessi and dave and you and i could go next week or something...er well weekend i guess...nope shit i work all next weekend...lol. well sometime

haha without your girls there huh? did you know my girls are pierced now?! haha anyway...um i have today and tomorrow off...and then wednesday and then i believe tuesday and wednesday...so um...anytime other than that it has to be before two and after ten. so just let me know when is good for you