I have no comfort food. This is a dangerous problem you see. Because I'm fairly certain as of the second, comfort is something I could do with having more of.

I think I got Dear Johned by Dani. Which is good, I mean it was a long time coming and probably necessary at this point. We've talked. Sort of. She loves her husband and she's...
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Sorry man. Wish i knew what else to say.
I don't know. I will say i totally admire what you did, and hopefully we'll get to see you come back stronger.
Good luck at school too.
I do wonder if i had the ability to erase these past few months, whether i would or not. Probably not i say. I mean despite a few words that should never have been said, i don't think we should change anything. Following our heart is something to be proud of i reckon. It doesn't always feel like it, but it must be better than being tied up with regrets right?
I'm not sure what happens from here but i'm sure we'd do it again in an instant.

As for today, i'm gonna order Say anything on blu ray. Because John cusack always had the answers.
You know those giant red PANIC buttons? The ones that you only press in emergencies? Yeah, someone find me one of those and fucking push it already. Because I am in panic mode. There were developments, things happened.

Dani. Oh, Dani. Danielle. Oh my.

There's this distinct possibility that I agreed to go with her to Dragon Con. She's going to book the hotel room...
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I fully endorse this.
I like this. This is how life should be.
I think they sell panic buttons in japan actually.
Seriously, you've got this far, this HAS to happen. I wish you the best man, you're doing what a lot of us other guys wish we could do.

PS. any tips? wink
Tonight I find myself made not of steel. But of rage. I. Am. Made. Of. RAGE.

There is a burning anger in my heart tonight. I can pinpoint a few small sparks that added to the inferno. I can't find who brought all the dry tinder though. The one source of my stoked rage, my pure insatiable battle lust, that I cannot find. So I...
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Np, when I like something I always want people to know it smile And you are a great writer smile
You have to let it out. There has to be a time when you say "you know what? i owe it to myself to look after No 1".
And i agree with Embla there. You write really well.
Hell, compared to your blogs, mine are like random scribblings of a madman. wink

Last time i was angry, i put on the Five finger death punch album. smile
So this is it. The last day of work. Then its off into the wild unknown for me. Turning from this life of ease and security, a job where I make good money and have great benefits, to suddenly look out and face this wide world on my own. Is it so bad I'm frightened to my very boots? Second guessing and thoughts of whether...
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Do it man!
You know your instincts were right. This is moving forward. The longer you would have stayed, the harder it would have been.
Look at the possibilities.
And good luck!! smile
I'll hold your hand into the unknown forever.

You and me, I think that's what we're good at.
Dani, I haven't said much about her mainly because well, there isn't much to say after one says good bye and you try to settle yourself into the role of just friends. She's been in Italy and I've been here. I've had other things on my mind, like school, that has kept me distracted. But today she kind of jumped to the front again.

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Well darling, I don't have the money for a plane ticket, or it would be yours.


Is there such a thing as too nice? If something has the word 'Too' in front of it, it's like it's a bad thing. It's not.
Keep doing what you are doing. And good luck.
Finally got some sleep. Perhaps the mind is calming itself once more, returning to its dutiful hibernation until called upon. I've gotten some good bits of creativity from this wild week I've had, so with highs and lows being what they were I'll take them in stride as part of the exchange.

Two weeks of work left. I really don't want to go today, but...
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I miss comics. They just seem so damn irregular. Every week i'd pop into my local store with my little checklist to find nothing, and then somehow the following week i'd find that i'd missed an issue. Frustrating. Though i still peer in the store window from time to time. Because i know, no matter how convenient, web comics can never replace the real thing.
There are times when even my condemnable rational mind sheds its iron hard outer shell and rolls in the mud and slop of what ifs, if onlys, and maybes. These are times when I open and flow creatively. They also tend to follow swiftly behind my lows. And they are joined by lack of sleep. I simply cannot sleep of late. I am up until...
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It does seem a lot like that. An endless cycle of drifting, vain attempts to grab onto something positive, the inevitable what ifs and maybes and finally the realisation that she and i are drifting in opposite directions.
Is it any wonder we are struggling to sleep these days?
Hopefully school will be the positive you need. if you can enjoy that and everyday life again unlike in your previous job, then hopefully it will lay the groundwork for more good things to follow.
Well, so far this has been quite the week for amazing lows and crazy highs. I just wish the highs had it.

First, I have the most amazing friends, and I love them all with everything I have (soulsetfire I'm looking YOUR direction). I wouldn't be anything without them, nor would I be anywhere. So thank you. Even the Beard showed his rare soft...
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And I swear to fucking PELOR that the next time I see that bulky waste of fucking HUMANITY I will fucking destroy her. EVERY.LAST.INCH. She has fucking done it. I AM PISSED. No one and I fucking mean NO ONE will treat you like that. I'll fucking spat her nasty blackened soul out and use to fucking scrape my boots with. Give her my number, will you lamb? So I can have a chat with her?
So thankful for angry music. Though not in the same style, i wonder where i would be without Depeche mode.
But hey, school is a positive step.
That's weird, i never thought i'd be saying that ever.
Well now that was an interesting weekend. Learned a few things I did. For one, my youngest sister can chug half a bottle of Crown Royal. I was impressed to say the least. Also I learned that at least one of my friends is violently against dudes kissing other dudes. His reaction amused me pretty good.

Father's day was .... quiet. Can't ask for much...
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I am the debil. The proof is on my receipt from Lalo's, which I will be keeping in my wallet to remind me.

And to be fair, darling one, you microwaved Dharma BEFORE you met me.

PS - Little Sister's 21st Birthday Weekend just so happens to fall on a weekend without the kidlets. And Queen FuckHead will be there in RARE FORM.

Be afraid, heart of mine, be afraid for your very soul.
I'm really a horrible employee. I called off again, once more playing hookey to hang out with the fam for a bit and to play around on the computer all day. Eight more weeks to go until I'm in school, wonder if I'll make it? biggrin

I'm slightly nervous I'll admit, as to how I'm going to pay for school. I mean I'm sure in the...
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A reasonable list there. Not like any of that stuff is too obscure or anything.
Did you get the SG Beauty redefined book? Chanel has an amazing Star Wars tattoo. Don't know much else about her. Perhaps you should investigate further... smile
Good luck at work.
Are you sure they're orange? wink
SO Dani will be getting married to that guy Saturday. Then she'll be off to Italy for a month. I never did have a talk with her, like I should have I mean. I ultimately deemed it unfair to her. She didn't need that on top of all the stress from the wedding going on. So I pretty much did the only thing I could....
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You made a very difficult choice there, man. And you should be applauded.
The future is never set in stone though, i don't believe, so stay positive. Who knows what life will throw at us next?
Have a great weekend.
Fuck her. Fuck her big cunty mouth. And fuck her selfishness. I have a lot more things to say about her, but they're all worse than the aforementioned and definitely not my place to say.

Ex's make good speed bumps. She'd make a good speed mountain.

And you'll do fucking amazing in school. AMAZING. You are seriously, with the exception of Christoffer (and that's only because I'm convinced that he's more human than human [ZOMG I QUOTED THE ZOMBIE!!!!]) that you are the most intelligent person I know. What you can hold in your memory is definitely more than I will ever learn in a lifetime. Could be the ADD, could be the copious amounts of drugs previous taken, could be the two satan spawn that leach the sanity from my brain... who knows?!

I digress. You are the shit. You will continue to be the shit forever and ever. Amen. Queen FuckHead has spoken.
Just got back from the college. And I'm officially signed up for classes. I'm a little bit excited about this. And now I'm antsy I have to wait until August to go. I haven't been in school in 8 years, wow but this is long overdue. I just wish my grandma was still around to see me finally going back to school. I'm totally doing...
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Absolutely. Damn, you said it all better than me!
2009 has thrown up some amazing things. I only wish they gave us warning first!
Good luck with school, and Dani.
Maybe we can have a study date wink

Best of luck with Dani my dear