O.K. Take this quiz...pick a or b
Girl poo -
a) thats gross
b) mmmmmm......girl poo
Much information can be gleaned from this answer, believe it or not.
Actually, I think its the smell......
Oh, everyone likes the pee jokes but bring up no. 2 and the back doors slam...so to speak......
I am being dragged kicking and screaming through the holiday festivities...you see.....i will...
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Girl poo -
a) thats gross
b) mmmmmm......girl poo
Much information can be gleaned from this answer, believe it or not.
Actually, I think its the smell......
Oh, everyone likes the pee jokes but bring up no. 2 and the back doors slam...so to speak......
I am being dragged kicking and screaming through the holiday festivities...you see.....i will...
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Finally coming out of my delirium....
I've taken so much medicine..this cannot be good for me....bring the beer and wine I ordered and leave me alone...
I'm going to Austin tonight to meet up with mulhollanddrive and check out some bands on 6th St. My ears have finally quit ringing from the last show...time for more abuse....
trip checklist:
-stack of cd's(that I'm...
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I've taken so much medicine..this cannot be good for me....bring the beer and wine I ordered and leave me alone...
I'm going to Austin tonight to meet up with mulhollanddrive and check out some bands on 6th St. My ears have finally quit ringing from the last show...time for more abuse....
trip checklist:
-stack of cd's(that I'm...
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How bout a roller girl kickin' the crap outta me? I'll see what I can do for ya. Had a great time last night. Glad you guys could hang out.
Oh wow, no I don't mind. I'm actually rather flattered
Yes, I take all of my photos of myself by myself. It kind of sucks, I wish I had my own personal photographer :/

Yes, I take all of my photos of myself by myself. It kind of sucks, I wish I had my own personal photographer :/
Somehow I got sick...It really doesn't get me that often...I'm normally pretty immune and I take vitamins and all....
4 doses of nyquil in the last 12 hours....I'm lucky to be standing...
Weird haps around the sight lately, huh...nuff said..
I'm going to salvage a happy weekend out of this yet...I've got one day to work all this sick shit out of me....fuck, I...
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Somehow I got sick...It really doesn't get me that often...I'm normally pretty immune and I take vitamins and all....
4 doses of nyquil in the last 12 hours....I'm lucky to be standing...
Weird haps around the sight lately, huh...nuff said..
I'm going to salvage a happy weekend out of this yet...I've got one day to work all this sick shit out of me....fuck, I...
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Yeah, ego collapsing. I figured it would be better off if I left it at home. It was cool. Nothing more pathetic than a sober guy on a date in a crowded bar full o' drunk people. It's not a big deal, but it's just hard to carry on a conversation. Those are kinda good, especially when getting to know someone. We got along fine. We ran into some friends of hers. One of them asked me if I wanted some coke when we were in the bathroom. She's not like that though. Whatever. I'm too old for this shit. She'll probably be at that show if we don't go to S.S.'s. Hope your weekend is kicking ass!
Day Off....
Kinda productive for a change...I have a tendency to use my day off to catch up on sleep, but we all know that doesn't really work...
Fishtanks are clean...happy fishies....
Plants are watered and rotated....happy flora...
Yard tidied up...this is sickening...
I gotta get out of the house....
Days off are killing me....
Well...add to that the fact that I haven't played drums...
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Kinda productive for a change...I have a tendency to use my day off to catch up on sleep, but we all know that doesn't really work...
Fishtanks are clean...happy fishies....
Plants are watered and rotated....happy flora...
Yard tidied up...this is sickening...
I gotta get out of the house....
Days off are killing me....
Well...add to that the fact that I haven't played drums...
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As you know, I'm embarking on 4 days of idle time. Don't know if I can do it. All I can think of are errands that I need to run. Too bad about being drumless. I've barely played my guitar lately, just cuz I haven't had enough time. Can't stop playing the new New Bomb Turks record. It's one of those odd's 'n' ends cds. Lotsa great stuff on there, including a cover of "Chip Away at the Stone". NBT are another band that put on a great show. They must be gettin' up there. Seems like they've been around for years. So, are y'all gonna be able to work out comin' to town this weekend?
Cool. Glad to hear you're coming. Are y'all coming tonight too? Thought I saw that on the TX boards. Still trying to get hold of S.S.. Anyway, talk to you soon.
Geez...I guess I should have put little laughing faces all over my last post so people would know I was joking about being sick of righties....I was just looking for something superficial and ridiculous to hang my hat on......no offense sweethearts.
I am addicted to indulgence....I find it almost impossible to keep myself from obsessing on the things I like. For instance....music, sex, my girlfriend,...
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I am addicted to indulgence....I find it almost impossible to keep myself from obsessing on the things I like. For instance....music, sex, my girlfriend,...
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Man, I totally dig Chuck E. Weiss!!! He played SXSW in '02, and I couldn't find where he was playing. I was so pissed. He was the only person playing who I wanted to see. That guy is totally cool. Damn, that comp sounds great! I dig Birthday Party too. They were one of a kind. Have you heard The Gories, Bantam Rooster, Neckbones? More great bands of that same ilk.
Yeah, definitely hope y'all can make it.
Really, how can people stand being right handed? I mean the complete lack of coordination, poor manual dexterity, hampered spatial relations.....it's sickening....and having the whole world set up for righties doesn't seem to help you guys....golf courses, cars, hand mixers, pencils all designed to coddle the rightie......sickening....
Oh, I could go on.....but...
My fish are all staring at me as if to say " dude,...
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Oh, I could go on.....but...
My fish are all staring at me as if to say " dude,...
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true indeed, Asian philosophy is worthy of great respect. ..
hey now, what about those who are ambidextrous? we got it made, eh?
hey now, what about those who are ambidextrous? we got it made, eh?

Heh heh, right? All these pictures of me always look so different. You should see the ones when I had long hair! I looked like Kid Rock!
Anyway, it's not so bad being right handed. I guess I don't know the difference. But if you look at my handwriting, you'd think I was writing with the wrong hand! But I digress..
Anyway, it's not so bad being right handed. I guess I don't know the difference. But if you look at my handwriting, you'd think I was writing with the wrong hand! But I digress..
Got some pics up, just a couple but at least I know how to do it know...next is the cam...
Went to Austin last night to check out the Oh, Beast!, Gorch Fock cd release show and I'm really glad I did...it was a true concert experience in a little bar off 6th street....Gorch Fock had Lori Surfer (person who did all the projection for...
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Went to Austin last night to check out the Oh, Beast!, Gorch Fock cd release show and I'm really glad I did...it was a true concert experience in a little bar off 6th street....Gorch Fock had Lori Surfer (person who did all the projection for...
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I had a blast in the service. Made lifelong friends. Thanks for the comment.
but i have a week long break coming up
xoxo zoe xoxo

xoxo zoe xoxo

O.K. No more fucking around...I've had a digi-cam for months and haven't set it up..a little afraid of the technology I guess but I'm sure it won't be that tough....There are pictures that I want to post and I want to change this stupid profile pic. It's from my band's website and is the only pic that had just me in it...It was taken backstage...
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I hope yall made it home ok!!! Im really glad I came out with u guys!!! 

Vidoes are cool! Will it be posted on the website?
I guess there's no relaxing in a house that has been ignored for a couple months....I don't care really...some house cleaning would be a change of pace....
I need more new music!! Someone just turned me on to Massive Attack, a band I had heard a lot about but never heard -it was pretty cool... I discovered this band called Railroad Jerk from New York...
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I need more new music!! Someone just turned me on to Massive Attack, a band I had heard a lot about but never heard -it was pretty cool... I discovered this band called Railroad Jerk from New York...
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Were you able to catch them last night?? I was the nerdy looking girl in pink capris in an old granny sweater with the "emo" (ha!) glasses. Hopefully you did cuz they did awesome. Not quite the crowd we wanted, but the club liked us and asked us to open up for Kings X. I dunno who they are but my man does. SO if you weren't able to make it last night, come on the 19th!
Whoops. Hahahaha.
Damn, I was given so much weed this weekend, I can finally save some money for a while.. This shit is expensive...anyway..
Houston was ...interesting. The show went well...good attendance and merch sales...nice people at the Axiom...
The band stayed with the promoter and that turned out to be where all the excitement was. Let's see...loaded machine gun on the coffee table, crack sales going...
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Houston was ...interesting. The show went well...good attendance and merch sales...nice people at the Axiom...
The band stayed with the promoter and that turned out to be where all the excitement was. Let's see...loaded machine gun on the coffee table, crack sales going...
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What's grind core?
Machine guns, crack dealers and grindcore, oh my!
You rockstars sure have interesting lives!

You rockstars sure have interesting lives!

Our cd release show is tonight and I'm ready...A friend we met in St. Louis drove down for the show and we have other friends coming from Austin and Houston. I hope the show goes well but normally I try to not get too excited about it up front so I don't get my hopes dashed. I don't like being dissapointed so I kinda stack...
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oh, i'm still gonna go out. i have to support my man and his band (radio show)! i dunno if you've heard of them. drinking has never been a big thing for me and i quit smoking the day i found out i was pregnant. i'll just be sure to bring ear plugs and a nice sweater orsomething to wrap around my belly to try to block some of the vibrations. glad your show went well!! if you're not doing anything on tuesday the 11th, radio show will be playing at sin13 with mae. i dunno how you feel about that kind of music, but mae is so yummy!!

I so wish I was well enough to go!!! gotta let me know how it goes!