awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww smile
Adorable!! biggrin
I heard this today...

"That secret that we know
That we don't know how to tell
I'm in love with your honor
I'm in love with your cheeks
what's that noise up the stairs baby
Is that Christmas morning creak

...I know it well"

"Blood Bank" Bon Iver

...just felt right
The Little Things............................It truly amazes me that the smallest details can make all the difference. I don't know if other people are the same but the simplest things make me smile. The way someone bites their thumb nail, a persons mannerisms, the smallest smirk they make, the way their pony tail sets, the way their hair rest on the side of their face, the way...
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Let me know youre okay when youre over there...take care!!! <3
No matter how life makes you feel...not cool, unimportant or degraded....always remember, to be unacknowledged is the ultimate insult.....to have no impact in life is the greatest failure
At some point everyone either experiences or realizes their role in our world....those who "experience" it are the lucky one's who go through life accompanied by others....those who "realize" their role, are the one's who are "extra's" in life. They support the "plot," and reinforce the characteristics of those who have a main role in life.

Cheer's to the "extra's" in life, we truly are...
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ahhhhh so awesome!
"The days that keep us apart keep me alive...
the things that keep me alive, keep me alone...
this is the thing"

Fink "This is the Thing"
Accepting that you're the "Crutch" for those that you care about is far more rewarding than your own desires.....
'And the future hangs over our heads
And it moves with each current event
Until it falls all around like a cold steady rain
Just stay in when its looking this way'

"Land Locked Blues"-BE

I've never made any resolutions so I'll try it out this year, let's see I'll start with 5:

1. Get hired on for a new job in florida
2. Kick this ridiculous sushi obsession (literally eat it almost every other day)
3. Run another half marathon
4. Finish half of my Master's degree
5. Take a random person I've never taken a trip with...
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