Everyone need to go buy
Meatloaf "Bat Out Of Hell III: The Monster Is Loose"

The cover of "It's All Coming Back To Me"
Makes me wanna weep like a girl with a scraped knee

Nikki Six and John 5 rock the opening track "The Monster Is Loose"

Seriously best freaking album ever made since ever.
Brian May and Steve Vai all over this album...
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dont get to down, most girls are head fuckers, they never know what they want.

hopefully there will be a wonderful one out there, who knows what she wants and loves the little things and she will make you adorably happy.

I think most people are head fuckers, but there is someone out there, odds says there has to be. good luck.
"Dorothy At Forty"
By Cursive

Dorothy, I know you've had amazing dreams
We can't go chasing down each golden street
Each and every rainbow, each passion, each unattainable goal
We're not in dreamland anymore

Dorothy, it seems you'll never understand
This here land is everything we have
Every sweat-stained collar, every dollar,
every bent and bloodied spur
We're not the kids that we once were...
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darling, you're the epitome of adorable!!!!
*kisses your nose*
how I wish there was someone like you here!!!

hurry up and start a "visit Erika" fund!!!! and come spend like two weeks with me! we'll go shopping and drink cool aide!
Oh I will!!!!
So dinner was awesome!

I got me some snazzy peanut butter cup cheesecake and some terrbble fish n chips

So my presents seem to go over okay
My dad already had the Muse cd so now I have a copy
And I guess my Dad had this Johnny Cash cd he gave me

So it was sort of like my birthday too woot!

Awe why...
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cause canadian girls are amazing, duh!

mmm peanut butter cup cheesecake sounds so fucking good. i've been eating reeses all night.
I'm le exhausted I am headed to sleep after I get home from my Dad's birthday dinner
We are going to the Cheese Cake Factory - which is like the best place ever made ever
what! cheese cake factory!!!
cheese cake is one of my favorite cake!!... i wanna go there.
Cheese cake factories exist?! OMG eeek I think I just came blush

I think that I might perhaps have come up with a spiffy sort of idea of something to send you in the post. It'll take me awhile to put it together, but I have hopes that it will turn outsmile
Have i mentioned I hate school....looks like I am buying some online classes
There is no way any university is going to let me walk in with a 2.0

Shoot me really - my wil states burrial in Canada
They will have to let me in then !

Seeking Necormancers In Canada - Get in touch asap
usually if you have college credits they don't care about the h.s. gpa.. they just look at the college gpa.

Some brand new prose to hold everyone over

The Eternal Seas

She spend most of her nights listening to the cars outside her down town apartment something about the constant stream seemed to sooth her restless heart. She would sleep through most of the day so she would always be up at those random hours just looking out into night wondering to herself what other...
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I am still currently reading Stephen King's "On Writing"

I have school today and I dont really want to go and just sit on campus and write but I really have no choice in the matter. I know I will sit in the cafe and the girl who works there will hound me with questions when all I want is a drink so I can...
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You're a cutie-roo...can I come hide in your pocket? blush
I love the Decemberists.

and that drawing rules. smile

I have school today and I dont really want to go and just sit on campus and write but I really have no choice in the matter. I know I will sit in the cafe and the girl who works there will hound me with questions when all I want is a drink so I can get back to my lap top.I dont know...
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cool drawing clean and simple
Listening as I type.
My mom and I got my dad "Cars" for his birthday so we can watch it as a family and man its the coolest movie since "Monsters Inc" which is my personal favorite PIXAR movie of all time - Plus Owen Wilson is hella cool.

I picked up The Prize Fighter Inferno "My Brothers Blood Machine"
I also got a copy of The Decemberist "The...
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i don't even know how i got to your page, but if i may say, make plans, sure,figure shit out,sure, but continue dreaming and don't think you need to have it all figured out. just sayin
nice to meet you too! i can probably tell you most of what you want to know about ontario schools. your best bet is probably to apply as a mature student... and tell me in more detail what you think you want to do, i can probably better recommend a school that way. also check out www.ontariocolleges.ca you can search for schools by program, or in certain locations, etc. ask me anything you can think of! smile
OMG Help me

I will be honest with everyone I dont know what I am doing

So I am up on campus trying to plan college plan of action
I started attending Mesa Community Colege it looks like Fall 2004

Fall 2004

I took 3 classes, withdrew from two of them, completed "Fundementals Of Writing" (071)
I got 3.00 for my class.
It looks like...
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You might go to school in Ottawa?! I might be at school in Montreal next year, we be closer thensmile

Having wierd blog editting night. Trying to come up with spiffy things to send you...so that you don't think I'm a twitbag...ha ha, well, at least no more than I'm sure you already do biggrin
you read way too much into things.
just be yourself and dont worry what other people think.
if you want, you should dig up the journal entries and junk from my first few months here, and i was as awkward and dorky as hell. i didn't have any friends or comments for several months. i can say that sounds was probably one of my first real friends (at first the boy i was dating was my only friend, but he doesn't count), so you're doing better than me.
if no body liked you they wouldn't bother reading your blog and junk...

and i pretty much figure everybody thinks i'm lame too, but i just dont care.
when i went to the girls night in with nonblonde the night after bowling, seriously, jenae was the only one who talked to me... i felt like a fucking fly on the wall... i tried to join in on the conversation (cause hello! i had something to actually contribute!) but no one paid attention to me... and i just let it roll of my back. it's not like they meant it. they're friends and know eachother...just gotta give it time.
I am going to decorate some more sketchbooks for people to maybe buy.

Tonight at school I am going ot try and catch up on some writing and pen pal letters

I still have some more reading to do on Stephen Kings "On Writing"
If I get it done I might start reading Stephen Kings Universe

Or I might go a different route and start...
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I am an avic Stephen King Fan, I have almost all his books now.
hopefully you got my letter!
I dont know whats up but I need to clear my mind

I cant think straight and I cant focus
I cant sleep but I am exhausted

I need some fresh air or a friend or something


By MeWithoutYou

our house wrapped in disrepair,
a small mouse peeked out from a hole beneath the stairs
nearby to where my dad sat in his...
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deep breath and try let thought come and go but dont be there making u anxious

hugs hugs hugs