Well, thanks to the generosity of a good friend this bearded menace is back.
Life is pretty different than when last I was here. New job (that I'm about to lose), wife has a new job that she loves, we moved back to NJ, lost our first dog, and rescued another one. Work suck but it's coming to an end soon anyway so that's good.... Read More
Congrats on going back to school. I just finished myself. Starting back up in the fall.
About your comment on my blog, your basically saying if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all?
I appreciate fat girls. My gf's a fat girl and I'm a fat guy but that pic was past my limit. It wasn't something I was expecting to see.
I'm just trying to get to know people and SG's. I expressed an opinion. I didn't rail on anyone or say anything derogatory. All I said was I didn't find that pic sexy.
I'll watch myself. And make sure I don't offend anyone else.
It's been a long fucking time since I felt I had anything to say here. I'm not sure if anyone will read this or not but I felt it was time to update something.
Not much has changed in me and the wife's lives. Both still slogging away at the same old jobs we've had for a while. I'm hoping to change jobs very soon... Read More
It's been almost a year since my last entry. I think the main reason I haven't updated this thing is because so little has changed in my life. I still have the shitty job I spoke of the last time. My wife still works at the same job I spoke of the last time. We both want new jobs for various reasons. We'll see how... Read More
A really fucked case of Pneumonia was what i went in with, but a couple of abscess' had me in for a while. Apparently one on my spleen decided to open up, and fluid keep building in my lung. Next they want to look at a couple of things in my digestive tract ( possilbly cancer, not sure) just to be safe. That's gonna be a bit of a bitch, but it's gotta be done again. Other than that i'm good I want my life back.
Holy crap, it's only been a month and I am already updating again.
Work is work. I just worked my last day at my part time job(ikea) and it is with mixed emotions that I left. I met some awesome people there and had a lot of great times, but it is time for me to go. One of my supervisors at the full time... Read More
This has been perhaps the longest I have gone without updating this damn thing in three years. Amazingly not a whole lot of importance has happened in that time.
The wife is good, plugging away at her job at the Vet. Clinic. It is the perfect job for her and I can tell she feels the same way. She really likes the work and the... Read More
If you like Spirited Away, then I'll tell you you can sync that movie to Pink Floyd's Animals album and it works out supa-cool....if you like Pink Floyd that is The pig references are remarkable.
i've pretty much handled most of my shopping online, or over the course of the year. I still need to go out and buy a plastic tree and wrapping and all that crap tho.
Well I figure that it's about damn time I finally update this damn thing.
I have changed jobs again since my last post. I was really unhappy at the securiy company. The job was cool, the guards that worked for me were cool, but the owners were insane. The are the type of people who think that everyone is beneath them and they treat everyone... Read More
God of mine, soul of mine, why have you taken my life
When I have given everything to you
In my hour of need, dont let me die
Give me another breath, Speak to me