My shadow and my protector. She follows me and cuddles me. She knows I’m struggling.
My friend got me a video birthday message from Chad Gray. Made me go all fan girl!!!!!!!
Today I had a day that will always live in my memory. Driving to an appointment today, I turn the corner onto another road. I start to serpentine up the side of the hill. Coming the other way is a police car. I slow down when the police car turn horizontal on the road facing up the hill. The offers climb out in a hurry,...
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We all have our internal battles. Some just hide it better. Don’t let them fool you and make you feel like you are the problem. We all have our struggles. To make this more open, I will share mine. I struggle with anxiety. I see people in crowds, commercials on tv and wonder why can’t I just be happy and “normal”. Even sleeping my mind...
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The era of skinny jeans is coming to an end. Well, at least I can find my baggy pants again. I hated the last ten plus years. I don’t like jeans, and I don’t like wearing skinny jeans. I don’t want my bits smashed into me, especially squatting down. I was able to buy two pairs on baggy pants, and I’m happy. It’s the little...
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The birds are really hungry today. I love the sounds though.
This site needs to be an accepting community. And we need to help and look out for members and models that are great contributors in here. Things like this Here could destroy the trust and safety in this community.
I also want to add, any model following me for tips, or that I’m following and they want tips, please unfollow me. I am NOT a...
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Who doesn’t love their pet, their family member. Please help @nerwen Here. I wish I could do more, but I’ll spread the message.