As for life, it could be better, and it could be worse. Money is kinda short, but the relationship with the old lady is doing much better. Overall, i'd say it's a major improvement. Just trying to keep our heads up. I'll try to post more on here. As if anyone reads it lol
So, it's been a while. Still not much to say. Just stepped on a battery and it hurt like a mofo. Meh, whatevs.
Yeah, I should really sleep more. this working 6 am to 3 pm shit sucks balls.
Blahhhhh... Feeling kinda down. Don't really wanna go to work.
Been a while since I've been on here, and even longer since I've posted anything. Well, nothing new has really happened. Got a job now. Fun stuff. That's all i have to say really. Peace out.
For some reason, today, i have a particular lyric stuck in my head. in ''Prison Sex'' by Tool, it says ''You've got your hands bound, and your head down, and your eyes closed. You look so precious now.'' Kinda feels appropriate with all the church stuff going on today. Anyway, i need coffee. Peace out.
Thanks for the hug.
hugs are cool
So I figured i'd make a new post. Don't really know what to write though. I'm currently eating a green apple with peanut butter. Feel free to be jealous.
Like a boss dude
If you can peak my interest by what's in your mind, rather than what's in your bra, well then gee willickers, you're just tops!
What's up with it, vanilla face? Been a while since i've posted something. Figured i should do something about that. Jamming to some music and the sound of Raff's vibrator. Sounds like a freaking lawn mower. Like WWII bombers in the distance. Like a chorus of lions. These are the things to which I compare the sound of Raff's vibrator. If you can think of...
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thats the best description of vibrator ever RAFF!! u ROCK MY SOCKS!!
Wow, baby... you are... creative?...
Yesterday didn't go so well. Well, the last several months haven't gone so well, and I really don't see any hope in sight. I'd like to say that I hope it will get better, but I honestly don't think it will. Things will break before they can get better, and then once the damage is done, as is the case now, it will never be...
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So i really need to join some more groups. Not really feeling the general SG chat. Too crowded. OH well. Guess I'll deal with it for now.
Such a baby. Such a baby.