Fuck everybody. This is bullshit. It's too fucking hot!!!
I suppose there is one good thing about living alone: When you're looking for someone to blame for everything that's wrong with your life, it's a very short list...
To those idiots whose car alarms I hear at 01:45 in the morning: Here's a little suggestion: Just let a professional do it. It never occurs to them (like it does to you or your friend who really digs Clutch) to set the sensitivity to detect the nearest boll weevil attempting to break into your car. You see where I'm going with this? Squirrels or...
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Well, there's a new job on the horizon, yet again. I start on the 24th. This is kind of different for me. I've given my current employers two weeks notice, like an actual professional. This is very weird if you know my history of employment. I really hope this one works out.
Well, I guess I've gotta go out and buy a turkey or something to celebrate. The healthcare reform bill that everybody's been creaming themselves over for the past 4 years has finally been passed! "Near-universal coverage"? I guess everything's alright now...
No, I haven't seen it actually! I think Paranormal Activity did start off a little slow but I found it really creepy and my imagination probably did more work at scaring me than the actual film wink
Kurt Vonnegut, where is all this shit you've written about? You know, only some of that stuff was bad. In a world where 99% of what's available over the counter doesn't even have a lethal dose for a house cat, "government sanctioned assisted suicide parlors" sound pretty alright...
She doesn't care, yet I want her so bad...
I dont know you but I am in the same boat. Except the object of my affection is a he and he doesnt care.
I cannot get a job. I think my bridges in the state of Michigan have all just about been burned. Anybody got any suggestions?
Get the fuck out of Detroit?
That's easier said than done. I grew up here, and my whole family still lives here. I'm trying to talk myself into it, but it's pretty slow going...
Here's a question: What does one do when the significant other finds out that you're not as interesting as she thought you were? Then again, maybe I could just man the fuck up and deal with it. No thanks, I'm just going to crawl into a hole and disappear...frown
Aww! I've been there before. Hope things turn around for you. frown
99.7% of suicidegirls do not give fuck one when you post written, thoughtful comments about their sets, MR or otherwise. Therefore, I most often just hit "I Loved it".Why bother otherwise?