I fucking hate people. Some scrawny little hacker cocksmoker got hold of my CC number and tried to open an xbox live account. If I find out who it is this is what's going to happen: A: You will be pistol whipped. B: Your car will be demolished using a variety of tools and then set on fire. (Wishful thinking. This ass handle is probably...
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may your vengeance be brutal.
Everything's fine until you walk past a mirror and ask yourself "Who is that?"
"What's the use in starting anything if you're already finished?"
Ah. Well. The bank now wants 28,000 instead of the (I thought) agreed upon 25,000 for my house. That's it, I'm done. They can fucking have it. Foreclosure is the only thing left now. Who needs a credit score anyway? Sure, a little of this (about 75% theirs and 25% mine, in my estimation anyway) is my fault. Everybody who works for bankers, in a...
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I would love to see what's happening in Madison resurrect the corpse of the unions in this country. Sadly I do not think this will happen, however, the part of me that doesn't feel like working until I'm 78 years old just to be able to afford to have enough money to die properly wants it to happen.

many different people around me that have all crossed the line.
my recent blog is almost complete satire, I know its subtle, but I hoped people would get it. However judging by my inbox full of boyfriend applications with cooking credentials, my satire may have been too understated.
Some say that our perception of time is the only thing that "separates" us from animals. It's a convincing argument but a very depressing one at the same time. I can see myself falling apart, disintegrating very slowly and I still feel horror at the approaching end of my "time" in this universe. Why?
Kinda funny when you think about it. What exactly does being "kept" entail for a human being? Is it like being an animal pet? (Obviously there are going to be some differences.) I've never been good looking enough to be on the "kept" side of the equation. (I've never been rich enough to be on the "keeper's" side of it either.) Is it enough like...
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Does anyone else ever have the dream about brine shrimp suddenly becoming super-intelligent and building a little society in the abandoned swimming pool out back, with the intention of taking over the rest of the world?
Well, it's time for another day of frustration, despair, humiliation and servitude without any reward but bitter survival. Oh, wait, it's just another day at work...pukepukepuke
"What you do to me leaves puddles at my feet..."
You made me laugh <3
It's always been my curse. People laugh at me when I'm dead serious and have no idea when I'm trying to make a joke. I'm glad you got a laugh out of me though...wink