If you wanna keep in contact, you can get me through either MySpace or you can check the "booking info" tab on my band's website for my e-mail address.
Later peoples.

i miss your awesome ass.. and the resta you too! haha

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-I was Mercutio in my high school's Romeo and Juliet and I was Oedipus in Oedipus the King.
-I'm actually very nervous around new people...but no one would ever know it.
-I still act like a kid when I like a new girl.
-I hold (or held..high school was 12 years ago for me) the Connecticut State record for most sacks in a football game. I also played baseball for 13 years and boxed for 2.
-Most people think I'm very confident but for the most part it's an act. The only things I'm confidant about is my musical ability, sports abilities, and strength.
-I was deathly afraid of spiders my whole life until recently.
-I almost joined the Marines after high school (I was sitting at a restaurant with the recruiter where he had just bought me lunch. I had already taken the test and had the papers in front of me when I decided not to...I would have been in the Gulf War. He called me a pussy when I changed my mind...lol)
-I was offered scholarships to go to a few different schools after HS but decided to be a rock star instead.
-I get sick every time I eat clams but I still eat them anyway.
-I love Mercutio. But that's partly because of the way he was portrayed in Baz Luhrmann's version. I admit it.
-I get nervous around new people too... except they usually know it. When i meet people for the first time, I'm usually really quiet and reserved. I like to know how deep the pool is before I jump in. It's once I get to know people (or once i get drunk) that I become sassy and obnoxious.
-Do you pull their hair?
-I have no idea what sacking is, but it sounds HAWT. Hubba hubba. I do know a little about football. But when I say "a little" that's exactly what I mean.
-Confidence is a life-long process, from what I've seen, but it sounds like you have a pretty solid start.
-What changed? I'm generally not a fan of spiders either, which is weird, because I have a great love for most other things creepy and/or crawly.
-Good choice.
-Maybe not such a good choice, but as long as it doesn't kill you...
[Edited on Jul 30, 2005 1:00AM]
*snif snif*

pics are up on the website.
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im so glad i saw *all* of it, unlike alot of the folks

i ♥ BENT for doing B.Y.O.B. - i thought i was going to wet myself when it started.. its one of those songs that gets stuck & doesnt leave.. & its been in my head for weeks.

good seeing ya dear!!! ♥
i will lash out
first with words
then with fists."


-oh yeah...i'd like to thank Laerkai for outing me. he spotted me at the national...
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My advice: shallow literary "studies" from school do not successful SG:NHS applications make. Contrary to popular belief, the group does not exists because its members have an abiding affection for anything that smacks of the academy.
Congratulations on your induction into NHS.
[Edited on May 09, 2005 7:34PM]
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(i dont really pay attention when he talks band)
but the only way he can do it is if he throws a 'hatewear' party that weekend.
oh boy.

that's all.
over and out.

p.s. you suck.