an ex described me today thusly: distant. beautiful. scarred. unavailable.

is it wrong that i was very pleased by that?
i'm so very... very... tired of, well kinda everything, but in particular people. specific people, obviously, but just people in general too. I'm considerably more irritable this last week than typical. Which is saying something, as i'm pretty damned irritable.

i'm fucking tired, i guess is my point.
i'm learning sanskrit. its awesome.

the aforementioned foolishness has not been completely averted, but i'm in a place where i'm not sure i care.

to be less enigmatic, dig back in this journal and look for references to a girl named kate that drove me to alcoholism.
maybe its just the vicodin talking, but i think i may be on the verge of something stupid

but then, the stupid things are always the most fun.
i wanna learn sanskrit. and latin and greek, tho to a somewhat lesser degree. and tibetan, tho really only because i love the way the text looks.
my hippie testers are nice kids (i say kids relatively, being as they're all older than me...) but FUCK how goddamned hard is it to take accurate notes. record the time, record the voltage, record if the battery was low. a fucking trained ape could keep track of that, but no. instead i get pages full lof chickenscratch and vague head scratching when i ask...
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A few brief (HA!) comments on hope and epistemological skepticism ...

I've had hope on the brain lately, or more precisely the paradox of hope and occurance. Perhaps this paradox is unique to my own world's metaphysics, or perhaps its more universal. Thats where the skepticism comes in. i don't even have any certainty that other people exist outside of my perceptions of them (this...
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55 words?

it seems like such an arbitrary number, but i've decided to think of its something special. I'll freely admit i've lifted the concept lock, stock and two smoking numerals from this GENIUS website.
55 Words
this woman makes me insanely jealous. a great idea, lovely little sketches.
thats okay tho, i've never had much compunction about theft, especially when i'm certain she wouldn't...
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ya know... i gotta say... i really do hate warm weather. i'm not overfond of wednesdays either. throw a waste of time meeting in on top of all that, and today really had the fixings for a shitty day.

however, the afternoon was saved by a phonecall, and i'm attempting to buoy that mood with pyramid hefe weizen.

seems like a good plan to me.