the 7th we had out first mostly full lab day. We arrived at the lab just before 9am and had enough time before our BSL 2 lab training to learn how to sort some mosquitoes for the westnile mosquito tracking project. I will be helping out with that project whenever I'm waiting for my DNA processing stuff to go through. After the safety training we...
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I fell behind on my journal writing but I should manage to hit the highlights of the last few days. On the 5th we had a campus tour. There are a lot of things I like about this school so much so that I was thinking about applying to gradschool here. After the tour I'm starting to think that there are too many not me...
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From what I remember when I briefly thought about joining the corp of cadets is that its like a jumping off point for military service. Certain degrees would go to certain branches of the military and after college the cadets would Be a commissioned officer rather than just enlisting. Like in my case I was going for civil engineering and would have been steered towards the army corp of engineering after graduation.
Really coincidental that they knew your size of t-shirt...
How do you sort mosquitoes?
Day 2 REU

What a long day. First thing in the morning we had our quiz. We did it in teams and my team fucking rocked it. We had 70 points when the other teams had 20 and -10. They thought it was funny that we got all anxious about a test that they turned in to a game. I was not nearly as amused....
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The research projects sound very interesting!
Holy crap you walked all the way to Bryan from campus O_o
They decided to overwhelm us the very first day. We haven't even seen our labs yet and we are all ready being harped on about how the summer is short and how we don't have much time. One prof even said that if we haven't read everything sent to us we are all ready behind. Then they turn a 180 and tell us about all...
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Sounds stressful! Reminds me of why I dropped out of school. wink Good luck and take care. lovekiss
I MADE IT!! I am in college station after a epic stream of bad luck (hope it has run out by now)

1)started packing up the car and Ben noticed that I had a very low tireEL SUICIDO LOCO
2) for some epically stupid reason I put both my itouch and my phone on top of my car when I was filling the tire with air at...
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Welcome to Aggieland, I miss it so. Stop by the chicken,
Glad you made it despite all the obstacles life through at ya. Definitely hit up the chicken and Freebirds (the one across from north gate was my favorite). Gig'em !!!! :-)
Hello my lovelies out there in SG land. I'm in a pretty good mood. I payed my rent for the next 3 months so that I don't have to worry about it while I'm gone which is a load off. If nothing else I have a place to come home to.

Going up to the cave to collect some more of my worms and some...
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If this theory is correct, it will be awesome! (You are metioned by name!) http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2013/may/23/eric-weinstein-answer-physics-problems

I hope you found solutions to your problems. Here are some links that might be useful.


http://www.efcweb.org/efcweb_media/Downloads/EFC+WP10/BR99_02b.pdf (Biofilm preservation)
Good luck with Texas, sounds like you'll have a lot of fun. (One of my friends used to call this "fun-sub-n" for fun that only nerds enjoy, but it is fun isn't it?)

Your research is so far out of my field... but like all new scientific experiments you'll probably just have to try a bunch of different things to see what works with your worms and biofilms. It's likely the number of successful biofilm collectors in the world might only fill a small conference room, so there are probably no DIY texts.

I think I am going to try to write my blog from now on more like a journal. Not sure if I will be able to keep up with it or not. I'm also a bit worried that it is going to turn into me talking about the same shit over and over but we'll see what happens, guess it's better to try

As for...
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The airbag light usually means it needs service and may not deploy when it counts. I like the journal style blog. Had to laugh since I've also been procrastinating getting my oil changed. Damn, that's a lot of work. Good luck with your tests. Take care. lovekiss
The oild change place ended up being closed frown Forgot to mention the big news though, Giving the BF his own key to my place.blush
Okay so I have been incredibly busy as usual. But just as a reminder- I love you all from the bottom of my cervix. Because of this I feel I owe you all, here is what I have been/ will be up to until the 1st of June when I ship out to TX.
-Collecting and classifying freshwater invertebrates
- studying thermochemistry
- doing Chemistry...
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Sounds awesome!
There was a talent show at my school today. I would have entered except my talents are
1) making people feel uncomfortable
2) grossing people out
3) giving blow jobs
4) writing competent scientific articles
5) research
6) explaining complex biological processes in a way that average people can understand
7) getting people to tell me disturbingly intimate things about themselves with out trying ...at...
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Your list of talents are much more useful than singing and dancing! love
Impressive list wink
so if you read my last post you know that I just bought my plane tickets for my summer REU program doing research at Texas A&M. Turns out that I wasn't supposed to buy my tickets and that when they say "reimburse" what they mean is "will buy them for you". So I won't be seeing that money again until AFTER my 10 week stint...
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At least you'll be coming into a little money when your done with the classes. smile
Just bought my tickets from Seattle to College Station. It's becoming very real to be that I really did get accepted to the Texas A&M entomology REU. Only one short month before I'm going to be arriving in TX and so much to do between now and then. Hard to stay focused on classes when I have work to do on my summer project and...
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lol no just study the ecology of the ones we all ready have. I leave the engineering up to my guy.
Congrats and welcome to Texas!
Not sure why it loaded sideways but this is a video of the cake my guy, my friend, and I made for a Darwin Day cake contest. The are cake balls coated in chocolate and in the form of DNA. It didn't win frown