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Home and Healing after Transplant taken last year
It's been a year since my last blog and I still have my LVAD and need to lose some weight to get put on the Transplant list. Just found out that even after I get a new Heart no more Tattoos for me.They worry about infection and rejection.So I'll keep looking for a tattooed Lady to keep me entertained.I thought my holes had healed for...
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Sorry, I've noticed your answer on here only now.
I've never read the prequels, but I'll look them up right now.
And thank you, I'm feeling better already. New set before the end of the year, promise.

And thank you, I'm feeling better already. New set before the end of the year, promise.

Had really BIG scare this week.My son and I went to the CLeveland Clinic for my 3 month checkup and everything was perfect.On the way home as we were entering I-90 we were rear ended by another Driver that seemed to have lost control of his car,He hit us with his rear Driver side Quarter panel. we were knocked about a bit but seeing as nothing hurt after giving our statements and info we were on our way home.After getting home I starte feeling pressure in my Chest,not good.My son had left to return his Mothers car to her and give her the info for the insurance guy.I decided after he came back I would go get checked out.Well before that could happen my Defibrillator fired,Mule Kick in the chest and I saw a White Flash,I called my son and LVAD team and told them I was going to mu local ER for a checkup. We got to the ER and were taken straight back.Now as the only LVAD Patient in my County I drew alot of attention from the ER staff and soon had about 8 nurses helping me out.One noticed my nipple rings and thought that was interesting and asked if she could feel them.Being the red blooded male that I am I had no objections,It was decided to ship me back to Cleveland for a better follow up and to make sure nothing was dislodged in the accident.They kept me overnight and after an EKG,Device check and a couple of X-rays and a few vials of blood I got to go home.My ICD has only fired twice,exactly 2 years apart to the day,I was told I had no V tac or Heart Attack and the device acted like it was meant to.I had lost 8 more lbs and need to lose about 15 more to hope to get listed for transplant.
@ Arroia,I'm holding you to that.Looking forward to more Beautiful pictures of you.
@ Arroia,I'm holding you to that.Looking forward to more Beautiful pictures of you.