Very boring blog, but I want to start keeping a blog like i used to. It is always nice to look back and read what was going on in my life.

So right now I just woke up, drinking my lovely hawaiin grog coconut coffee. I just got a job at CVS as a pharmacy technition, and Im waiting on them to call me so...
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When I made the decision to pursue music full time I didn't realize the lifestyle it would put me in. For all the financial hardships it seems worth the sacrifice. I can't imagine not chasing down some type of dream and that keeps me going through the rough times. So I feel ya!

Just hang in there and keep surviving. A life without goals is a life not worth living. Moment to moment remember all of your decisions will follow you around for the rest of your life, so don't do anything too foolish. As far as I'm concerned we only live once, so make the best of it!
You took the words right out of my mouth. I completely agree with you. I am so glad I have talents and aspirations. I wouldn't have a reason to live if I didn't ya know?
Times are tough, but we both get through it, because somebody is always watching over us, whether its God or a higher power of some kind, somebody or something always helps us through.
I believe everything happens for a reason, its my life motto. These times have definately made me stronger and not take as much for granted.