Merry Christmas Eve! My energy level is at about a 2 right now! It's been a long day! Cupcake orders were only supposed to take until about noon! I was gone forever today and then for some BRILLIANT reason we decided we needed to go shopping at Blackstone (if you live in the Worcester area you know how stupidly that shit is built!) Sat in...
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Its roughly 1:23am after getting home from my day job, going to the pet store for the ferrets and new puppy, cooking dinner, doing dishes and then starting a cupcake and cookie order for Commonwealth Confections, I am finally in bed!!! Omg! It feels so good to be here. Im exhausted today. I need to be up and in Worcester approximately 7.5 hours from right...
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Yesterday I got matched with a NEADS puppy! I am so excited! I can't wait to meet her next Friday! I love dogs! I can't wait to start training!

Today I decided that I am going to start training for Run to Homebase! It's a 9k road race that supports troops from Iraq and Afghanistan that have been left with combat stress and or traumatic...
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Good luck with your training smile I love to run if you need any advice along the way smile

Best of luck with the puppy!

Thus far into my life, I hate running! Lol! But i have set a goal and now need to accomplish it! Maybe a little insight into liking running would be helpful! If you've got any, I am all ears!
Sex. It is what I think about for at least 85% of my day. It is a huge part of who I am. But no one really knows that. There are two completely different people I portray to the world. There's the person that I let all of my friends and family see. this proper, put together, well mannered young woman. But some men (and...
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That's one of the most heartfelt things I've ever read! Really cool....we should all be so lucky to have what you do with your husband.smile
Awww thanks! I'm glad it didn't make everyone feel all awkward and stuff!
So last night my neighbor brought me over home made cannolis! OMG! I think I love her! They're delicious! Luckily for me, my husband does not like them! I will be in a cannoli coma shortly! smile

There isn't much going on today,,, probably just cooking and cleaning, I love the cooking part, but the cleaning SUCKS! Anyone wanna come do that part for me? I...
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Im bored... shocker.. I know. Its a Friday night and so far I have finished making some gingerbread houses, dyed my hair and cooked dinner! I am about to engage in some serious play with my ferrets! The excitement never ends around here!

I am really looking forward to tomorrow! NEADS puppy traning in the AM and then cut and color in the afternoon! I...
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Thats an awesome pic...
That's one of my little peanuts! He's awesome and RANDOMLY falls asleep in positions such as this often! smile
So... Blog...

Okay, I was on SG awhile ago. I let my membership lapse, and now I am back! I should've known I couldn't stay away! I legit have no idea what to write here.

I am watching the Colts/Pats game right now and I am thoroughly disappointed in the events so far! I live in MA and being a Colts fan, I am usually...
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We SG members have our sneaky ways of pulling you back in, don't we (* does a wicked laugh here * )

This blog was not a waste of time at all. Welcome back.