Things are going well. I started my first fulltime week in over a year today. We'll see how I feel on Friday. My teeth are feeling bette4r and my dentist says things are going well. So I'll be all smiles again soon. biggrin
yay smile glad to see all is well smile
mad love
maybe you can ask the boss for a vacation now that you done a full week on the job ,, smile smile
My mouth is feeling alot better. Thanks to all who wrote. I finally figured out how to get a pic on my profile (with a little help, OK alot of help) I am hoping to get some more pics on but the rest were all too big. I just gotta figure out how to make them smaller.
You need picture editing software. You might have some already on your computer. You might ask to see if you do. I'm still looking for free, downloadable versions.
Don't you just love it when they bounce out? *LOL*
I have small breasts so they tend to stay in place. blush

OUCH!!!!!! mad So the dentist wasn't as bad as I tought it was going to be but now my mouth hurts SO MUCH. And I can't talk. I have all these things in my mouth to keep my graft safe and such. I can't believe I have to go back to work tommorrow. Ick
ohhhhh,isn't that cute.. smile smile anymore pic's coming out???
werd dearie smile glad the dentist wasnt that bad but ick frown
hope all goes well biggrin
ltns ltntalk biggrin
yes damn those conservatives! biggrin
mad love
Actually I feel alot better today. May have something to do with a certian SG member. biggrin I knew joining this site was a good idea!
I would very honored if I was picked to take HC to the dentist next wednesday smile . Great to see you feeling better today. Take it one day at a time..today smile,tomorrow laff blush
yeah i know its so sad isnt it! much better than the original me thinks! so how are you? im Ash xx
Feeling some better than I was yesterday. Thanks for all the nice comments!! kiss
How is life in La Crosse?
Glad to hear you're better sweetie. kiss
So I'm just having a really really rough week. I wish that I could be anywhere else but here. My life seems to be just falling apart. I'm not normaly like this. I can usually be upbeat about things. But this. Well this is the end of how I thought my life was going to be for the rest of my life. I just feel...
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Im sorry to hear that .......... i was in the chat room and looked you up. Sometimes its not meant to be, but Im sure you'll pull though. Take it from a guy that has to watch his best friend with his ex.
Hey girl, I'm going thru the same thing except it's the other way around. It's sad no matter what & extremely painful. But I'd rather be alone than in a relationship that is dead & not healthy.
Big hugs for you hon!!!

I bet you have more strength than you think. skull
We live in a town right on the Mississippi River so it's not uncommon that people drown in the river every so often. But in the past 7 years 6 boys have all drowned in the river. All of them white in thier twenties, and all of them out drinking downtown before the truned up missing. The police have ruled that all of these deaths...
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the tats on my legs go from a little below my ass to my ankles. they're stocking seams.
Aw, thanks a lot. blush

Why don't we see any pictures of you, though?

And is that virginity losing story true? If it is, that's awesome!
I'm not sure how I ever thought that I could handle all the gardens when we were buying this house. I just spent so much time out in the yard just getting all the dead leave and stuff raked out, I didn't even plant anything. I don't even like gardening, Hell I don't like outdoors. There are 9 gardens around our house and Jason promised...
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I don't think I can handle another dentist visit. I've always ended up with the really rough doctors who picked and poked at my gums till I was sore. My mom use to work for an oral surgeon, so I've seen a lot of this stuff. I had my two front teeth bonded together to close a gap and just a couple of months ago I had to get them redone. It was bad, but nothing compared to your ordeal. Glad to hear your doing well!
Your kids must have had a field day on Easter! I miss being that young around the holidays. It's not the same anymore. Did you get Peeps? I'm obsessed with those! *lol*
I'd love to help you with your garden! I'd love to have nine gardens around my house! But it is such hard work. Don't worry, once you get it all cleared up, it's much easier to keep it that way. smile
WOW my mouth still hurts alot!!! The easterbunny comes tommorrow. That means 2 really sugarred up kids for a few days. GOODIE!!!! I can't wait for my mouth to stop hurting!! frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown
So last week I wasn't feeling very well. I had a fever and I felt kinda icky. Well Friday I woke up and the right side of my face was all swollen and my wisdom tooth hurt ALOT. Turns out the tooth was absessed. So I get 10 days of heavy duty antibiotics and they cut the remaining 3 teeth out of my head on...
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