Things here are some better. I'm going to an AODA therapist. We'll see how that goes. My boss actually caught on to how bad I was feeling. She also found out that I've been drinking quite a bit. (everyday) So she suggested I go see someone. She also suggested that I go back to an AA or a NA meeting. I haven't gotten to that...
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redoing the bathrooms...it's not pretty frown
hope your feeling better,keep the spirits of positive alive,keep telling yourself it will get better,ive been there before

good luck to u i will be thinking of you smile
Things have gotten pretty crappy again.... frown I don't really know what to do to make myself feel better. I'm just so sad. I've been drinking alot lately. Everynight for about 3 weeks. I never thought that I would get to a point again where I would relapse and I would have no one to go to. to help me. It's like I've gone full circle...
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oh my god iknow where you are coming from
im so stressed,no friends are around any more
my car accident injury goes no where
my insides get worse,my eating is none
stress makes you all messed up
we used to do things,now school and no alone time
friends arent around,which makes for no socialization
it seems sometimes ruts are made and theres no way out,and nothing goes right,i hear you loud and clear

you run out of positive things to say and do
im stuck at home all day with these thoughts cant work cause of my injury.makes more stress to come

meditation is good,calms the mind
yoga or just a good hobby
im in a rut since a year or more with this accident crap

hang in there,call some friends
laugh,dont drink yourself away from the problems
be stronger than that

hey if we(husband)and i come up to lacrosse,brother lives there,i will let u know lets hook up for sure

stay cool it will be ok
talk to me anytime
love smile

[Edited on Oct 25, 2004 10:58PM]
Aww, thanks! I usually don't get enough sun. It just so happens that right before I took the set, I went to Raging Waters and got burned. (You can see my bikini tan *LOL*)

Your mother still gives tours of the house? That's so cool!
I bet there are a lot of stories in that house. I can't believe they didn't tell you about the hauntings. shocked
What else has happened in that house? Did you ever work there during the night? Creepy!

I'm so sorry you're down, sweetie. kiss
Have you been keeping busy? I know from experience that if you leave your mind idle you can easily fall into depression.
Which is why I started doing yoga and sewing. It's kept my mind working and the depression just slowly starts to fade away. My mom calls it the House Wife Syndrome.
I've stopped worrying about what I'm doing with my life, and where I'm going to end up, and just started doing things I enjoy-and the moment. Right now is all that matters.
What would you rather be doing? What would you like to do?
And don't forget, alcohol is a depressant. It just makes things worse. (I did the same thing)

Take care sweetie, and try to think positive.

kiss kiss
I'm feeling alot better! smile I finally had a good long cry about losing the baby. Unfortunatly I did it when Jason was still in Chicago so I did it all alone. Maybe that was a good thing. Jason dosen't really feel like he needs to mourn for the baby. That's just the way he is.

So now I'm trying to get some stuff done around...
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im sorry about the baby frown
jason seems liek hes being a jerk frown
oooer painting have fun!
mad love
thanks for the wellwishes..... i hope it goes away soon!
I know what you mean. If I found devil tracks on my house, I'd sit up all night to try to see it. Or maybe I would hunt for it. Why don't things like that happen anymore? frown

I'm so glad you're feeling better sweetie! A good cry always helps. I've also learned that sometimes it is better to cry alone, that way you don't have the uncomfortable comfort of someone else. Guys just aren't good for stuff like that. I only cry alone.

Have a great weekend sweetie, get some sunshine! kiss
Jason went on a buisness trip to Chicago till Wednesday. frown How dare he go away without me??So I'm kinda bummed all alone here.

My grandpa has been really sick and is in the hospital. When it rains it pours. I always say. I need a t shirt that says that. biggrin

I also had a misscarrige...........
I really wish that Jason didn't have to leave this...
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Sorry,to hear about all the things that are happen to you,,,here's a hug.... kiss and a kiss
Aww, I'm so sorry Hon! I wish I was there to keep you company. Maybe all this is just a blessing in disguise and something great is about to happen. Everything works out in the end. You'll see. {{{HUGS}}} kiss

Thank you so much for the tips sweetie!! kiss kiss
If only you were here to take care of me. blush
I'm feeling much better now. I ate lots of oranges and drank lots of water and OJ, just like you said. And now that I'm better I'm drinking lots of teas, hoping it'll keep it from sneaking back.

P.S. I'd like to send you something. If you don't mind. blush
Email me an address where I can send it.
My life is getting strangely unlucky. I mean even more unlucky for me and that is really bad. I wonder why??

Joy and I cleaned the house all day today. It was suprisingly fun. I don't get much time with just her. She's so cute. I want to find a Snow White costume for her. She will look soooooo pretty. I love having a glamore...
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Hey,girl..... smile sometimes we worry to much about everthing. Try and relax a lil. kiss kiss kiss kiss
Kids are the greatest thing. I just love watching my little cousin grow. I spoil the hell out of hime then give him back to my cousin. biggrin
Well as I thought Jenna died the next day. So I've been busy with the funeral and such. I know it sounds bad but death was the only thing that could help Jenna. Nothing that we did helped her. We may have extended her life but in the end we couldn't save her. I'm really not as sad as I thought I would be. I'm...
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Oh life dosen't get much more sad than watching a 19 year old die. I spent most of my morning today with my friend/patient Jenna and her family. When I left she was taking what we in the medical world call death gasps. They asked me to leave so that they could be alone with her as a family. I'm sure by now that she's...
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*sighs* *hugs*
My goodness that is a somber entry.

I hope all else is going okay. Sorry I haven't been around too much to leave comments. I still do get and appreciate your group emails. Is the homelife doing alright?
So I'm feeling kinda bad right now. Not only is everything in my social life going wrong right now but I've suspected for a week or so that I may be pregnant again. Now for most married couples this is a good thing. But I knew that Jason wouldn't be happy about this. There are just alot of underlying things. Pregnancy is really hard on...
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I'm so sorry Hon! *HUGS*
Why would your hubby be upset? I know it's hard, but...
I'm sending you positive vibes. If you need to talk, I'm here for you! kiss

I think it's from The Presidents of the United States. Or Dead Presidents.....That was a funny song. I would kill for a peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream!! YUM!!

i'm sorry to hear about that frown i hope things turn out for you.

and about my lotion, the 4 different lotions go on four different parts of my body... hehe
Things are still pretty messed up with my friends at work. I did talk to my boss and she says that I don't need to worry about my job. She said that she just had to "address the issue". Whatever that means. I guess it just means that she has to humor them.

I heard from some people that Kathy my ex best friend has...
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ill try
theres too much shit i need. not want mind you but need
aka house of my own decent job, life... oh yeah certain significant other to hump my brains out tongue
no shit the lattermost is needed more than anything lol
well im sorry about your friends at work sounds like yer getting fucked over and backstabbed. not surprising frown
poor kathy :\
that sucks i wish i knew what to tell you and her :x
mad love
Feeling better!

Today is Tyson's first day of school! I can't believe that I have a kid old enough to go to school! we're really excited. We're off to go school shopping. Nothing like instilling some good old procrastination into the kid reall early!! biggrin
awww, thats adorable! I loved back to school shopping when I was in elementary school blush
pretty freaky huh
damn i feel old hehe
I had an amazing weekend! I met these girls that are making a film about boat punks. I ended up spending the whole weeking out on these homade boats, around campfires. We went dumpster diving and I sleped outside. I just really needed to get away and think and this was perfect!

Things at work are still the same. Hopefully I'll hear back from those...
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you don't have Big feet do you??? how much will this cost me blush blush
im trying not to be too sad
but i need lovin from a hottie lol
and i need like... well to not have to feel like a burden and a bum and stuff heh
thanks for the concern dear smile
I had a really crappy day!!!! I've been waiting for a few weeks to find out if I got this disbatcher job at work. So today I found out that I didn't get it. Not gettting the job isn't the wost thing in the world. You don't get paid more. It's just different work. It's more of a status thing in the office. Two people...
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Man, your child is soooo Goth.
*hugs you tight*
i hope things get better dearie :x
mad love