I have decided I want dreadlocks. Although I could do them myself, Corporate Hap has to look "acceptable." Whatever the fuck that means.

In any event, I was wondering if anyone was skilled in doing this for people? I'd like to make them even if possible, instead of them becoming one huge nappy one! Any suggestions kids? biggrin

I got some cheese doodles for anyone who...
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aren't we all a slave to the traffic light

good luck with the dreads man
Is she the one that is also a waitress at Olympia?

[Edited on Jul 28, 2005 11:06AM]
This is from a great blog. Open Letters To Pundits This guy writes responses to those jackass pundits on the AM dial. This one is to Michael Savage and his show The Savage Nation. Whatever the fuck that means. Enjoy! biggrin

Michael Savage - opiate for the masses? (6-20-5)

On Savage Nation - Dr. Savage hung up on a caller for what he claimed was his...
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Oh Canada... biggrin

Newsbrief: Polls Find Canadian Majority Favoring Marijuana Legalization 11/26/04

The results of two surveys of Canadians came in this week, and both suggest the Canadian government is behind the curve with its plan to make possession of small amounts of marijuana a ticketable offense. When taken together, the two polls, one of attitudes toward marijuana law reform in Canada and one of marijuana...
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right under your friends list....it sayd "latest friend's thread"

click it.

and LIVE.

Damn. Why is the US so clueless?? If only Canada wasn't so cold.....
Do your patriotic duty and help get the fucker out! biggrin

Group also announces petition to remove President Bush.

St. Louis - A national veterans' organization today issued a "Declaration of Impeachment" and announced it is beginning an online petition to remove President Bush from office for crimes committed during the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Using the same language as the original "Declaration of Independence,"...
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hey hap. im not sure when ill be getting down that far. but I'll definitely email you when my plans are firmed up a bit. this storm has me in a bit of a holding pattern right now..

tell me more of this thing called a band.
Some of you are probably like me and like to listen to the ass clowns on AM talk radio and then yell at your radio. biggrin A friend of mine found a blog that responds to their asinine ideas. Here's a link to the site and a letter to a jerk-off named Michael Savage who hosts the Savage Nation.

Open Letters To Pundits

Michael Savage -...
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.PBS gets a reprieve; House restores $100 million in funding

Naples Daily News
By AMIE PARNES, parnesa@shns.com
and KATE SPINNER, kespinner@naplesnews.com
June 24, 2005

WASHINGTON Despite efforts by Southwest Florida lawmakers to slash federal spending for the Corporation of Public Broadcasting, the U.S. House rescinded the cut and voted Thursday to restore $100 million to continue to fund programs such as "Sesame Street" on...
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Kickass!!! That makes me soooo happy. I'm a big supporter of PBS, always have been. biggrin
so I bet you were happy to hear about that
Ok boys and girls, I need your help.

The following article descripes how Republicans are trying to pull funding from NPR and PBS stations across the country. This would mean a $400,000 cut for the station I work for alone. Please contact your local Congressman and Senator to help stop this. You can also sign the petition at the link below.

Save Public Broadcasting

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okay. I'll sign it.

I made the desktop, eh?

it's my mad flaying skills, isn't it? surreal
In case any of you don't know, CHICAGO ROCKS! biggrin This unfortunately means that Ft. Myers blows. Although the traffic up there is enough to make you go postal, I had forgotten how cool it is. It has a heart and soul that nowhere in Florida seems to have. Chicago has history, pride and spirit. Florida has a disposable wasteland of identical houses, topped off with...
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I don't have any free time because I watch my grandson most nights. I go out of town a lot to get away from here.
Chicago does rock. God I love that city!
I am one Zen bitch! biggrin

So now that the 100 year flood is over, it's back to the grind stone. I'm reveling in my 3 day week. I'm going to Chicago this Thursday through the following Monday. Should be good times! smile I tried to find a good show to check out while I'm there, but the only thig that jumped out was Alanis Morissette. I'll...
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DUDE full sail got me an interview for a paying gig biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
that's pretty bad, the thing is you have to stay on top of them if you want them to find jobs for you
The road trip up north was very relaxing. smile Exactly what I needed to clear my head. There's nothing quite like being alone with your thoughts, your music, the open road and a lot of time. Very zen. biggrin

I'm hoping to start a Southwest florida SG group for gatherings. Anyone interested?
are you going camping this weekend?
thanks. smile

I was thinking about it ....but I can only go saturday......I don't know.
OK, I know I've been slacking! blush

This weekend I'm driving a car to Illinois. Although most people would hate 19 hours in the car, I'm SUPER excited! biggrin I love a good road trip. Pack of smokes, some other smokey treats tongue, the road, the radio and my thoughts. Hell yea!

Anyone have a good road trip story or picture? Post away.
whatcha goin up north for? Wave at me when/if you pass through Nashville! biggrin
sorry pal I got nothing for you, but I wouldn't mind a good roadtrip myself
It's been a relaxing weekend...

...could be the drugs. biggrin

Went to see the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Saturday night, it's pretty good. Although I will say that anyone who is expecting the radio series or book should surrender that notion up front.

Now another week of the "real world" approaches. whatever When I was younger I wanted to get to "adult" life already, but now...
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I know anyone who thought the movie would stack up to the book was dillisional
I thought I was finally getting away from a hum drum regular job but I guess it's not to be quiet yet frown

and I get what your saying about the movie since I've read about half the book