Canceling my account.

Feel free to contact me via phone if your ever intrested in hanging out or some new event is coming up.
send me your info.
I'm bad at writing but good at list!

1. Aside from feeling more out of place than I did in high school (that alone is hard to picture) and not really liking half of my staff my new job is going great, I come in and work my ass off (nothing less than 9 hours so far, mostly 10 hours a day) then get off...
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May 8, 2007

To Whom IT May Concern;

I would like to thank Hot topic for the working opportunities that have been given to me. However at this time it is necessary for me to have a full time position and have accepted a job that will give me that assurance. My last day with the company will be Saturday, May 19, 2007.

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For the record I've only put off actually updating this until I had something worth updating; also on the record I'm not making that update yet because not much has changed.

I'm still job hunting in secret while still holding onto my current job, the prospects have been about what I already knew they'd be but considering I'm losing hours and now on a 'probation'...
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I'd love to go into detail about how awesomely bad today was and how much I bemoan my job but in reality I'm just too drunk to care right now, perfect time to update!

Truth is everything is the same, slightly different I suppose but for the most part completely the same. I feel no different yesterday than I did today and my feelings towards...
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yo yo yo, happy birfday
Hey, sucks that I didn't get to see you before I left. I guess you are still pretty busy with work and shit, but remember to take a breather sometimes. For real.

How's the graffitti art doing, btw? Any new shit?
Around 4:30 in the afternoon today I got called in to the back room to talk with my district manager and go over a few things with her; for the most part I knew ahead of time this talk was coming. I'd be lying to say I was looking forward to it but with it sprung on me so suddenly I wasn't completely dreading it...
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You should be a doctor...that's all I'm saying.

"...But it was very relaxing in a 'nah, I'll pass on the crack' kind of way."

I like that quote. haha. But I definitely hear what you are saying....I was at a very similar spot as you not too long ago, but I think having a positive outlook, despite all the negative shit around you, really helps push shit in the right direction. It'll fall together soon enough....

Anyways, I'm gonna give you a call one night soon. I'm leaving in less than a week!
For anyone who's been slightly interested here's an update that's a little over due; life is ok for the most part, I'm just having a hard time with it being that way.

Work is slightly back under control, I'm back down to working a real 40 hour week (it's just cut up over 6 days) and the biggest stress factor will be over this week...
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You didn't suck at meeting me.. haha You did great, I give you an A ooo aaa
Where have you been, man? Gimme a call sometime.
I'm going to be honest, none of this is worth reading.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I'd love to start this out with "I've been meaning to update" but to be perfectly honest it's been the last thing from my mind lately. In December I got no less than 4 days off (all month) and unless something happens January will end up being a banner month...
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Someone needs a hug and maybe a good tickle. You want me to tickle you? I will play 20 questions with you soon to cheer you up. Get a day off and I might even take you out to a few drinks... fancy I know. eeek
you got to come out

you need to punch a GM and take back your life.
Work, work, work, and work

I keep meaning to update this with something but every time I try to sit down and type something out I pass out in my chair just looking at my computer screen and sadly this isn't just a joke, it's happened three times in the last few weeks! Without a 3rd manager or key-holder me and my store manager have...
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Today hasn't been a good day, it started out well enough but then for a reason I can't really pin point it all got away from me and now I'm in a bad mood, more than likely it was the drinking but who knows for sure.

I'm going to lay down, read, put my newest hoodie up, and try to not think about anything involving...
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Happens to us all, the bright side it won't last... That's a cool hoodie by the way eeek
Where did you find that thing?