It's been a while since I've updated, and since I'm up and shit..I thought, what the fuck?

Also, I've had a cocktail, a strong one(I've been having trouble sleeping), so now I'm all groggy and shit, and thought, hey fuck, when I'm half asleep, I think better...mind you, I may not write better.

Every night now, since this Erin thing, I've been trying to fall...
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thats what i do. im a hynotherapist and past life regressions are my favorite. its interesting to me that your brain will take you to the life you need to learn from in this life. they are very fun to do. smile i think i had a more recent past life living in the same town i do now. its weird... wink
yes that all makes sense to me. i think its all just a matter of tapping into that part of your brain that has what youre supposed to remember this time. henry leo bolduc, edgar cayce, and ruth montgomery all have written really good books on the subject. but, yes i do agree with you. smile
no such thing as enjoying dresing up as the joker too much, its the fucking joker...

Are you going to be the same thing for Halloween EVERY YEAR?!

i was spiderman this year.

yes, i luuuurve me some Sopranos.
i love seeing your sketches! and of course, the weirder the better. biggrin
What am I doing?

Writing at 3 in the god damn morning? Yeah, still..yeah still, thinking everything over in my god dmaned head about everything that's going on latley.

To make matters worse, I tried(or I guess I did)watching 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' this evening. The idea was, to cheer me up or make me think differently abotu everything that's been going on....
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Hello again,

Well, mr general mood is for the better.

After my talk with Erin on Friday/Saturday morning(over three hours worth), I've started to feel overall, a lot more comfortable around her.

It sounds odd I know, but I've never felt more comfortable talking with her. We're being more honest, and it feels good. Granted, I didn't use to lie to her mind you-but we're...
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Yeppers, yet another kind of sad journal entry-and mind you, at almost 5 in the morning to-what does that tell you?

It's been a week of pure torture for me-as if you read my last journal entry-you know what's been going on.

Erin and I tried this, let's go back to the 'dating' thing, and spend more time apart. And, it's been pure tortue, little...
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you don't have to apologize! i apologize for not getting back to you yet. i've just been working a lot, and when i come home i'm so tired. and i wanted to wait until i was more awake to reply so i could reply decently. and i will reply. smile

i'm so, so sorry. i know how much it hurts to get your heart broken, and i do hope yours is on the mend soon.
I'm sorry to here u guys are going through such a bad time right now-I have had my share of heartbreaks and it's never easy. I'm glad to here your talking that's allways a good thing. I think u guys are going to be o.k. but it will take some time-Pink Monkey and Red Robin will be together again smile .
Well.....another journal update.

This one isn't much brighter than the last, as it seems, my life recently, has been shifted toward to sad side, at least for me.

Admittedly, I did do some crying this past weekend-though, I find no shame in admiting it.

On Friday, my girlfriend came over to look at some wedding gloves online. No, we're not getting married-it's for her halloween...
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i'm so sorry frown

i really do hope things work out for the two of you. if i were still in madison i'd take you out to help get your mind off things! like.. maybe laughing at the hooter's waitresses again. heehee.

take care.
The following conversation took place,last night at work. It involves me and my manager at work:

Him: First of all, you guys don't need to be up here, pissing and hollering about letting people off early tonight. I TOLD you guys on Friday this was going to happen, and now I hear you guys are up here crying about it!

Me: It was as stupid...
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I love the horse. It looks like the horse from Ren and Stimpy. ^___^

The one of the little boy is very cute, too. biggrin

You're so talented!

You inspire me.

And yes, that horse looks like from ren and stimpy, doesn't he fly around with the cinnominy cereal?

Ok, I'm really bored today, and inspired to do another 'icon' drawing...so here ya go.

frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull surreal
frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown frown surreal surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown surreal surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull eeek skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull eeek skull skull skull eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek skull skull
frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull eeek skull eeek surreal surreal surreal surreal eeek skull skull
frown frown frown surreal surreal skull eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek skull skull eeek whatever whatever whatever love whatever whatever eeek skull
frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull eeek surreal surreal surreal love eeek skull skull skull skull eeek whatever whatever whatever whatever eeek skull skull
frown frown frown frown surreal surreal skull skull skull eeek whatever whatever whatever eeek skull eeek skull skull skull eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek skull skull
frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal surreal skull eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek whatever eeek skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
frown frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull eeek whatever whatever eeek skull skull skull eeek eeek eeek eeek skull
frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal skull skull skull surreal skull skull eeek whatever whatever whatever eeek skull skull skull eeek surreal surreal eeek eeek
frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal skull skull eeek whatever whatever whatever whatever eeek skull skull skull eeek surreal surreal surreal
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull eeek whatever eeek eeek whatever eeek skull skull skull skull eeek surreal skull
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek skull skull skull skull eeek surreal skull
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull eeek surreal surreal skull
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal eeek surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull surreal surreal surreal skull
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal surreal eeek surreal eeek surreal eeek surreal eeek surreal eeek surreal surreal skull skull
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal skull skull eeek
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal eeek surreal eeek surreal eeek surreal eeek surreal eeek surreal skull skull eeek surreal
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull eeek surreal surreal
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull eeek eeek surreal frown
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull eeek eeek surreal surreal surreal frown
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal surreal skull skull skull skull skull eeek surreal surreal surreal frown frown frown
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal frown frown frown frown frown

Did this shi work?
ooo that's neat. i think it got cut off but it's still cool.

and i have no idea what a sudoku puzzle is. confused
Is that a skull