as soon as i get some cooked up i will send ya some no charge because you have been really fucking cool to me and your getting hichted up so it can be a gift of somewhat.
Yeah for Yoga! I'm just taking a 'gentle yoga' class for now. It's just super mellow and easy. I like that cause I've never done it and I get anxiety attacks when I do hard physical activity unless I build myself up to it....which I plan on doing with this as in next term I'll take Yoga 1 and then Yoga 2. I figure that girls pretty much dig a guy who does Yoga but I just kinda feel like the guy who takes the aerobics class and hangs out in the back, know what I'm saying....even though I'm not that guy.
HPV sucks, I had a girlfriend who had that, actually I know lots of girls with that and a few that have had to deal with the cervical cancer. Does it go away? I thought it was pretty similar to HSV in that regard, as in doesn't go away, which I know to many people that have that too. Which reminds me of an old French saying...if you don't have the H then you're not having enough sex. Good times! Anyway hope you had a great weekend!
Well, i got my taxes back the day before my birthday.........a very bad combination. I bought a much needed $92 pair of pants that are long enough to wear with heels. It's a ridiculous amount to spend, i agree, but they bring me happiness.
We were so behind on our bills that most of it went to bills. That money was supposed to be for... Read More
Grace Sanford was an amazing woman. She was my mom's mom. When i was little, she was just an old person with really rough hands and a stronge grip. Then as i got older she was my embarrassing loud talking, loud dressing grandma. Then, when i was 15 she came to my moms second wedding............and she swung her hair around and danced with us... Read More
I went pretty well, but then my period started while I was on break! Thankfully, no one noticed, and I had time to take care of it before resuming my pose. How awkward.
i want pictures... i assume you have good taste, but i want to know who im getting into. if onsite names. besides that... you rock, but what would your fiance say?!?!?!
Well, good news........the chicken wings and beer helped my mud butt!!! Who knew that the cure to terminal trots was spicy fried delicious?
My grandma had an aneurysm on new years day............weird, waiting for the new year to go through that. She had a living will that stated that she wanted to be let go if anything major happened. She had a heart attack a... Read More
Dude, you are gross. Also, check your christing testimonials. Sorry I've been a lazy friend for awhile. I'm not promising I'll be better, but I want you to know I still love ya.
Yes. You will have to remind me of that day forever, because I'm , what's the word? Oh yeah a "fucking retard". I hope your man doesn't get pissed at me for making passes at you with lines like "puke in your mouth". And before I forget I miss your big hairy mouth hole too.
FUCK, i just wrote an update and had it get eaten!!
I love listening to old Ray Charles on a sunday morning while i cook sausage and biscuits. I drank Jamacan Blue mountain coffee this weekend, $45 per pound!! It was delicious.
Starting saturday, my house will be full of people i love and people i used to love. I am hosting christmas this year... Read More
It had to be said.