I know what's wrong with the youth of today
Wondering lost, it's true what they say
And who is to blame? T.V and magazines
They would have you believe every day is halloween
Why when i was a kid, playing in the ditches
Living in fear of Satan and the witches
The whole world was made of wood smelt like gasoline
The days were at...
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Wondering lost, it's true what they say
And who is to blame? T.V and magazines
They would have you believe every day is halloween
Why when i was a kid, playing in the ditches
Living in fear of Satan and the witches
The whole world was made of wood smelt like gasoline
The days were at...
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Saw Farenheight 9/11 today (FINALLY!) First time that I left a Michael Moore film and, instead of laughing hysterically, I had to stay behind in the theater for a minute to compose myself because I couldn't stop crying. SUCH a good movie. Very different from his other stuff. Go see it. NOW!
My friend mikemcq just joined the site (giving me 100 army points, woohoo!)....
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My friend mikemcq just joined the site (giving me 100 army points, woohoo!)....
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Well, it WAS fairly large breasted outside that day...or boobly...or nipply...alright, done now...
and you said you weren't emo?
Sooner or later I'm going to learn to take people off my friend's list after they've been grey for months. I just always hope that they'll come back. I hate having to say goodbye to people forever, even if I only know them online.
Bah, why do I meet such amazing girls on this site who live so far away. It just keeps happening over...
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Bah, why do I meet such amazing girls on this site who live so far away. It just keeps happening over...
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my luck is always that everytime they go grey and i actually remove
i see them back on the site and wierd out haha
hot eastern european women booze and culture
man you had a rocking time and glad to hear that I am

i see them back on the site and wierd out haha
hot eastern european women booze and culture
man you had a rocking time and glad to hear that I am

Welcome home.
I want to go make out in clubs now and wait for someone to come take pictures.
I want to go make out in clubs now and wait for someone to come take pictures.
Yesterday we took a trip to an old Nazi prison camp. That was depressing as fuck! It was so surreal. I took a shitload of pictures, but I don't know if I want to put them up. Most don't have me in them anyway. I mean, there's nothing particularly disturbing about them, it's just what that place used to be.
My new user pic was...
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My new user pic was...
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Too bad I didn't check your journal earlier - my friend Paul owns the only Taqueria in Prague.
It's a mexican restaurant - kinda fast food. Walk up counter, cheap prices.
Here's one in your area,
Here's one in your area,
YES!!! Hammersmith is now officially the owner of THREE groups on this website. My newest one, a Michael Moore fan group, was just approved. GO JOIN: http://suicidegirls.com/groups/PDRSG/
Last night I was out with some people and they were all getting drunk and I decided to stay sober because I had gotten so drunk the night before. I was starting to feel really insecure because I...
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Last night I was out with some people and they were all getting drunk and I decided to stay sober because I had gotten so drunk the night before. I was starting to feel really insecure because I...
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be sarcastic if that is who you be 

You continue to fill me with gooey giddy happy goo
And I was not implying a lack of Kids in the Hall knowlege, I was merely saying it wopuld be more fun to be a Canuck sputing incoherent Kids in the Hall babble
And don't give up the sarcastic side. Or I will KILL YOU! KILL YOU NICE AND GOOD!!
...Well I won't really, but anyway...Don't!

And I was not implying a lack of Kids in the Hall knowlege, I was merely saying it wopuld be more fun to be a Canuck sputing incoherent Kids in the Hall babble

And don't give up the sarcastic side. Or I will KILL YOU! KILL YOU NICE AND GOOD!!
...Well I won't really, but anyway...Don't!

#1 thing to remember to bring with me next time I visit Europe: an umbrella!
Haha, apparently I made a lot of drunken posts last night. Oh well, nothing I'm ashamed of.
Last night was the first time in a while I actually got drunk off beer. I didn't think I was capable of that any more. Had a quick puff of weed too.
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Haha, apparently I made a lot of drunken posts last night. Oh well, nothing I'm ashamed of.
Last night was the first time in a while I actually got drunk off beer. I didn't think I was capable of that any more. Had a quick puff of weed too.
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werd man
wish i were having as much fun
hahah bearded you puking all over prague...
poor eastern europe will never be the same

wish i were having as much fun
hahah bearded you puking all over prague...
poor eastern europe will never be the same

#1. I miss you.
#2. I changed my name.
#2. I changed my name.

Dude, my last entry was only responded to by Canadians! Hot damn I love you Canucks! If I didn't have so many connections to New England, I'd so pack up and move up there with you guys. Then again, depending on the outcome of the next election, I might hitch me up a hobo pack and ship myself up north anyway.
Oh, and to everyone...
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Oh, and to everyone...
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Your pictures were great! I have a friend studying biochemistry who went to Prague to do some research. He loved it as well!
Hurray for Canucks and super tall freaks! YAY!! You should ship yourself up here, then you could add Kids In the Hall references in regards to your beard: "The beard doesn't go, YOU go!!" 

I finally put up the pictures I promised you all. They're in my pics section in a folder marked "Prague". Sorry there aren't more of me, it just never occurs to me to actually take pictures of MYSELF.
Here's one I thought you all might particularly enjoy, though:
Damn! Too wide to fit in the space, just follow the link instead: http://suicidegirls.com/media/members/9/23/74239/18286/193084.jpg
The other night...
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Here's one I thought you all might particularly enjoy, though:
Damn! Too wide to fit in the space, just follow the link instead: http://suicidegirls.com/media/members/9/23/74239/18286/193084.jpg
The other night...
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Ha! We have warning labels like that on cigarettes here, but ours also come with pretty pictures of diseased lungs. Pretty nice.
You sound like you're having an awesome time, and Prague looks even better than I thought. I must go there someday.
That statue you took a picture of has images of Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe, two people who were responsible for breakthroughs in astronomy back in the 16th or 17th centuries (can't remember exactly when). Now you can impress other people with your knowledge of dead European scientists!
I also see that you are growing a "mountain man" type beard. Looks pretty goodon you, and it reminds me of the time I had one. Those were the days.
Have fun and lay off those hookahs!
You sound like you're having an awesome time, and Prague looks even better than I thought. I must go there someday.
That statue you took a picture of has images of Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe, two people who were responsible for breakthroughs in astronomy back in the 16th or 17th centuries (can't remember exactly when). Now you can impress other people with your knowledge of dead European scientists!

I also see that you are growing a "mountain man" type beard. Looks pretty goodon you, and it reminds me of the time I had one. Those were the days.
Have fun and lay off those hookahs!
Heh, not weird at all. Once you start leaving me e-mails titled "I'll buy your public hair for $2 a piece", THEN you'd be weird. So don't do that and you'll be fine
And awesometastic peektures!!

And awesometastic peektures!!
Photos from my trip to Prague
You know the thing that sucks about being in Prague? I have to wait till 4 PM to figure out what the new set of the day is.
I think I've given up on the idea of going back to the festival tomorrow. Too much of a hassle. Oh well.
Shot my second project last night. It's all about how Bush is really a shape-shifting...
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I think I've given up on the idea of going back to the festival tomorrow. Too much of a hassle. Oh well.
Shot my second project last night. It's all about how Bush is really a shape-shifting...
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You know the thing that sucks about being in Prague? um me not being there

shape-shifting lizard? isn't that something from a cheech & chong movie?
Oops, apparently, due to some language confusion, I just went to the women's bathroom here. Oh well, it's a one person bathroom anyway.
Back from the film festival officially, but I think I'll be heading back on Wednesday because I'm free and I want to catch Farenheight 9/11 and elary.
Thought I'd do a quick rundown of the movies in case you ever get to...
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Back from the film festival officially, but I think I'll be heading back on Wednesday because I'm free and I want to catch Farenheight 9/11 and elary.
Thought I'd do a quick rundown of the movies in case you ever get to...
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One hand CAN clap...hope you're still having a stellar time.
Hopefully those movies will show up on this side of the pond. Glad to see you are having a good time; I just came back from my vacation about twelve hours ago (full summary in my journal, if you care to read it).
No one has been keeping up the Survivor thread! I will probably update today or tomorrow, so check in and see what you think. I'm always looking for feedback.
No one has been keeping up the Survivor thread! I will probably update today or tomorrow, so check in and see what you think. I'm always looking for feedback.
Tomorrow we leave to spend three days at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, which is supposedly the third biggest film festival in Europe. Unfortunately, all the movies we want to see, like Farenheight 9/11 and the new Pedro Almadovar film, are playing only AFTER we leave. Oh well, should still be fun.
I've noticed that our grou here is getting kind of clique-y, and...
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I've noticed that our grou here is getting kind of clique-y, and...
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wow, your trip is so great, have fun at the film festival. i have seen pedro almadovar films in spanish class. miss you!
how's it going cutie

I don't know if you have been following the show lately, but the last one they did was an "All-Star" Survivor. Richard was there, and actually got in a fight with a shark while fishing. The shark bit him - and he bit it right back before subduing it and bringing it back to be eaten by his tribe. Upon hearing the story, one of his tribemates asked the following question: "Is it okay to call a gay man a stud?"
I also had an idea for the post-merger game, but it's for reward - something that will allow us to bring in the siginificant others of the contestants.
I don't know what's wrong with these kids today!
Who can understand anything they say?
They a disobedient, disrespectful oafs!
Noisy, crazy, dirty, lazy, loafers!
While we're on the subject:
You can talk and talk till your face is blue!
But they still just do what they want to do!
Why can't they be like we were,
Perfect in every way?
What's the matter with kids today?
I've tried to raise him the best I could
Kids! Kids!
Laughing, singing, dancing, grinning, morons!
And while we're on the subject!
Kids! They are just impossible to control!
Kids! With their awful clothes and their rock an' roll!
Why can't they dance like we did
What's wrong with Sammy Caine?
What's the matter with kids today!