i have a new niece. my sister went into labor yesterday morning, was doing great until about 330 or 4, when she suddenly dilated 2.5cm at the same time that she had a contraction where the kid's heartbeat dropped dramatically.
(bear in mind this is happening a thousand miles away from here, and i'm finding everything out by phone)
doctor's come a-running, they want to... Read More
I won't be there long...I'm flying in Dec. 14 (thurs) night and flying out early Monday morning. There's the xmas party at the bar that saturday I'll get to rock my rockstar status
Thanks for the natal day wishes. Ever since the new format it's been hard to keep up with birthdays and such. I'm sure I've missed a few.
Kudos on the 50000+ words. You're actually the first person I know that's done it.
ok, so here's the dilemma. i'm tempted to be a bitch. very very tempted.... but what i'm tempted to do might be considered quite mean...
but i've already been called enough nasty names, i'm sure, that this wouldn't change a whole lot... but it would make me feel just a little bit better about the whole situation...
karmically speaking, this won't exactly help me... Read More
well, we are freshly back from asheville. had a fantastic time. got ink, listened to some terrible karaoke, watched xchaosx get flipped upside-down no less than three times in one night. met the much discussed and wonderfully funny tattooduke. hung out with those two and of course kyshak for a few days, definitely a better way to spend a few days than being here... Read More
came here from klaire's journal. isn't she wonderful!?!
your tattoo really Really REALLY rocks! so powerful and "weighty," yet so delicate at the same time. wow....
A. if you confront, you'll probably not get the satisfaction that you expect or dream of. you'll still be seething afterwards. i prefer to use rage to learn better lessons about my own psyche, and use the anger as a source of focus to use my energy elsewhere. and always feel superior!
B. i think safe, casual, unashamed sex is a good thing no matter the up-coming circumstances. life is too short to not enjoy every moment you can. endulge in playfulness whenever you can.
C. i have no experience, but i suspect i'd want to know whose fluids i'm eventually slathered with.
2. Hell yeah! Live it up. (sense a theme here?) But be careful as usual with the partner(s) in question.
Plus, gives you something good to think about while whacking off...
been a busy little bunny today. cleaned a little, cooked a little, did a little laundry, paid a few bills, cleaned out some stuff from the truck.
but the highlight of the day: going to biker night at the local hooters. never seen so many hot bikes and hot boys in my life. amazing the concurrence of hot bikes, hot tattoos, and hot military boys... Read More