Well after about 5yrs off being away I'm back thanks to an anonymous person paying for 3 months for me. Thank you whoever you are.
Alot has changed. I now not only seey daughter which I wasn't able to before, she also now lives with me in Stevenage. Which also means I'm a single dad which is knackering. I'm also unemployed at the moment as...
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Alot has changed. I now not only seey daughter which I wasn't able to before, she also now lives with me in Stevenage. Which also means I'm a single dad which is knackering. I'm also unemployed at the moment as...
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well, i've moved again. i know live at kettering general hospital in staff accomadation. but it means i will be on here even less due to no internet access there. but anyway. hopefully i will be back on here more soon. have a good one till i get back.

i am still alive. just haven't had the time to get online much to update. had a crap christmas working nights on christmas eve and christams day. but i made up for it on new years eve by going down to G.A.Y. in london. was hoping someone like girls aloud where going to play there like the last time i went. but no, alas there...
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thought i better update my profile. sorry i haven't posted in your journals lately, i've been busy working and going down to see some old mates.
since the last time i updated i have been to london to see a friend perform at 'HER MAJESTY'S' theatre in some sort of up and coming stars thing. basically i sat there for around 3 hours bored shitless...
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since the last time i updated i have been to london to see a friend perform at 'HER MAJESTY'S' theatre in some sort of up and coming stars thing. basically i sat there for around 3 hours bored shitless...
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thank you and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas as well

thanks for the sweet comment on my set. x
today, while waiting for the bus, i was watching a hurt pigeon trying to fly but for some strange reason it couldn't. i could tell though that one of it's legs was hurt as i just seemed to flop and the pigeon hobbled when trying to walk. the pigeon waws also breathing very fast and deeply so it probably didn't have long to live, or...
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Thats almost frighteningly deep. I've never been sure about the karma thing, but the way things have been recently i'm beginning to wonder if i'm not getting payback for past mistakes...ah well, my own fault. How are you anyway? xxxx
Thank you so much for taking the time out to type a comment for my set, I appreciate it so much! Thanks!
well, thanks to doing a whole month of nights, i had enough money to go to the london tattoo convention with my brother which was a really good day out. watched some of the art fusion which was really good. i saw a few of the sguk people about. also watched tim kern (ymonster) tattoo someone. my brother was besotted with Cat Von...
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Sadly, me time is now over...*sigh* Too short!
Sadly, me time is now over...*sigh* Too short!
I don't have one of those, i'm sorry...maybe i should have one done! Hpws you? xx
just had my brother and his girlfriend over. had a good laugh as i haven't seen him since christmas. they've got me into charity shop shopping. you can find a few little trinkets in those places. plus a few good old records. i found 'toto's' album 'iv' with africa and rosanna on it for only 1 pound. bargain. i love the sound of vinyl. it...
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Thankyou for the add
How are you? xxx

LOL! Be good...I'll try!! I'm not very good at it though
Unfortunatley i am off work a lot, hence the worry. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which basically means i am knackerd all the time and i pick up bugs and virus's really easy. But you prob know that being a health assistant? Hope work wasn't to painful for you honey xx

just finished a 7 day stretch of 11 hour night shifts. so i'm absolutely shattered. but i can't go to bed as builders are coming round to do the wall out the front today
. but at least i have 6 days off now
. it's interesting working nights in a hospital as thats when you are most likely going to get an arrest or...
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i love the sound of rain tapping my window at night with thunder and lightning in the back ground makes me feel relaxed. i think i have a thing about water as i feel relaxed around it. i remember when i was younger going out in heavy thunder storms in my old waterproofs and just finding somewhere quite to sit down and watch the thunder...
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thankyou for the set comment xxx
thought i'd better update since it's been over a month. not much to say except having to spend lots of money on my car. e.g. new exhaust, brakes, spark plugs, wheel bairings, windscreen wipers, air filter. plus i have my M.O.T. on thursday and tax at the end of the month
other things that have been happening in my life that i don't normally...
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other things that have been happening in my life that i don't normally...
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ok, so i'm really thinking of getting on of the tattoo's i want done soon.
i want a heartagram on my right wrist that has wings coming off the sides and going round so the tips touch on the upside of my wrist. then having 'free bird' (lynard skynard) just below it on the downside of my wrist.
here's a very quick google pic search...
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i want a heartagram on my right wrist that has wings coming off the sides and going round so the tips touch on the upside of my wrist. then having 'free bird' (lynard skynard) just below it on the downside of my wrist.
here's a very quick google pic search...
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nicolajane said:
i will certainly be going to see it still have all the old cartoon videos from being a kid hell i will never part with them
same as, i have 'arrival from cybertron' and 'transformers the movie' on vhs.
'you got the touch, you got the POWEEEEERRRR'.
oh, and i will have to watch the film when it comes out, even though i bet they will ruin it.
cant wait should be alaugh if nothing else nice to know im not the only one with the old videos
how are you?
i will certainly be going to see it still have all the old cartoon videos from being a kid hell i will never part with them
same as, i have 'arrival from cybertron' and 'transformers the movie' on vhs.
'you got the touch, you got the POWEEEEERRRR'.
oh, and i will have to watch the film when it comes out, even though i bet they will ruin it.
cant wait should be alaugh if nothing else nice to know im not the only one with the old videos

how are you?

yeah it has been rather nice thank you
my body is broken yours is bent comes from - placebo - everym and every you
prefer the line like the naked leads the blind i know im selfish im unkind
im so looking forward to transformers if that makes me a geek then a geek i can live with being

I'm back at last. god, it's been nearly a year since i've been on here. I can't believe how much more is going on within the site. more things to do. more girls pics everyday. a new ipod thing, and everything else new. p.s. if i rabbit on a bit, it's cause my brain has turned to mush. i now have a memory of a...
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Hey, welcome back! I only just returned last month myself. So much change around here!

Thank you