I finally have an internet connection again. I haven't had much of a chance to sign on lately, except for when I visit my friend Melanie. They said they were looking at all the hot naked girls on here since this site leaves a cookie that keeps you signed in even if you close your browser. Luckily they didn't post any odd messages on my...
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Where you at, Holmes?? It's about time we meet up for some booze!! 

August 17th? Seriously?? Where ARE you?? 

Friends, parties, etc
So I finally moved into my new place!
It feels so good to not have to worry about living under someone else's roof and rules. I only have a bed and couch for furniture at the moment, but the rest will come in due time.... It sucks having to start over, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I won't be on as much...
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It feels so good to not have to worry about living under someone else's roof and rules. I only have a bed and couch for furniture at the moment, but the rest will come in due time.... It sucks having to start over, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I won't be on as much...
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thank you
i like how you worded that "...put together quite nicely..."
"guy girl" types, huh? like "one of the guys"?

"guy girl" types, huh? like "one of the guys"?
so how goes the new digs?
Well, tomorrow is the start of a new beginning for me...
Have to get up and look for apartments in the morning. Then have to organize some stuff. Then, on tuesday, I officially start my new job. And on Thursday, I have to call Fidelity to cash out on my 401K.
My buddy Jay from back east will be out here in a week or...
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Have to get up and look for apartments in the morning. Then have to organize some stuff. Then, on tuesday, I officially start my new job. And on Thursday, I have to call Fidelity to cash out on my 401K.
My buddy Jay from back east will be out here in a week or...
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I am so glad you enjoyed the new Alexsandria Shoot. Check out my journal for behind the scenes.
just to let you know I was just hired for a position at a brewpub and I will be starting next week. I also have a bunch of jobs I am still pursuing and hoping they are still pursuing me but until the better one comes along I have a job!
Good news for me... I gots me a mutha-fuckin' job!
I'll be serving at Carrabba's. Hopefully make some bank. Still waiting to hear back from the tekky-jobs, but at least I'll be okay for now.
Other than that, life's okay. Been sorta exercising my newfound freedom of being single, but I'm sure it will get old just as being in a relationship does.... Fuck am...
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I'll be serving at Carrabba's. Hopefully make some bank. Still waiting to hear back from the tekky-jobs, but at least I'll be okay for now.
Other than that, life's okay. Been sorta exercising my newfound freedom of being single, but I'm sure it will get old just as being in a relationship does.... Fuck am...
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so any of the calls you are getting worthwhile?
contract job + travel? sounds crazy. I keep getting emails for people wanting outside sales reps.... I don't wanna be an outside sales rep....
Current drama: My lawyer says the county DA wants to seek a felony charge for burglary in relation to my previous BS charges. It made me relax when she scoffed. Whatever you do... do not get arrested in Douglas County Colorado. They're a bunch of gung-ho pricks!
Anyway, on to more important matters.
Life's been hectic looking for work, but I think I have some...
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Anyway, on to more important matters.

Life's been hectic looking for work, but I think I have some...
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Hippie girls everywhere.
Going to another show Thursday too.

Going to another show Thursday too.
Ended up eating Tuna with Balsalmic Vineger.
My kitchen reeked.....

I forgot how hard and frustrating it is looking for a goddamn job.
Anyone have any open "positions"?

Anyone have any open "positions"?

hmmm...open positions, huh? none that i can pay ya for, sorry!
how's things goin, besides hunting 4 a job?

how's things goin, besides hunting 4 a job?
wow...did she work at your previous place of employment? that's the only reason i can fathom the animosity and even then, it's lame...why should anyone else worry about who a co-worker is dating?...you're right it is childish...I'm sorry you guys have to take a break...it's sweet of you to be understanding of her need to do it but yeah...it does suck *huge hugs*
Had a great weekend.
I helped my friend move some stuff out of her house. She wouldn't let me pay for anything all weekend. She's soooo hot and a total sweetheart!
Her freind had a party and I was making Long Island Iced Tea's for the entire neighborhood. It was good times, and after everyone went to bed, her and I had an extra good...
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I helped my friend move some stuff out of her house. She wouldn't let me pay for anything all weekend. She's soooo hot and a total sweetheart!

Her freind had a party and I was making Long Island Iced Tea's for the entire neighborhood. It was good times, and after everyone went to bed, her and I had an extra good...
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i hope everything goes ok with you
sounds like things are going good for you

Okay, has anyone found out how to see who's posted a new journal entry without having to visit every friend's page? This new format has lost all of the functionality of it's predecessor...
Anyway, there's still some shit going down in my life, but nothing I can't rise above and eventually get through. Just rolling with the punches that life is throwing at me now....
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Anyway, there's still some shit going down in my life, but nothing I can't rise above and eventually get through. Just rolling with the punches that life is throwing at me now....
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It beats having 4 dicks like my boss
seattle seemed kinda interesting but a bit annoying the parking sucked. which is probably why there was so many assholes on bicycles.
sorry to hear about your car man.
that sucks
seattle seemed kinda interesting but a bit annoying the parking sucked. which is probably why there was so many assholes on bicycles.
sorry to hear about your car man.
that sucks
No, we broke up last October.
It's cool. You didn't know.
It's cool. You didn't know.

Edmonton should have won

sorry you haven't been doin too hot...it sucks when things aren't quite right
i'm getting better...isn't turned from a cold to a minor annoyance

i'm getting better...isn't turned from a cold to a minor annoyance

Jail sucks.....
Guess I'll elaborate more at a later time.
Okay, here's the update....
I guess you can now get arrested for looking at someone's email... I had recently found out that my GF had been cheating on me with her director behind my back while on her laptop. The email client was there and open with no password, so I looked at it...
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Guess I'll elaborate more at a later time.

Okay, here's the update....
I guess you can now get arrested for looking at someone's email... I had recently found out that my GF had been cheating on me with her director behind my back while on her laptop. The email client was there and open with no password, so I looked at it...
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What??? That fucking sucks sweetie
Just shows how bloody insecure she is, and realising that she is so totally in the wrong about everything. BITCH!!!!
Yes, damn this big pond in between us. I still have no-one to go with yet
I can't believe that the other girl pulled out on me just because there's another gig on the same night that she wants to go see, despite us having had these tickets for over a month now!
Love and kisses
Michelle xx

Yes, damn this big pond in between us. I still have no-one to go with yet

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
Man, I wonder what the statute of limitations on that is, because I need to have a bitch arrested. My ex girlfriend used to look at my shit on the regular. Hence the term "ex"
Well, the proverbial "shit" hit the "fan" yesterday.....
I'm currently on indefinite paid vacation from work. So is my ex and her director...lol.
I sent an email to our "mutual freinds" at work to basically tell them why I broke up with her, and in case she tried to make me look like the asshole. All I did was divulge the truth with factual evidence...
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I'm currently on indefinite paid vacation from work. So is my ex and her director...lol.

I sent an email to our "mutual freinds" at work to basically tell them why I broke up with her, and in case she tried to make me look like the asshole. All I did was divulge the truth with factual evidence...
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yes, a lot of good can come from being single for awhile...helps ya get in touch with who you are again...ya know?
not sure if i'll have much time to update this weekend so if not, have a great one!
not sure if i'll have much time to update this weekend so if not, have a great one!

Damn, Dude!!! Holy shit!!!
So are you still living with her, or what??
I hope things work out with the job.
That kinda scares me. I once sent an email to a friend of mine about what a horrible mother my boss was. Oh yeah, except instead of addressing it to my friend, I addressed it TO SAID BOSS. It was awful. I wanted to die.
I'd much rather have done something awesome like you did!!
We seriously need to hook up for a session. SOON.
Are you staying here even though you broke up?? I hope so!!! You know you love the MHC. You KNOW it.
So are you still living with her, or what??
I hope things work out with the job.

I'd much rather have done something awesome like you did!!
We seriously need to hook up for a session. SOON.
Are you staying here even though you broke up?? I hope so!!! You know you love the MHC. You KNOW it.