31 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wink
I bet you're stoked!

(that Elvis guy was something else!)

oh and ps. totally have universal marked on my calendar smile
oh ya
SOB not another Hurricane. Please don't hit New Orleans. frown frown frown frown frown frown
So i'm thinking a night of ROCK BAND and drinks is long over due. Pre-ordered Rock Band 2. Gotta go take the XBOX to UPS again. It's still fucking up. But Ry talked to the support line and supposedly they're gonna fix whatever the problema is. They better. robot Or i'll kick them.

P.S. Been having some crazy ass nightmares lately. Last night dealt with abandonment...
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Today is very boring. I don't know what to do with myself. whatever
Sad Face. frown
about $1700 and I should be good for this date. I should have the camera in about a week but I'm frustrated that I can't might not be able to use my old camera for a backup.
Sep. 20 and Oct. 24 answer tomorrow
So I've been thinking...

about becoming a Forensic Nurse.

I researched some

and so far i've come to the conclusion

that I have to have my GED and be a Registered Nurse.

So I applied for Citrus College so I can do their LVN program.

Wedding is comin' biggrin

Can't wait love
SO let me tell you what is fuckin' irritating the shit out of me.

I moved out of this apt in Northridge in 2007. I was suppose to get my security deposit this past June. I didn't they told me that they wrote a big check with all our names (my roommates) and that no one would be able to cash it unless everyone was...
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Can you say.... JUDGE JUDY?

My feelings toward getting married.

I don't think that just because we get married that my social life will be over, that i'll never travel, finish school or have fun anymore as some people have said. Sure when I look at people like my parents i'm like yeah they're lives definitely went down hill and there were few good times. But they got married for...
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Giiirrrrl, i'm going to GURU your ass right now! smile

Let me tell you something coming from someone who got married younger than you, and has been now for 5 happy years.

Your social life does NOT have to change, you do NOT have to change, and NOTHING goes downhill unless one of you lets it. If i did not have Dave in my life, i honestly don't think i could go outside...or smile.... or even be whole again now that i have made that sacred act of marrying him. Nobody thought it was a good idea when i mentioned i wanted to go to Scotland to see him. They threw their 'red flags' in my face and said 'you're going half way across the world to meet someone who could be an axe murderer??' Do you think that made me feel confident? not at all. i felt deflated, scared, and i was second guessing myself.

After i saw him though, i never second guessed again. NOT ONCE.

I have outlasted my own mother in marriage years. she will no longer give ME advice smile

and i do NOT listen to anyone whose life i wouldn't want. why would you?

Kindred spirits. Soul mates. whatever you decide to call it, its beautiful, and (these days) rare, and unconditional, and eternal. Nobody should ever ever come down on someone who only wants to complete something as honest as you and Ryan have.

Marriage has a bad rap only because of things like lack of maturity, patience, and commitment. We are getting lazy, and losing faith in things like 'soul mates'. I find it completely bewildering when couples cheat on eachother. i absolutely do not get it. when i see a couple like you two, i see two people that will love eachother and care for eachother till the end of both their lives smile

point is: when you know, you know.

sorry so long girl, but i feel like i have been in your shoes--and i could've used this talk at that time blush
I look forward to the day
Today should be a busy day, I have six articles to write. And I've been volunteering at a PETCO cleaning kitty cages out. So I gotta go do that and be there by at least 11am. miao!!
So I wrote my sister an email...about me and Ry getting married on Oct. 24. It scares me...my sister loves to lecture.... eeek

And I cried... blackeyed
So does my wife... (not really) She says a lot of people like to lecture.
Hm.. can you elaborate? why did you cry? because you're scared to get married or because of your sister's lecture?
My Kitty is crazy..miao!! but i love her biggrin

My nephews are coming over today at 3:00pm....all I can say is.....O god. lol

i want her.