Since i weighed myself Wednesday. I've lost 3 lbs. Yay haha, at least it's something right? biggrin

My dream:

I wanna work for cosmopolitan.
Way to go chica, you're just gonna get hotter & hotter smile

can't wait to see you guys this next friday! w00t!!
progress is good
So i bought some diet pills to try to help me lose weight. I'm going to the gym too. The diet pills are called LIPO 6x i read some reviews nothing bad...other than one person said it did nothing for them. I'm willing to try. The bottle says to take two pills a day and eventually 4, two pills in the morning and two at...
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Aw look at you giving me a shout out. AWWWW!

i see so many people hitting the gym these days, including my cousin. a lot of people like it, i hated it! i do however, enjoy working out with my computer animated trainer named Brad, on the Wii Fit wink

high five on workin out, girl. as the red power ranger used to say, 'lets DO it!'

ooo aaa
I was taking diet pills for awhile, it really helped cut down my appetite. I wont say i was very health at that point of time but i looked damn good in jeans lol. Just be carefull with it and dont over do anything. I hated going to the gym but im thinking i might have to do something soon, im getting so out of shape.

hope you have a great birthday. Your so lucky you get to go to Copa... I missssss copa... Have fun :o)
So i'm taking two summer classes. I need to. I don't want to get behind in school. Financial aid is giving me some money for summer term. Which is cool. I still need to find a job frown

I'm gonna be 21 July 15th. Poor 21 year old. frown I feel depressed. frown

p.s. So what drinks would you guys all recommend i order if i go to...
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oh drinking...I really don't know what to think about you. I don't know I like tequilia
Hm.... Dan & Colleen used to make some damn good shots called Red Snappers. smile try lookin those up!

im more of a beer girl (as you know) so i'm a bit useless at naming off cool shots.

it will be exciting to turn 21, hopefully Kopa will give you a small taste of whats to come in YOUR future as a legal drinker! biggrin
So I went to a interview for a New torrid opening up at the Moreno Valley Mall. I got a second interview which is VERY exciting. I hope i get it. I would love to work there. Beckyuill and Dave are coming over today and should be here around 9pm. YAY drinks and rock band!! biggrin
thank you so much for the comments, it means alot to me smile
Ok so we know now that i am NOT Little Richard on the piano, nor am i Celene Dion with a mic.... but i can suuure tear shit up on a guitar when its set on easy! wink

had fun with you guys, till next time!!.....................
Hello all,

So i wrote 6 articles this week. 2 for Canyon-News and 4 for SFnews. They'll be published this Sunday the 8th. biggrin So I am currently still looking for a job. Still haven't found one and i'm losing hope. I have a 2nd interview with Macy's today. We'll see. I don't have much hope for the current job-less situation. frown
i hear you on that!
"It's a fine line between disaster and a good time."


someone else who likes Lifehouse.

how was prom??

ps.. guess what? (dave gave me a tattoo!)
Aww, well we miss you too! we'll hang again soon, i promise. maybe the first weekend of june or something? we'll see!

duuuuuude the bird. i LOVE it. i mean, i know its got its shaky lines and little things here and there but HEY! i be callin' his ass Kat Von Dave, you KNOW it!!!

whenever you guys want to bust on over, you are so welcome to take this baby on! (meaning the tattoo kit-not a real baby). who knows... you might have a knack for it shocked biggrin

oh and Ps. alone time with the boy is waaay more important (and even sexier!) than any prom smile
GUESS WHAT!!!! I Vanessa Rodriguez managed to get an Internship with a Newspaper!!!! (Canyon News, Beverly Hills) Yup! It is unpaid, at home but that's SOOOO totally alright. And it'll be 52 weeks of heaven. I will be writing, reporting, editing, and proof copy editing! Real stuff! That means my writings will actually be published, and under my name. Which will definetly help me build...
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So now that you're my new role model, you must tell me how you landed this job, so i can taste some of this sweet sauce you speak of! wink
I can't remember what it's called but it works on the hamstring and ass
So I quit my job at Home Depot about a week ago now. And although people say you should find a back up before any job i decided to just quit. I am feelin' the side effects. I've posted my resume everywhere and i've applied to every job opening i find. I've had several call backs and even a few interviews...no success. The economy sucks...
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I hated home depot too
I got money in the bank baby. You give me lovin's eh?
So I officially got a job at Home Depot as a cashier...mucho excited biggrin I train this weekend. Today I have to go and fill out some paper work. I got all my classes at Cal State San Bernardino. biggrin 4 classes 16 units. smile Soooooo happy about all that's going on. Finally life is just where I want it. I'm going to a 4 year university, I...
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Kitty isnt fat, hes fluffy. hehe.

Luvya lady love
Mr. kitty is being crazy. She eats and rips up my roses. lol lil' brat. She must be going thru a phase...because when we first had her she was calm and wasn't so crazy. Now she's crazy... haha...and being mischevious...big time. So me and Ry went to disney land yesterday and California adventure. It was fun...but i realized as i get old my love for...
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So my sister hates my new hair cut. lol I find it funny, she likes nothing that i do. My mom loves it, she says i look like a rockstar. haha, great compliment i'd say. So For anybody who takes the time to read my blogs and doesn't already know...my mom left my dad. And me and her are living in an apt. in Fontana,...
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I'm glad you had fun. Hopefully, we'll be able to visit some time this year.
family drama is always difficult, you just have to focus on what you do have. And this is pretty much the same thing i told skippy but if you have the one you love and that adorable little kitty of yours you can make it through. and yes she is so adorable :o) and i love the new hairdo, very sassy.... love
Hey guys,

haven't been on in a while. Tomorrow we go back home. I've been in New Orleans celebrating Mardi Gras with Ryan, Colleen and Dan biggrin Fun stuff. wink
it was good meeting you too
yeah he seemed to be having alot of fun out there on the dance floor, but his eyes were always on you :o)
yall were alot of fun to hang out, wish i would have had more time to spend with yall instead of always going to work.