Writer's block-..here is a classic that everyone seemed to luv.....enjoy ....I hope I can bring a smile to your face
I wake up in the middle of a bad dream and as the time goes by, the less and less I decide I want to stay up..I want to sit in the couch in the other room and ponder a few things as the...
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I wake up in the middle of a bad dream and as the time goes by, the less and less I decide I want to stay up..I want to sit in the couch in the other room and ponder a few things as the...
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here is my imaginationthe spaces between sighs and hopethe promises of something never fulfilled..with the exception of two entries, these wondrous tales of lust, love, hate, sex, everything I refuse to say if it ever happened or it willand those that know me well..you know your names.you will not have to go far to decipher the meaning to anything.to what I would gladly grant you...
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Tear_Garden said you were cool. I thought I used....... dots alot... Now not only am I not alone, but you've kicked my ass with your use of dots. Very cool writing style
I'll check on you again for sure!

For some particular reason I am feeling incredibly patriotic and incredibly sad. Perhaps it is becuase I was watching the DNC earlier and I was thinking about how lucky I am to be an American. How lucky I feel to have the luxury to not have someone I love in harm's way in the war. And, for a day, I can put away the self...
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dude, i am so waving an american flag in your direction right now. rock on.
Your entry made me think of this old folk song that was released during Nam and really resonated with me with this current Iraqi conflict:
See if you can Hear it some time. I like the Seeger version better.
It was back in nineteen forty-two,
I was a member of a good platoon.
We were on maneuvers in-a Loozianna,
One night by the light of the moon.
The captain told us to ford a river,
That's how it all begun.
We were -- knee deep in the Big Muddy,
But the big fool said to push on.
The Sergeant said, "Sir, are you sure,
This is the best way back to the base?"
"Sergeant, go on! I forded this river
'Bout a mile above this place.
It'll be a little soggy but just keep slogging.
We'll soon be on dry ground."
We were -- waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool said to push on.
The Sergeant said, "Sir, with all this equipment
No man will be able to swim."
"Sergeant, don't be a Nervous Nellie,"
The Captain said to him.
"All we need is a little determination;
Men, follow me, I'll lead on."
We were -- neck deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool said to push on.
All at once, the moon clouded over,
We heard a gurgling cry.
A few seconds later, the captain's helmet
Was all that floated by.
The Sergeant said, "Turn around men!
I'm in charge from now on."
And we just made it out of the Big Muddy
With the captain dead and gone.
We stripped and dived and found his body
Stuck in the old quicksand.
I guess he didn't know that the water was deeper
Than the place he'd once before been.
Another stream had joined the Big Muddy
'Bout a half mile from where we'd gone.
We were lucky to escape from the Big Muddy
When the big fool said to push on.
Well, I'm not going to point any moral;
I'll leave that for yourself
Maybe you're still walking, you're still talking
You'd like to keep your health.
But every time I read the papers
That old feeling comes on;
We're -- waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Waist deep! Neck deep! Soon even a
Tall man'll be over his head, we're
Waist deep in the Big Muddy!
And the big fool says to push on!
Words and music by Pete Seeger (1967)
[Edited on Jul 27, 2004 2:04PM]
See if you can Hear it some time. I like the Seeger version better.
It was back in nineteen forty-two,
I was a member of a good platoon.
We were on maneuvers in-a Loozianna,
One night by the light of the moon.
The captain told us to ford a river,
That's how it all begun.
We were -- knee deep in the Big Muddy,
But the big fool said to push on.
The Sergeant said, "Sir, are you sure,
This is the best way back to the base?"
"Sergeant, go on! I forded this river
'Bout a mile above this place.
It'll be a little soggy but just keep slogging.
We'll soon be on dry ground."
We were -- waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool said to push on.
The Sergeant said, "Sir, with all this equipment
No man will be able to swim."
"Sergeant, don't be a Nervous Nellie,"
The Captain said to him.
"All we need is a little determination;
Men, follow me, I'll lead on."
We were -- neck deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool said to push on.
All at once, the moon clouded over,
We heard a gurgling cry.
A few seconds later, the captain's helmet
Was all that floated by.
The Sergeant said, "Turn around men!
I'm in charge from now on."
And we just made it out of the Big Muddy
With the captain dead and gone.
We stripped and dived and found his body
Stuck in the old quicksand.
I guess he didn't know that the water was deeper
Than the place he'd once before been.
Another stream had joined the Big Muddy
'Bout a half mile from where we'd gone.
We were lucky to escape from the Big Muddy
When the big fool said to push on.
Well, I'm not going to point any moral;
I'll leave that for yourself
Maybe you're still walking, you're still talking
You'd like to keep your health.
But every time I read the papers
That old feeling comes on;
We're -- waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Waist deep! Neck deep! Soon even a
Tall man'll be over his head, we're
Waist deep in the Big Muddy!
And the big fool says to push on!
Words and music by Pete Seeger (1967)
[Edited on Jul 27, 2004 2:04PM]
Concord Hymn
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sung at the Completion of the Concord Monument, April 19th, 1836
By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April's breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.
The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept...
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Concord Hymn
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sung at the Completion of the Concord Monument, April 19th, 1836
By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April's breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.
The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept...
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For some particular reason I am feeling incredibly patriotic and incredibly sad. Perhaps it is becuase I was watching the DNC earlier and I was thinking about how lucky I am to be an American. How lucky I feel to have the luxury to not have someone I love in harm's way in the war. And, for a day, I can put away the self...
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serious lack of inspiration coming from the side of the monitor......my muse has decide for some fucking reason to shove me aside.....oh well...what can you do?.....there is only so much cock and cunt anyone can take right?......NO......that is not true.......you know me too well...I am a sick puppy through and through...even in the middle of these sentences...I am thinking about the cock I want to...
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It's all good, one of my friend's stopped by, and we, uhh, recovered.
im serious
i just havent done it yet- had chances but passed em up or the few girls i wanted (im picky iguess) didnt want me back
thats the way it goes sometimes
ive never tried being dead either
and if your serious about killing me
thats not cool
no death threats over the internet
you leave a huge trail
talk about changing your plans and your paperwork
you leave your electronic fingerprint everywhere
if your gona kill somebody
dont bother with the whole threat thing
do it the old fashioned Goodfellas way
invite them to a meeting
and have 4 dudes shoot em
thats what i .....,.
i see in movies
im serious
i just havent done it yet- had chances but passed em up or the few girls i wanted (im picky iguess) didnt want me back
thats the way it goes sometimes
ive never tried being dead either
and if your serious about killing me
thats not cool
no death threats over the internet
you leave a huge trail
talk about changing your plans and your paperwork
you leave your electronic fingerprint everywhere
if your gona kill somebody
dont bother with the whole threat thing
do it the old fashioned Goodfellas way
invite them to a meeting
and have 4 dudes shoot em
thats what i .....,.
i see in movies

I would fuck the shit out of him until he turns in to a raging homo
There's no real way for women to really learn about sex in our culture... There are articles about sex in women's magazines, but that's not the kind of information I'm after. There was this article in Cosmopolitan about How To Look Good In Bed with your lover. It was these tips like, if you put your arm under your breasts they're higher... or if you're...
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Oh man, you like Harold & Maude!? Le'me copy that to my list, I forgot all about it.
Great Quote. I think my sex faces suck but apparently they turn other people on. It is the whole getting into it factor.
oh and in the best words of Margaret Cho
"STICK IT IN!!!!!!!"

oh and in the best words of Margaret Cho
"STICK IT IN!!!!!!!"

heres to your mindless boredum
Yeah you did heh. Well my last journal entry you did 

I have been in a weird mood. The kind you really cant shake, the slow rattle of something that just constantly teases your brain..it is best to leave things for a while and then come back, put them in perspective you know? You ever feel stupid? Like incredibly stupid? Perhaps I keep setting myself up and it is bound to happen- I dont know how...
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I think living freely is a mind set wheither it be ignorance or just simply informed.
be aloof that will solve your problems sit back watch everyone fuck it up and then when you think you can you can find out again you cant.
[Edited on Jul 31, 2004 2:47PM]
pants around ankles....ready set GO!!