Well I'm back to school and that means busy, busy, busy. At least this year I'm sort of an upper classman. I would be a senior if it wasn't for stupid non transferable credits! I have to take a whole semester of bullshit courses just to have enough credits to graduate. I'm not even talking gen eds. I'm talking take whatever I want to fill...
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Glad the new job is working out. Ugh...9am classes. I so don't miss that. See you Sat.
Making lots of money?

Hello! It was wonderful seeing everybody at the Code Pink event on Saturday! I still can't believe I got on the bar top and danced like an idiot! I'm sure I looked silly but it was fun none the less. I only wish I could have stayed longer. It was nice to have some fun considering all the stress I've been under with school starting...
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tis soo much better than a handshake indeed!...feel free anytime to grab away lovely!

Ha ha! I have found someone to steal internet from! Who knows how long this will last for, though. So I went to a club yesterday for the first time in my life and all I could do was laugh. I mean, I understand why people go to them I but they are not for me at all. I don't like rubbing up on a...
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It was nice meeting you at Code Pink last night. I hope you had a good time there. I sure did.
A pleasure to meet you Saturday.
Haha. Just kidding. My last set won't be up until Sept. 17th.
we cant wait!!! 

Well I had to take a raincheck with the photographer because she couldn't find a babysitter. I'm super bummed but I'm hoping to reschedule the shoot this weekend! Although I didn't get to shoot with Sioux on Sunday the day wasn't a total loss because I got to play Bioshock for eight hours straight and drink with my friend Chad. The last set I shot...
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And you should be, you look great in it. Bioshock was a blast. When Bioshock 2 comes out we'll have to have another pizza/beer/video game marathon.
See ya Sat!
See ya Sat!
Not having internet sucks. I moved last month and have not yet set up any sort of internet access because, of course, I'm broke. But only for like one more week yay! Then I can post regularly and be more active on this site again. It's really frustrating because I submitted a set (keep your eyes open for it!) and I want to check when...
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I can't believe we sat and played Bioshock from beginning to end today with no break! Had a blast! See you next week.
have fun shooting with Sioux!
cant wait to see the results

I'm 21 yay! I didn't end up going out to all the Chicago bars on my 21st and actually stayed pretty sober throughout the day but it was still really fun. I saw Salome's burlesque performance which was really awesome. Salome did a really awesome job and all the girls were really talented. I look forward to checking out their performance next month. I had...
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My managers at Kohls took me out to get drinks at bars.
When I was a few months after my 21st birthday.
I think they felt sad for me because I never really got drunk.
Oh well they were nice dudes and they brought a cute co worker girl also.
I think they wanted us to hook up or something? But it was the most fun I ever had working at retail.
When I was a few months after my 21st birthday.
I think they felt sad for me because I never really got drunk.
Oh well they were nice dudes and they brought a cute co worker girl also.
I think they wanted us to hook up or something? But it was the most fun I ever had working at retail.

I haven't posted a blog in a while because I haven't had reliable internet at home. It takes me about thirty minutes to get five minutes of really shitty internet. Hopefully I will be able to be more active when I move into my next apartment in July and have better internet. Anyways, not much is going on with me. My twenty first bday is...
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Happy Birthday Beautiful!!!
Hope You Have A Wonderful B-Day!!!

Hope You Have A Wonderful B-Day!!!

no kidding? where is that stimulous check? im thinking it was a hoax at this point...

My last post was about ditching the mice and I am! I get to move today (well, two floors up). And that means party!!!!!!!!
I started a new group you might want to join: Bisexual Women of SG.

hello! hope all is well and that you had a lovely weekend 

AHHH! Down with mice! There are so many mice in my apartment and I want to move so bad! I don't know what to do anymore! I hope my leasing people better let me out of my lease! I'm afraid they're going to crawl on me and bite me in my sleep it's so gross! I dont know what to do anymore!
Yuck!! My garage was once infested with mice 'cos they were doing a lot of building around me and somehow they got in to get away from it. Then they started getting in the house. It took so long to get rid of them. Don't worry, they shouldn't bite you, they're too afraid. Just put out traps with peanut butter on them and zap the suckers!!

Happy St. Patty's Day weekend!!! I hope it is an enjoyable one! Unfortunately I have to work late and have midterms to study for, but I'm sure I can fit drinking in somewhere. I kicked it off with a few drinks last night. I also saw the movie "Doomsday" which I have to say is probably the goriest movie I've ever seen. The director really...
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Yeah, just saw Doomsday today. I enjoyed it...and think I will even more on repeat viewings. It was hard not to think of Escape from NY, Road Warrior, etc while watching it and so next time I'll be able to watch it more on it's own merits. I mean, c'mon, a movie made in 2008, taking place 30 years in the future, that uses Duran Duran's "Two Tribes" in a post apocalyptic car chase? Gotta love it.
But yeah, not as good as Descent or the very awesome Dog Soldiers which was his first flick. Still, a pretty damn good track record for Marshall so far.
Hope yo see you soon, been missin' ya.
But yeah, not as good as Descent or the very awesome Dog Soldiers which was his first flick. Still, a pretty damn good track record for Marshall so far.
Hope yo see you soon, been missin' ya.
have to see it. is it gorier than Braindead???

I want warm weather!!! Spring is so close!!! I'm finally going to be getting away from this shitty Chicago weather in less than two weeks when I go to Puerto Rico. Drinking while laying naked on the beach sounds like the perfect escape for me. It has been too long since I could (or could not) wear a bikini. And since I no longer work...
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You're lovely
You're going to look awesome with hot pink hair! Hey, WOWMS starts up again April 2nd!