Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in so long! Work has been keeping me busy and has had me repulsed by the computer by the time I get home each day. I got moved to the Product Strategy and Marketing team - which means I now get to write marketing materials in addition to my other writing - b/c NO ONE at my company can...
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1. What have you been reading lately? Batman/Superman #5 and Teen Titans #6

2. What have you been listening to lately?
Outkast and Jet

3. What have you been watching lately?
Smallville and Angel

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
All kisses for you sexy.

-Ash skull
Yah! We both like Eva..woohoo! kiss
So I finally got a picture up... Not the best, but it takes too fucking long to take take the pic with my digital video camera, import, save the frame, export, resize, resize some more, export again, etc... I need a regular digital camera. Then maybe I'll take some more pics...

Tomorrow's Halloween! skull We're having a party entitled The Absinthe and the Ecstasy - should...
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here's to hoping you get a good digi cam soon!!
the pic's great.

a belated welcome to SGs!!