Things seem to just keep getting worse.
I found out this morning that my cousin Emily passed away last night.
I wasnt very close with her, shes much older than I am, but its still tough to hear.
I had another fight with my cousin, I really need to get out of here.
My financial situation sucks, my love life is non-existent, I just feel... Read More
This week has been absolute shit, it has included, but was not limited to:
Horribly long stressful 11 hour work days, shit scheduling for my second job, a fight with my boss, a near falling out with my best friend, discovering how absolutely broke I really am, and a car accident in a new car that belongs to my douche bag cousin who will probably... Read More
Finally, I've convinced myself, and, not that it should really matter, everyone around me, that college just isnt for me.
I've called a few cosmetology schools in the area.
I should be starting soon.
This will be the boost I've been needing. I can't wait to start.... Read More
I dont know what my problem is, but everything and everyone seem to be annoying me more than usual lately.
I dont know if it's because of the added stress at home with my cousin, or what it is, but lately I've been way more content than usual just being at home alone.
I really enjoyed having the whole week with nobody else around.
Even... Read More
i had an amazing birthday. (except britney always seems to go a little crazy on my birthday...)
it will be so exciting when you get to move out!
i felt like you do now at the beginning of last year when i was back in new zealand. i couldn't wait to get away and i am so much happier now i am in australia!
it just took some patience (which i don't have a lot of! )
i'm always here if you wanna talk
I'm going gray sometime soon, I'll be back though.
Got hit with a tidal wave of financial strain and cant really renew at this very moment.
If you cant stand living without me, you can contact me via MySpace.
I went to camp out at the mall with my 2 friends to see The Jonas Brothers, because we're awesome and had nothing better to do and though it would be fun.
We lasted about 5 hours outside in the FREEZING cold and pouring rain before... Read More
Something really random that I really don't know why I though of but here it is. I just randomly remembered something about your birthday in 2008 and I found out that my final exams end the day before it [they're horribly late this year due to martin luther king day being late]...
2007 has come, and nearly gone.
Lets recap shall we?
Spent the first day of the year drunk off my ass with a bunch of good people.
Kissed a boy.
Said temporary goodbye to said boy.
Made up with said boy.
Got a tattoo.
Spent Valentines day alone.
Said temporary goodbye to my nose ring. "I love you but Im not sure I... Read More
- When you say "Kissed a boy" that code"ya know!?"
- I enjoyed reading your year-long round up. You summed it up quite nicely w/o going into massive details. I hope to see you guys soon...take care and be well, okies?
Seriously.. these weekends are the ones I live for.
Last night, my 2 friends and I were just hanging out, having some drinks, and my friend Jen from Maryland called me. Joking around she said.. "Come hang out with me!".. and well... WE DID!
We left Jersey at like 2 in the morning and got into MD at almost 5. Turned around and came back... Read More