Being sick blows chunks. I think I have a cold *and* allergies of some kind at the same time. I feel like my sinuses are going to come shooting out of my ears or something, whatever that means.

This sucks. It better be gone by my birthday on friday or I'm going to be super pissed. Oh and it turns out that I seem to...
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Mary had a little lamb,
she took it to her school.
They tied a brick around it's neck
and drowned it in the pool.

I should go out and cash a money order and do laundry and go to the post office and get some groceries etc..
It's so nice out. I feel queasy. I'm at home making bread and soup..I don't feel like...
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I got one for ya that I heard a while back...

Mary had a little lamb
And it was always gruntin'
She tied it to a picket fence
And kicked its little cunt in

Not mine, but funny... damn funny.
I'll be there and I'll be square (Masonic joke... nevermind).

WHAT?! No more sideburns?! Dude, it's like I don't even know you anymore... wink
It seems I had forgotten something. I like brunch. Brunch is good. I think there may be something slightly deviant about eating eggs and toast at 3 in the afternoon. In a nice way. It feels like going against the norms and mores (I just always wanted to use that word somewhere) about what and when we are supposed to eat. "Yes, I'm eating breakfast....
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I would eat brunch every day if I could. But then I would probably get sick of it. And become hugely fat and a candidate for a heart attack from all the grease and cholesterol and whatnot. Mmm, brunch.
Cocoa Krispies and chocolate milk... now *there's* a treat! Hell, I'm still upset that we can't get BooBerry or Frankenberry in Quebec anymore (and if we can, why wasn't I informed?!?!).

I checked out a wicked Fringe show on Saturday night (see my journal... err, sorry, it's Blog now). It was a burlesque show... LOTS of fun!

So, looking forward to this Friday? smile
Well, it finally happened. I guess everyone has to have a kind of crazy ex girl(or boy) friend in their life eventually...What an unpleasant ending this was...So yeah, I'm back on the market. Let the good times roll :-(
Well, I am moving tomorrow. Not far, 2 and a half blocks , give or take a little. I was looking at places in the Plateau, NDG (didn't really want to move back to NDG), Mile End, and then I found a cool place here in the pointe. 3 very laid back but seemingly quite responsible roomies, a non smoking , more or less vegetarian...
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UPDATE: So far, the OTHER roomie (the girl moving out in July) has given me a date, but the one originally scheduled to move has not. WTF?! So, um... if you want the place for July 1, she'll definitely be out by then, but the June thing is still up in the air. What a fucking flake. Can I kill them now?
Dude, I'm always up for a jam! Just let me know the time and place.

I was on the Point last night, actually, at the Canadian Legion (yes, it was a lodge thing). Lots of fun... good food, good beer, good company. Oh, and darts!

[Edited on Apr 30, 2006 9:35PM]
Revelation: I think I really like the Grateful Dead. Like so much that its all I've been listening to all day. I think my (Revised) purpose in life may be to be in a greatful dead cover band. On bass , most likely, since i"m nowhere near a good enough guitar player but I could pull off (most of ) the bass, not to poop...
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"D'oh!" about sums it up, that's for sure.
What the hell is wrong with Montreal drivers? Almost 25 years of dodging them left right and center and I still don't know. I wish I could push a button so all their horns would honk and do the mexican hat dance song or something. Maybe it would make someone smile and chill out a little. Geez, really. I mean pedestrians here are nuts too,...
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Technically did get hit, in the sense that car came in contact with myself..Just not head on. Man, I was not in a good mood after that (well except in light of having not been turned into a pile of chunky salsa, yeah, that was a plus) bok
Dude, dude, dude... you're posting my replies in your journal again. wink
How do I shrink the size of a picture (kb wise) so that its small enough to upload it here???

Hmm...I've never done a blog of any kind before. No , wait, that's a lie. I was in a band once which had a website..and some people who actually read it (!), and we had this idea that we would all do our own little blogs on the site. Of course it fizzled out because it seems you end up writing things simply for the...
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ive been on this thing for a couple of years i think. it was a former girlfriend of mine who introdued me to it. Anyhoo, i am still at the pretzel mill and working sporadically doiong some catering as well. I'm probably just not there at the right times when you pass by. Music is on hold, my band the Spillers is on hold cause the band leader is in central american till june and JC is off tree plangint for the summer (but we will play without him cause we did get a gig lined up for some folk festival - ormstown? )..hey we may be in need of a banjo player to fill out the sound. Also |No Barbers Required is on hiatus till our bass player comes back in may from working on a cruise ship. You'll really have to finally come out and hear us. I usually go to the grumpyos bluegrass jams (now on thursdays - much better than mondayS)....whats new with you?

i think i saw good steve at brutopia on st pattys but i was pretty wasted nad i dont think i said hi. Im moving from the pointe to either the plateau or st henri in a few weeks. Need new (cheap) digs.


[Edited on Apr 07, 2006 7:52PM]
(just as an FYI... when you reply to someone, put your response in their journal. It's easier to know when you get back to them... wink

Yeah, it's been pretty much same old, same old for me. Still working at the same place and still playing the banjo, though, I'm not playing with anyone at the moment... it's funny, I practice more when I'm not in a band. Anyhoo... I'd like to get back into a band, though. I remember talking with JC awhile back (it was one of those we-should-get-a-band-going conversations musicians have after having a few beers). But JC expressed interest in doing more folk and country than I'd be interested in. I like classic country just fine, but don't find much of a place for a 5-string picker like me. I especially don't want to play folk... Being a purist limits who I play with and who plays with me. I have gotten more open minded, however... I've always been into rockabilly and lately, I've been thinking about getting a hybrid rockabilly/bluegrass thing happening... It'd be pretty cool, I think... kind of like rockin' rockabill with banjo. It'd be awesome.