Do me a favor, check out my new band at myspace.com/atomdance. Listen to "the Traveler" and let me know what you think.
OH it's Boppy not Bobby.
lyric's been sick for the past couple of days and i havent been to work yet this week. She woke up Monday morning and threw up all over her bed and she's been carrying a fever ever since. I think I may have to bring her to a doctor somewhere out here. Poor thing crapped her pants yesterday. I went into work this morning and...
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Why? Do I sound interesting? Cuz, I'm not. At least you were thinking of me. wink
hope she gets better smile
tell me a secret
I miss you guys a lot.

I had a dream last night/this morning, that my mom called and said she didn't want to move to mississippi, that she wanted to move to the Midwest. puke

I am so sorry about not being able to talk to you the last couple of days. The girl Rachel at work came Friday for me to braid her hair for my party last night. Which was fun. But still missed you guys.

OH and... This is weird

Jeez, look at his teeth...he's got horse-mouth.

I have no secrets that you don't already know. It's strange that I don't open up to people that I know, but I have no problem telling my woes and weirdness to someone I've never met...I guess you're just cool like that. kiss

Sorry about not being around this morning to chat at you, I'm excited about that though. I was gonna call you after my audition today, but I don't have your number anymore...you never gave it to me after the whole Katrina fiasco.

Oh shit...I almost forgot, I'm in a band now!!! My talent muscle will atrophy no further. I'll send you one of the discs they have. I'm gonna start playing out next month (they've given me that long to get my shit in gear.).

I'm home all day tomorrow...feel free to hit me up if you still wanna.
answer these...

1) What stickers do you have on your car, if any? i dont have a car anymore...got flooded... frown

2) What posters do you have in your room? none in the bedroom...we have alot of Graphic design posters around the computer and Radiohead, and some misc DJ posters near our "music" area of thge living room...

3) What do you hear right now? refrigerator...
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1) What stickers do you have on your car, if any? Element, and an old NIN sticker.

2) What posters do you have in your room? Misfits "Bullet" EP cover, A big portrait of Dali, and about 30 of my paintings

3) What do you hear right now? The computer's processor

4) If you could drink anything right this second, what would it be? Corona w/ Lime

5) Does anything hurt on your body right now? My back and my mind

6) Ever take candy from someone? Hell yes, strangers.

7) Whats your job position called? Asst. Engineer, Cook

8) What size ring do you wear? I don't know

9) Do you own a camera phone? Yes, and i take great pictures with it. tongue

10) Whats your birthday? April 10th

11) What was your elementary schools mascot? Viking

12) Whats your favorite bottled water? Aquafina

13) What's the next concert/show you're going to and when? Between the Buried and Me this Saturday (3rd)

14) What were you doing at 9 pm last night? Eating more Vicodin and watching Resevoir Dogs

15) Whats your favorite Starbucks drink? I prefer the Coffee Beanery.

16) Describe your sex life? More like sex death.

17) Did you attend your High School prom? yes

18) Did you go to someone elses prom? No

19) Would you give your bf/gf a second chance? Not the last one...or the one before that....you know what?...no.

20) Something red within 5 feet of you: A red feather boa (don't ask)

21) Your last bag of chips? dont eat chips

22) The weirdest thing you've seen this week? My little sister pulled the hood of her sweatshirt down over her face and wiggled her body as she pressed her forehead on me (she said she was a sperm and i was the egg).

23) Ever done the Electric Slide? yesterday

24) How much French do you know? Je voir un banan...that's it.

25) Sparkly things? The Christmas tree? Um...

26) Ever crash a car, been in accidents? Never

27) Do you look good in yellow? Never tried.

28) Do you sing? Yes...and fantastically, i might add.

29) Ever sang in front of a crowd? At the park over the summer, with my acoustic guitar.

30) Do you dance? If i'm drunk...i mean, i can dance but i have to be drunk to get out my "moves" yo.

31) Is your hair its natural color?Yes

32) Do you exercise as much as you should? More than i should

33) Favorite kind of pizza? River's edge Hawaiian pizza...it's baddass

34) Ever had Dippin Dots? no

35) Ever make fun of a homeless person? Everyday, my best friend is homeless and it's all in good fun. I'd never make fun of somebody that has no choice in the matter though.

36) How old were you when you got a cell phone? 16

37) How old were you when you got your first car? 14
38) How many tickets do u have? none

39) How long have you been driving? 16

40) How many parking tickets? None

41) Do you own your own car? Soon i will

42) Do you want to get married? yes

43) At what age do you want to get married? whaterver age i am when i fall in love.

44) Have you ever been married? nope

45) Have you ever received a restraining order? nope

46) At what age do you want to have kids? As soon as i have the stability to take care of myself i'll think about children

47) How many kids? at least 2.

48) Ketchup or Mustard? N/A

49) When is the last time someone deleted you from their SG friends list? A week ago, it was an accident (she said....)

50) How many times a week are you on SG? Christ, everyday. I check my e-mail, checkout SG, and then I check out MySpace...I'm an internet junkie.

That was way longer than my list....
Did you get my e-mail?

Ps. I missed your reclusive self.
er.... i dont know if i will answer any of that... you were there for most.... and well.. it's long...

I tried to call you....
tonight's menu:

stir fry veggies
grilled chicken breast and avacado
broccoli and cheese rice

tonight i drink martini's...straight up...dirty...olives soaked in vermouth...kettle one vodka...

tonight i listen to:
The Smiths
Rabbit in the Moon
and whatever dnb justin decides to put on

tonight i'll smoke cigarettes, stay up late, hopefully make love, and pass out dreaming of home all the way to the...
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Are you still alive? frown
Missed you and stopped by.
Hope things are going well.
Take care.
well...guess what? justin and i have decided to go back home...

for those of you who are not aware, we moved to oklahoma after hurricane katrina shook us all up and spit our home out....but after being here on the buckle of the bible belt, working a job that, as it turns out, is BULLSHIT!, we've decided we're going to ride out the rest of...
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Send me your number, cutie mc cute haircut!
oh my!
heading back?
i really really really need to update but i dont want to talk about anything that we did without posting some pics so...since i was tagged by the ever wonderful minxtamer...here is 20 things about me....not neccessarily interesting but well...

1. I am allergic to anything peanut. I wont like die or anything but i will get blisters all over my mouth. some of...
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u miss peanuts? you allergic.. or like the peanut gang? tongue

thanks, yeah i hope i can get discounts.. hehe...
im sure they wont care about hair, but i want to make a good impression , then ill see if they will allow hair color after!
i hate getting back a soggy cig...

and thanks for the words of wisdom!
to day was justin's birthday, i got him a gift certificate to Guitar Center...thinks he might get a phat keyboard...

work was long today...when we got home j and I fell asleep on the floor and i dreamt about work. it was that kind of day. my job had invaded my subconcious and will probably rob me of any interesting dreams tonight...

well, i have...
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Hey Darling! Thanks for the kind words left on my page. I hope you are feeling some sense of normalcy since the passing of all these storms... Be safe.
Sounds like you found the perfect job.
Sorry about Bush, not sure what the hell he is up to.

See you in the next entry! tongue

this is such bullshit! that little fuckin short-man's-disease-weasly-pencil-dicked-ass-fuck-of-a-president. damn if i didnt see it all going down hill when that fucker won. and now, something i pay for, with my FUCKING MONEY, has been restricted from me?! like i'm some sort of child that requires supervision?! mutha-fuck i am pissed! I go through my favorites pics, and my absolute favorites, benny and apnea, fucking...
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I am...believe it or not, homesick. I miss the familiarity and very much feel fish out of water...not that i particularly wanted to be trapped in the water...

it was strange when we left for the last time. it was final. my apartment i called home for 2 years, my city, my job, the people i knew...i was driving away from it and bawling like...
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OMG....this is the cutest fucking thing that i've have ever seen, no shit.

btw: i stole that from Shaneka's journal.

[Edited on Oct 17, 2005 12:38PM]
Sorry I havent been available as of late. I really do miss you and wish you the best. I hope everything works out for you. I cant seem to get through to you on your cell. You can call me any time you want.
holy crap i have internet access again!!! Woo hoo! Its been fucking forever! I would do the whole run down and what have you about whats been going on and what not...oh and i wouls also surf all of your wonderful comments and reply, but fuck is it late! I need to go to bed. I just spent an hour on the phone with the...
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JESUS!! You have access!!

I want pictures of the new place and you guys.
Welcome back!

Hope all is going well, I can't wait to hear how you are settling in.

Sleep well, see you when you get up!