Five-Minute fiction - 14:18-14:23

Pog dropped to the floor and scampered across the ruined stones of the floor to the shadow of a large pillar that had ben toppled. His feet scattered loose stone and grit as he hurried. His cloak wafted casting strange shadows as the light from the tip of his finger danced to and fro. He heard the scrape of boots behind...
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Five-Minute fiction - 14:35-14:40

Digger didnt like holes, despite the fact that he possessed the nickname digger. The ridiculous of the nickname extended to the fact that he, in fact, did not like being underground at all. He supposed he could dig something as in enjoying it but that wasnt exactly something that was commonly associated with the word dig. Hed much have preferred something...
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Five-Minute fiction - 20:00-20:05

Janson stared into the amber pool of liquid that was his beer and thought back on his life. It wasnt a particularly great life, but you could say it was one of substance. Hed done his fair share of the heavy lifting when it came to difficult things, but as of now hed been reduced to this, just sitting and staring...
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Five-Minute fiction - 13:26-13:31

The image on the monitor flickered into focus, but the thick coat of dust that covered the monitor, and most everything else in the chamber made the image still appear to be blurry. Scurry wiped the screen clean with a swipe of his hand and fought back the urge to retch as his hand came away covered in a thick film...
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i feel like its been forever since weve talked...how have u been??
Five-Minute fiction - 00:10-00:15

Dominic slid down the embankment, the dew-slick grass leaving a a trail down the back of his uniform. His boots sunk into the muddy water at the bottom of the ditch but he was up and running before he even noticed the squelching. Voices rose from the edge of the woods, more than a dozen distinct tones cried out as they...
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Five-Minute fiction - 00:07-00:12

The cool night air blew in as Jenaleze slipped through the window and slid quietly to the stone floor of the corridor. Her eyes scanned first one way then the other before she tugged firmly on the rope that hung down from above. There was an answered tug and the rope began to flap to and fro as another figure descended...
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Five-Minute fiction - 02:35-02:40

Ahhh, thank you Thomas, Ive not heard a tone like that in a snore before. Perhaps, given your well-rested state you would be willing to provide the answer to the question? Mr Anderson said as he turned and woke Thomas with a harsh cough.

In fact, Mr Anderson, I cant. I missed the question entirely due to the soporific effect of...
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Five-Minute fiction - 22:45-22:50

The ancient peoples called it the Arch of the Infinite, and little is known about its origins. The stone ring is worn, the edges chipped and cracked with age and travel, but the stone itself is not fragile.

How it came to be possessed by the Enemy is unknown, but the legends speak of a quest, and of noble heroes led...
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Five-Minute fiction - 23:42-23:47

The ring of stone hung suspended in the air. The mirror-black surface of the liquid core undulated silently. It flexed, and rippled like the still water of a pond. Stamrin stood beneath it, staring up into the infinite blackness above him, and his reflection stared back. The mirror-image was perfect in almost every detail. The small scar under his right eye...
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Five-Minute fiction - 22:49-22:54

I need you to me Compton, right now, Walton said.

Sir? Ronuly said as he saluted half-heartedly. Walton smiled, he liked that many of the men who served in his unit were wary of the command structure. It added character to the men, and made them seem relatable, almost human. With the shield up any communication from the ground is impossible....
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Five-Minute fiction - 23:55-00:00

There are things going on here that Id rather not think about, Walton said as the door to the elevator hissed closed. I want that floor secured and any of those idiots who let Sheperd go in there, and didnt die, to be sequestered until departure. I dont need their incompetence endangering the mission, understood?

Capley nooded. The sergeant wasnt a...
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Five-Minute fiction - 23:18-23:23

Who exactly is she then? Walton said as he stepped back from the monitor.

We dont exactly know, Sheperd said. There arent that many files on any of the servers. It seems like the facility is completely isolated.

Walton leaned back in and stared at the girl in the monitor. She was seated on a metal chair her hands in her...
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