Hey guys, I need a little help with an illustration project. The topic is the question of whether or not our society has become too connected. What are innapropriate times to talk on a cell phone? Such as while having sex, public restroom, a preist in a confessional, etc...

If you can think of any other good instances let me know. Much appreciated.
while cleaning up after a murder
Don't listen to them, they're a bunch of piss taking bastards (who I have the good fortune to know in RL). They're actually taking the piss out of me.

They wouldn't know a good piece of fan art if it ass raped them.

And I, love it. I wouldn't have posted it in my blog if I didn't. You're proportions are not 100% realistic, but I adore that, it's part of your stylization. I wouldn't have a bigger head, for anything. kiss
Spent a good part of my day editing a hopeful Teek set. I think it's good. And, if it isn't good enough, I've got a bunch of reference for paintings. So it's a win/win for me. smile
You're so handy to have around! love
Either way, you did a great job on the pictures.
I am... intrigued. Irritated, maybe? Actually, truth be told, I don't know what I am at the moment. I was scanning the internet, you know, cruising the normal hotspots, when I stumbled across something I didn't neccesarily expect to stumble across. It left me feeling rather raw. (Raw's a good word, I suppose. As good as any, really.) Deep pangs of... jealousy? Anger? Rage? Malice?...
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You could draw me.

And diito on the feeling uninspired. *sigh*

Yeah, I saw that picture when I got home last night and thought I'd give it a shot... But I was dead tired last night (hooray for fourteen hours of sleep...) and didn't get a chance. Today's a new day though, right?
Guy from the Art Institue Schools called me today. He wants to drive up and interview me on Saturday. I was feeling good 'cause my animation teacher asked me to bring him a copy of my final ('cause he loved it) and foolishly agreed. I need to call him back tomorrow and cancel.
Shut it, I bet it's awesome, you tart. tongue
I got one of those mail in art tests from the Art Instruction Schools.... smile I guess I get to find out if I have what it takes to be an artist. My favorite question on here; "How much time could you devote to art study each week?" Lets see... twenty-four hours in a day, seven days in a week, take out three hours a day...
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Dude! Love the sketches... I'm dying to learn how to get my drawing skills up to your par (lol, I know it takes hours of continuous drawing). Great work man!

JP wink
I hate power naps. In the past 36 hours I've slept for approximately five hours, and even that, I fear, may be a gross over-estimation. My problem, aside from suffering from insomnia, is that I sleep extremely deeply. I get into that good, deep, regenerative sleep much quicker than the average individual, so, even though I'll go 20 hours without sleep, two and a half...
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ya man, i know how the lack of sleep thing is going

happy birthday though
Wow, you are incredibly and awesomely talented
T-minus four weeks and counting until I acheive freedom from scholastic oppression. surreal