It's mind boggling to me that one sentance can change the course of your day/mood/and anything that was happening RIGHT before that sentance entered your sphere of consciousness.
sushi was gooooood mmm. it feels like spring and that gives me hope. i cant wait to go down south and be in the warmth and kynd company of all the amazing people. its gonna be so much fun, who wants to come with me? i'm so glad i bought a car for ME. i'm still sad about that thing with that person but it... Read More
when the weather changes into the beginning of new life i miss you. maybe it's because you were the one that made me myself, you made me the seed, into me the flower. when i feel like i dont belong, that im not a part of the pretty people i remember every word you told me, and i miss it so much i cry. when... Read More
It's so easy to let the past run the future. the whole point is to be open to the moment at all times. That never seems to change.
Knowing it and doing it are two different things.
The fool thinks he has won a battle when he bullies with harsh speech,
but knowing how to be forbearing alone makes one victorious.
Samyutta Nikaya I, 163
By amending our mistakes, we get wisdom.
By defending our faults, we betray an unsound mind.
The Sutra of Hui Neng
Om Gate Gate Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha
which means....
"Om gone, gone, gone beyond, gone completely beyond; praise to enlightenment" or
"Om Beyond, beyond, totally beyond, perfectly beyond: Awakening ....Yes!"
those are heart mantras, i like them.
april 8th is buddhas birthday.
so steve is really mean. he never gave back what i lent him, it would take 2 seconds but he just wont do it. am i that low on his todem pole, am i even ON his todem pole? why did he have to be like this, why when i think so fucking highly of people and just am bewildered at their enlightened views, mind... Read More
lately ive been feeling sick
thinking about how i fucked you, you prick
i lied when i said i only wanted your dick
you already k new so i did not admit
why was i such a joke
you gave me the power not to toke
after you came inside me iawoke
theres more to me than being timid
and calling me that, made me... Read More
so when RecordandPlay told me to listen to Jerry sing and smoke a bowl, she was sort of right. the words and voice comfort me like a warm old quilt you love and cherish. Mourning Dew recently is my obsession. So this is part of it....
where have all the people gone my honey
where have all the people gone today
theres no need for... Read More
seldom are the floating times
open windows with open blinds
somehow you got in through there
but im alot to handle
so please beware
pink undies and rabbit ears
love is still my biggest fear
a chilling soothness you project
this is all fragile
but i'm here to protect
JBT? My friend works with them.
*found your journal entry on the front page)..